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Discover the hope we have in Christ
If you’re a Christian, you have something our world is in desperate need of. Be sure to listen in today as our hosts explain how the hope that we have can attract people living in a hopeless world.
Scripture as a source of encouragement
When life becomes hard to handle, we all need words of encouragement to keep us going. Need to hear some words of hope? Tune in today to “Discover the Word” as we continue our series on the Missing Ingredient.
Where is lasting hope?
No one enjoys going through hard times, but God’s Word shows us that it’s in seasons of suffering that we find lasting hope. Join us today on “Discover the Word” for another eye-opening conversation.
Finding hope in the midst of discouragement
Life can be disappointing at times. So where do we turn for hope? Today on “Discover the Word,” we consider our only true source of hope during dark times: the encouragement of Jesus’ resurrection!
Discover the most important ingredient in a Christian’s life
It’s been said you can live 40 days without food, 4 days without water, 4 minutes without air. But you can’t live 4 seconds without hope. Join our brand new series on “Discover the Word” as we discover our hope of Christ.
Heart Of Joy
While waiting in the gate area of Singapore’s Changi Airport to board my flight, I noticed a young family—mom, dad, and son. The area was crowded, and they were looking for a place to sit. Suddenly, the little boy began loudly singing “Joy to the World.” He was about 6 years old, so I was pretty impressed that he knew all the words.
Hope Lives
When unspeakable tragedy shatters people’s lives, they search for answers. Recently, a mother who had lost a teenager said to me, “I can’t figure it out. I don’t know if I can believe anymore. I try, but God doesn’t make sense to me. What does it all mean?” There are no easy answers to such big concerns. But for those who have trusted Christ, there is hope—whether we are basking in blessings or grinding through grief.
What Does It Mean to Hope?
I recently bought a pair of shoes online. Naturally, I waited in great anticipation for the shoes to arrive—like kids do when anticipating the arrival of Santa on Christmas Eve. (Okay, it’s just an analogy; I don’t actually believe in Santa Claus.) Every morning, I would check the delivery status and hope to receive the […]
When Death Hits Us Hard
Written By Jes Nuylan, Philippines Just a week ago, I received a text message that left me shell-shocked. One of my friends from high school had passed away from heart failure—he was only 18. It didn’t help that my schoolmates and I were still recovering from the death of another of our friends on December […]
Why I Didn’t Give Up on Hope
By Michele Ong, New Zealand I once held a very dim view of the word “hope”. It sounded wishy-washy to me. If hope was personified, it would be a weak-willed doormat with no opinions of its own. To hope was to foolishly cling to the belief that someone would grant your wish after you threw […]
What Hope is There Six Feet Under?
Written By Amy Ji, Singapore To be honest, death really scares me, though not in the same way I get scared by horror movies and flying cockroaches. It’s the uncertainty of death I find absolutely frightening—there is no way of knowing when the “unwanted visitor” is going to come a-knocking, and no way of bolting […]
Pain With A Purpose
I asked several friends what their most difficult, painful experience in life had been. Their answers included war, divorce, surgery, and the loss of a loved one. My wife’s reply was, “The birth of our first child.” It was a long and difficult labor in a lonely army hospital. But looking back, she said she considers it joyful “because the pain had a big purpose.”
A Gift Of Hope
When a powerful typhoon swept through the city of Tacloban, Philippines, in 2013, an estimated 10,000 people died, and many who survived found themselves homeless and jobless. Necessities became scarce. Three months later, while the town was still struggling to dig itself out from the destruction, a baby was born on a roadside near Tacloban amid torrents of rain and strong wind. Although the weather brought back painful memories, residents worked together to find a midwife and transport the mother and newborn to a clinic. The baby survived, thrived, and became a symbol of hope during a time of despair.
After 17 years of being addicted to drugs and alcohol, chasing women, dropping out of college, and a failing music career I found comfort in scripture and Narcotics Anonymous. In rehab, a guy started reading Proverbs in groups. Another one of my counselors directed me to Romans 8. Building upon my Christian foundation from childhood, I now have a job, work as an archivist for Alcoholics Anonymous, speak to other addicts, go to church, and have devoted my life to spreading the good news of Jesus's love and forgiveness.
While visiting a local "sober" hang out, I picked up a copy of Our Daily Bread. Its stories help build my spiritual growth every time I read it. I enjoy sending in small donations to help further their cause. I thank God for people who actively spread the word of God to people like me who were once hopeless, desperate, and in need of God's grace and mercy. Today my life has meaning, purpose, and direction. My new life is based on God's love! Thank you for your daily message!! It helped save my life!