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    God, Give Me A Husband Who Loves Washing Dishes!

    Embarrassing as it is to admit, the title of this article had in fact been a prayer of mine.

    I had only been a Christian for a short time then and was encouraged to pray for my future marriage, I listed out 10 items I expected in my “ideal husband.”

    When Half My Home Burned Down

    17 September 2015 is a day I will never forget. On that day, my aunt’s house was burned down in a fire accident.

    Finding God in the Midst of Unemployment

    Waiting on God is not easy. It’s not like waiting in line at the bank or a department store where you can see the length of the line and the end goal—the teller or the cashier.

    Rejection Drove Me in the Right Direction

    As the youngest child, I’m often teased and called the little princess of the family. But the truth is that when I was growing up, it was often difficult for me to get my mother’s attention.

    3 Ways to Worship God During Tough Times

    Last year was a tough one for me. It started off great—I went to my first-ever Christian conference in February, and it was amazing. Everything I heard and saw at the conference encouraged me, challenged me, and filled my heart with a deeper realization of God’s love for us.

    4 Ways to Know It’s Time to Move On to Marriage

    Our relationship was unusual from the very start. I came from Mexico, and Brian lived in the United States, but we ended up meeting in Hong Kong while working in ministry at the same church. Along with romantic interest in each other, our attraction sprung from a mutual pull towards missions.

    When Social Media Determined A Teen’s Death

    On 13 May 2019, 16-year-old Davia Emilia from Malaysia posted on social media expressing her weariness at life. Via an Instagram story, she requested that her followers vote on whether she should continue living or die.

    Depressed—At the Height of My Success

    I’ve always been on the quest for love. I was born in a non-Christian family and didn’t know about God, so I turned to the media to define love for me.

    3 Challenges to Worshipping God in a World of Choices

    I love worshipping God and spending time with Him.

    Every morning, I try my best to set aside time to worship God through prayer, music, Bible study, and journaling.

    When We Settle for Less Than Rest

    I am as guilty as anyone of cramming way too much into my schedule. It’s not that I have a problem saying “no”—I do that regularly—it’s that I just enjoy living a full life.

    3 Questions to Ask When You’re Dating

    Dating can be such a thrilling adventure, especially since it might possibly lead to marriage! However, before we even step into a relationship, there may be many questions in our minds. For instance, how can I know that I’m ready for a relationship?

    Another School Shooting: How Many More Tuesdays Will I Read About Senseless Killings?

    On 30 April 2019, a gunman burst into a lecture hall on University of North Carolina Charlotte’s campus on the last day of classes for the semester. The students were giving final presentations when the gunman started shooting. Two individuals were killed as a result, and one of them died tackling the shooter in an attempt to stop him.

    Learning to Trust God in the Desert

    When I first started dating the woman who would eventually become my wife, my pragmatic and decisive nature got the better of me, and I declared to her, “I am called to missions, and I will eventually leave; are you? If not, I think we don’t have to explore this relationship further.”

    Avengers: Endgame—Is It Really the End?

    I remember walking out of the theatre after watching Avengers: Infinity War last year in a daze.

    The good guys had lost.

    Sri Lanka Easter Bombings: How Should We Respond?

    I was at my packed church on Easter Sunday (Apr 21) in the central hills of Sri Lanka when a friend told me that bombs were going off at church services around the country.