Discovery Series | Our Daily Bread Ministries

  • Ministry > Discovery Series

    Windows on Christmas

    Experience the Christmas story in a new way! Join Our Daily Bread author Bill Crowder as he highlights history that points us back to God’s heart for humanity.

    Making Decisions God’s Way

    Are you afraid you’ll step out of the will of God? Are you making decisions fearful He’ll be disappointed in you? The good news is that God’s desire for you is laced with love and grace. In Making Decisions God’s Way, you’ll discover what the Scripture reveals is God’s will …

    Understanding the Bible: The Letters of Paul

    When writing to churches and individuals, the apostle Paul’s letters were filled with practical instruction for daily living as well as deep, theological insights. Understanding why Paul wrote these letters helps us to apply these truths to our lives in light of the gospel. Let’s take a few moments to …

    Understanding the Bible: The Wisdom Books

    God created us with the ability to make choices. But He also offers wisdom to help us make good ones. In this booklet, you’ll glean from the Old Testament books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job. Learn why wisdom is directly connected to your relationship with the Lord, and find insights …

    Biblical Meditation

    Experience God’s peace, empowered prayer, and spiritual growth as you reflect on His goodness from the pages of the Bible. In this booklet, you’ll learn how reading, studying, and meditating on God’s Word will transform your life. Gain wisdom and a deeper connection with God through rehearsing Scripture daily. Be …

    I Am the Way

    Let the astonishing words of Jesus penetrate your heart and draw you closer to Him. In Jesus’s time the magnitude of His claims were astonishing to the people around him, especially the religious leaders of the day. There’s no better source for understanding who Jesus is than the statements he …

    Words Matter

    Your words are powerful. They can be used to improve or worsen any situation depending on how you use them. Fortunately, the Bible helps us explore the strength of our words and how we should speak—with wisdom. Carefully speaking your thoughts with godly wisdom will encourage others, solve problems, and …

    One of Us

    Jesus coming to earth is more than the story of a baby in a manger. It is God’s intimate pursuit to have a deeper connection with His creation. In One of Us you’ll learn that God took on skin in the person of Jesus and became one of us so …

    Understanding the Bible: The Book of Acts

    The book of Acts is part two of the compelling story of Jesus and reveals how the church was established in spite of extreme opposition. In Understanding the Bible: The Book of Acts, you’ll discover how the Old and New Testaments together present Christianity as a continuation of God’s plan …

    When Suicide Strikes

    Every 30 seconds, the worst kind of death is leaving brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, friends asking “why?” Every 30 seconds, somewhere on the globe someone’s life ends by their own hands. Al Hsu lost his father to suicide. He’s tasted the pain of distorted grief. In this booklet, Al chronicles …