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    How biblical gentleness is the foundation of true strength

    By the world’s standards, gentleness is a weakness, not a virtue! We’ve been taught it’s imperative we stand up for ourselves. Discover that biblical gentleness is not a sign of being feeble—it’s the foundation of true strength! We’re talking about one of the fruits of the Spirit.

    Discover how kindness is actually a substantial quality we can really sink our teeth into!

    “The fruit of kindness” sounds a bit mushy, doesn’t it? Of all the godly fruit to cultivate, kindness seems to be the weakest of the bunch. More from our study on the fruit of the Spirit.

    Discover biblical ways to cultivate patience

    Whether it’s standing in line, waiting in the doctor’s office, or putting up with people who push our buttons, we have plenty of opportunities to develop patience. But it still seems to be the hardest fruit of the Spirit to grow! It’s an important fruit for spiritual health!

    Discover the power of joy regardless of what you face

    Our feelings are often dictated by our circumstances. When things are good, we’re happy. But when things fall apart, we often feel miserable. Let’s say there’s a fruit of the Spirit that can offers gladness, regardless of what we face.

    Discover the purpose of the fruit of the Spirit

    You can hold an apple in your hand, and admire its color, size, and smell. But you’ll never know how good that apple is unless you take a bite! Hear a fascinating study on the fruit of the Spirit.


    Amani, which means “peace” in Swahili, is the name of a Labrador retriever pup that has some special friends. Amani lives with two young cheetahs at the Dallas Zoo. Zoologists placed the animals together so the cheetahs could learn Amani’s relaxed ways. Since dogs are generally at ease in public settings, the experts predict that Amani will be a “calming influence” in the cheetahs’ lives as they grow up together.

    Learn how to “embrace the power of embers”

    We want to be a brightly burning fire for God every day. So when we cannot sustain that intensity, we end up feeling guilty. Discover why we don’t need to be on fire all the time to enjoy a passionate faith.

    3 Statements during Outreach that Stumped Me

    Two years ago, my church opened a class for non-believers to explore the beliefs of the Christian faith. In all honesty, we were not sure who would come. But class after class, we were surprised by the diversity and number of persons interested. People of varied ages and […]

    Timely Words

    You may have heard the adage, “Timing is everything.” According to the Bible, good timing applies to our words and speech too. Think of a time when God used you to bring a timely word to refresh someone, or when you wanted to speak, but it was wiser for you to remain silent.

    A Faithful Helper

    As a young boy, my father had to deliver slop to hungry pigs on the farm where he grew up. He hated this job because the hogs would knock him over when he entered their pen. This task might have been impossible except for a faithful helper who accompanied my dad—a German shepherd named Sugarbear. She would maneuver herself between my father and the pigs and hold them back until my dad finished his chore.