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    Why Comparing Can be Dangerous

    I won’t deny that I often compare myself with others, including family members and friends. Such moments make me realize that there are so many people out there who have talents and skills that far exceed my own, and which I may never be able to attain, try as I might.

    He Found Me

    The film Amazing Grace was set in the late 1700s. It tells the story of William Wilberforce, a politician who was driven by his faith in Christ to commit his money and energy to abolishing the slave trade in England. In one scene, Wilberforce’s butler finds him praying. The butler asks, “You found God, Sir?” Wilberforce responds, “I think He found me.”

    The Bible pictures humanity as wayward and wandering sheep. It says, “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, every one, to his own way” (Isa. 53:6). In fact, this wayward condition is so deeply rooted in us…

    When Others Called me Fat

    When I was studying in China, there were many occasions when sales assistants would just ignore me whenever I walked into shops or boutiques around my university.

    Why I’m Dying to The Beauty Ideal

    Growing up, I was no beauty queen. I had a mouthful of braces to realign my Bugs Bunny-esque teeth, and I wore wire rimmed glasses to correct my short sightedness. To complement my already awkward features, I had short—and often frizzy—hair. Best of all, weekend activities spent under the hot, tropical sun had given me an ugly tan.

    Should We Love Ourselves?

    “You really beat yourself up too much. I bet you’re the only one who felt you did a lousy job,” I said to my friend. She had just told me about her stressful experience acting with a stellar cast of veteran actors in her most recent show—which included an embarrassing case of stage fright on opening night.

    A perspective that can help in difficult times

    The famous preacher, Charles Spurgeon, once said that for Christians, even death is gain. “No evil in the strict sense of the word can happen to him, for everything is overruled for good.” Listen in today as we conclude our study in Psalm 91.

    How can we be confident in the security of God?

    Even though God has promised to always be with us, we still experience pain, suffering, and hardships. So how can we be confident in the security of God? Discover the answer to that question today in our study of Psalm 91.

    Can we claim the Bible’s promises for ourselves?

    The Bible is full of what sound like amazing promises from God. but do all those ancient assurances apply to us today? Join us as we continue investigating Psalm 91, and discover whether it contains promises we can claim for ourselves.

    What does it mean to abide in the Lord?

    “Abide.” It’s not a word that we use in everyday conversation, is it? But it’s a term that has profound application for those who trust in God. Join us today as we continue our study in Psalm 91.

    Discover Gods promises in Psalm 91

    In Scripture, God seems to promise to protect and defend those who put their trust in Him. Yet Christians still get sick, deal with disaster, and go through trials. Join us today as we discover God’s promises in Psalm 91 and how they apply to God’s people.

    Darkness and Light

    When I was a boy, I delivered newspapers to about 140 homes on two streets that were connected by a cemetery. Since I delivered a morning newspaper, I had to be out at 3:00 a.m. walking through that cemetery in the darkness. Sometimes I would be so frightened that I would actually run! I was afraid until I was standing safely under a streetlight on the other side. The scary darkness was dispelled by the light.

    The psalmist understood the connection between fear and darkness, but he also knew that God is greater than those fears. He wrote, “You shall not…