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    7 Prayers for Those Battered by Natural Disasters

    Like many of you, my eyes have riveted on stories about hurricanes Irma, Jose, Katia, and Maria, which have dismantled the lives of thousands across the Caribbean. Added to these are the earthquakes in Mexico, the pummelling by Hurricane Harvey, and wildfires which have torched the western portion of the USA.

    How Long?

    When I married, I thought I would have children immediately. That did not happen, and the pain of infertility brought me to my knees. I often cried out to God, “How long?” I knew God could change my circumstance. Why wasn’t He?

    Are you waiting on God? Are you asking, “How long … ?” Before justice prevails in our world? Before there is a cure for cancer? Before I am no longer in debt?  

    The prophet Habakkuk was well acquainted with that feeling. In the seventh century bc, he cried out to the Lord: “How long, O Lord, must I call…

    Hovering Over Us

    Betty’s daughter arrived home from an overseas trip, feeling unwell. When her pain became unbearable, Betty and her husband took her to the emergency room. The doctors and nurses set to work, and after a few hours one of the nurses said to Betty, “She’s going to be okay! We’re going to take good care of her and get her healed up.” In that moment, Betty felt peace and love flood over her. She realized that while she hovered over her daughter anxiously, the Lord is the perfect parent who nurtures His children, comforting them in difficult times.

    In the book…

    Finding Beauty in My Tragedy

    In my brief 22 years of living, I have known brokenness in too many ways: sexual abuse, anxiety, depression, bullying, anorexia, and suicidal thoughts. Some of it was inflicted on me, some self-inflicted and some of it was a result of not living in line with the Word of God and understanding the Father’s abundant love.

    Sweet and Sour

    When our toddler first bit into a lemon wedge, he wrinkled his nose, stuck out his tongue, and squeezed his eyes shut. “Sow-wah,” he said (sour).

    I chuckled as I reached for the piece of fruit, intending to toss it into the trash.

    “No!” Xavier scampered across the kitchen to get away from ne. “Moe-wah!” (more). His lips puckered with every juice-squirting bite. I winced when he finally handed me the rind and walked away.

    My taste buds accurately reflect my partiality to the sweet moments in life. My preference for avoiding all things bitter reminds me of Job’s wife, who seems to…

    Dave’s Story

    Dave Dietz attended church but really didn’t understand the love of Jesus, until…

    A Shattered Dream Isn’t the End

    A fairy princess? A queen? Those may be some of the typical titles that little girls aspire to, but that wasn’t me. Believe it or not, my dream was to become a “physical therapist missionary in Africa”.

    Give It to God

    As a teenager, when I became overwhelmed by enormous challenges or high-stakes decisions, my mother taught me the merits of putting pen to paper to gain perspective. When I was uncertain whether to take specific classes or which job to pursue, or how to cope with the frightening realities of adulthood, I learned her habit of writing out the basic facts and the possible courses of action with their likely outcomes. After pouring my heart onto the page, I was able to step back from the problem and view it more objectively than my emotions allowed.

    Just as recording my thoughts…

    How can a song of lament also be a song of hope?

    Have you ever heard a song that perfectly describes how you feel? Songs can powerfully communicate emotions that resonate with our souls! And today on Discover the Word, we find that the Psalms contain all kinds of songs including songs of lament. But as we’ll see, “Songs of Lament” are also “Songs of Hope.” Finish […]

    Trusting in God’s perfect love for us

    When things get tough, who ya gonna call? Well, it’s true that trials and troubles truly reveal where we put our trust! Today on Discover the Word, we discuss the one thing we can always trust: God’s perfect love. This conversation is for anyone struggling to trust God more, which would be all of us! […]

    Discover how God faithfully responds to our requests

    Today on Discover the Word, the group continues their series this week about Psalm 13 titled, “A Song of Lament and Hope.” It’s all about how lament and hope are not opposites, and how God faithfully responds to our requests, especially when we need Him most! It’s an encouraging truth for anyone and everyone, so be […]

    Discover how God handles our complaints

    “Your call is very important to us, please stay on the line.” Don’t you hate hearing that automated response? Do you believe it when you hear it? It can actually make you feel that your concerns will never be heard. Well, today on Discover the Word, we discuss how God handles our complaints and what’s […]

    Crying out to God can give us hope, peace, and a renewed life

    Today on Discover the Word, the group goes back to the Psalms for this week’s series of conversations! It’s a Psalm with seemingly contradictory themes. How can a “Song of Lament” also be a “Song of Hope”? Listen as the team explores how our cries to God can deliver hope, peace, and renewed life. Be […]

    If Only . . .

    As we exited the parking lot, my husband slowed the car to wait for a young woman riding her bike. When Tom nodded to indicate she could go first, she smiled, waved, and rode on. Moments later, the driver from a parked SUV threw his door open, knocking the young bicyclist to the pavement. Her legs bloodied, she cried as she examined her bent-up bike.

    Later, we reflected on the accident: If only we had made her wait . . . If only the driver had looked before opening his door. If only . . . Difficulties catch us up in…

    Training for Life

    My training for the long-distance race was going badly, and the latest run was particularly disappointing. I walked half the time and even had to sit down at one point. It felt like I had failed a mini-test.

    Then I remembered that this was the whole point of training. It was not a test to pass, nor was there a grade I had to achieve. Rather, it was something I simply had to go through, again and again, to improve my endurance.

    Perhaps you feel badly about a trial you are facing. God allows us to undergo these times of testing to…