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    How shame can be its own prison

    When a prisoner from a disadvantaged upbringing is released, families often throw a “get out of jail” party. However that’s not usually true for inmates from middle or upper class homes. Their return to society is usually shrouded in secrecy. Today on “Discover the Word,” our guest Karen Swanson and the team discuss how shame can be a prison whether we’ve ever been in jail or not. That’s today at on “Discover the Word”!

    How did Paul break free from the cycle of sin

    Addiction puts people behind bars, both literally and figuratively. And we can become enslaved to a variety of things like drugs, gossip, TV, shopping, or a critical spirit! Today on “Discover the Word,” we discuss with our guest Karen Swanson the apostle Paul’s dilemma—one he expressed so honestly—“for what I want to do, I don’t do . . . but what I hate, I do!” How did Paul break free from that cycle of sin? And how can we? Tune in today to “Discover the Word”!

    It’s not where you are, but who you are

    It’s possible to be behind bars, but still experience freedom. And it’s also possible to not be an inmate at a prison, yet still be enslaved by sin. It’s not where you are but who you are. Today on “Discover the Word,” the group, and special guest Karen Swanson, talks about how pride can hold us in a prison of our own making while humility can set us free. Join the group today on “Discover the Word”!

    Perpetrators and victims of sin

    While victims of crime can struggle with anger and bitterness, the criminal can wrestle with the shame and the guilt of what they’ve done. And both end up being imprisoned by the things they battle. Today on “Discover the Word,” the group, and special guest Karen Swanson, talks about how we’re both perpetrators of sin and victims of sin, making us all prisoners, until Christ sets us free. Join the study today on “Discover the Word”!

    Trusting God in tough times

    Can you really trust God in tough times? Well, today on “Discover the Word,” the group continues their study of “The Miraculous Life of Elisha” and why trusting God with healing a Syrian military leader named Naaman was so tough for all concerned. Join the group today on “Discover the Word”!

    Looking Up

    An article in the Surgical Technology International journal says that looking down at a smart phone with your head bent forward is the equivalent of having a 60-pound weight on your neck. When we consider that millions of people around the world spend an average of 2-4 hours daily reading and texting, the resulting damage to neck and spine becomes a growing health concern.

    It is also easy to become spiritually bowed down by the burdens of life. How often we find ourselves discouraged by the problems we face and the needs of those we love. The psalmist understood this weight of…

    What Does Jesus Mean to You?

    One Tuesday night at Bible Study class, our teacher—after pacing back and forth in his usual manner, with one finger over his lips—looked at us and asked: “What is Jesus to you?”


    Trying to stay aware of current events has its downside because bad news sells better than good news. It’s easy to become overly concerned about the criminal acts of individuals, crowds, or governments over whom we have no control.

    Psalm 37 gives perspective to the daily news. David begins by saying, “Do not fret because of those who are evil” (v. 1). Then he proceeds to outline for us some alternatives to becoming overly anxious. In essence, David suggests a better way of thinking about negative news in our world.

    What would happen if, instead of worrying about events beyond our control,…

    How God goes before a crisis

    When cancer strikes, most people feel overwhelmed, incapable of coping. Yet for those who turn to God they often find He’s already gone ahead and prepared the way, easing their burden. Let’s discuss how sometimes it takes a crisis for us to look back and see how God has orchestrated certain events for His purposes and our spiritual growth.

    Not My Worry

    A man worried constantly about everything. Then one day his friends heard him whistling happily and looking noticeably relaxed. “What happened?” they asked him in astonishment.

    He said, “I’m paying a man to do my worrying for me.”

    “How much do you pay him?” they asked.

    “Two thousand dollars a week,” he replied.

    “Wow! How can you afford that?”

    “I can’t,” he said, “but that’s his worry.”

    While this humorous way to handle stress doesn’t work in real life, as God’s children we can turn our worries over to Someone who has everything perfectly under control even—especially—when we feel it is not. 

    The prophet Isaiah reminds us…

    The Forgiveness Of God

    Without the assurance of forgiveness, feelings of guilt and regret can weigh you down. In this booklet, Mart De Haan helps you discover how God’s forgiveness can lift the burden of guilt and shame to give you freedom and peace to move forward in life. Gain a better understanding of God’s love and mercy, as you explore the elements of His forgiveness.

    How worry strangles our faith

    I think it’s safe to say that there are plenty of things you could worry about. However, we are reminded that worry can strangle our faith. Don’t miss this important conversation on saying “no” to worry as we continue our series.

    How Mary said “no” to shame

    It took great faith for Mary to accept God’s will for her life—to be pregnant with the Savior, Jesus, and yet unmarried. What would Joseph say and feel? Not to mention everyone else? Mary would have to trust God despite the shadow of shame.

    Finding our bearings when we feel forsaken by God

    As strange as it seems, feeling forsaken by God is common to believers, but always painful. Join us today as we talk about finding our bearings by focusing on God’s faithful deliverance in the past. What can we learn by looking back?

    How do we survive heart-rending grief?

    When we go through a dark night of the soul, it can feel like God has abandoned us, like He’s hiding from our troubles. Join us today with our special guest, Jean Syswerda, as we learn how to pray the psalms during times of pain.