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    Using our testimonies to share the love and grace of God with others

    You can argue over facts, figures, and viewpoints. But it’s tough to debate a personal story! Learn how to “shine” for Christ.

    Ruth & Hannah: Learning To Walk By Faith

    Uncertainty in not knowing what lies ahead can be frustrating. In this study, author Alice Mathews explores the stories of two women in the Bible whose circumstances led them on a journey of faith. Discover how you can move forward by faith and experience God’s peace in the midst of difficult times when you allow Him to lead the way.

    Well Done, David Schumm

    At David Schumm’s memorial service, we celebrated the optimism, perseverance, and faith of a man with severe cerebral palsy. For all of David’s 74 years, the simple tasks of daily life required great effort. Through it all, he kept smiling and helping others by giving more than 23,000 hours as a hospital volunteer, along with encouraging at-risk teens.

    No Fine Print

    Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Missy Sullivan noted that many user agreements, warranties, and disclaimers that come with products are nearly unreadable. Intentionally set in very small type, they actually discourage people from understanding them. Because of this, many people don’t read all the terms of contracts before signing them.

    Divine Encounters: Mapping Your Spiritual Life

    Welcome to Divine Encounters: Mapping Your Spiritual Life, a course designed to prepare you spiritually and emotionally as you begin your biblical and theological studies. You have a desire to know more about the Bible and to develop your relationship with God. Sometimes forward movement can occur most effectively after a backward look.

    Inspiring stories of transformed lives

    Across the centuries, men and women have left their old way of life in order to follow Christ. And it’s no different for us today. There’s a common thread woven through every personal narrative.