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    Example That Encourages

    The story is told that in the late 1800s a group of European pastors attended D. L. Moody’s Bible conference in Massachusetts. Following their custom, they put their shoes outside their room before they slept, expecting them to be cleaned by hotel workers. When Moody saw the shoes, he mentioned the …

    Let’s look at a story in First Samuel that proves we can reach a resolution in any conflict

    Engaged in conflict, we may believe there has to be a winner and a loser. But is it possible to resolve a disagreement where everyone comes out on top?

    Discover how to experience God’s kind of patience in our daily life

    Life has a way of pushing our buttons. People, pressures, and overwhelming priorities can really stretch our patience! We’re looking at Second Peter chapter one.

    Down The Up Staircase

    The video starts with a puppy at the top of the stairs afraid to go down. Despite much encouragement from people cheering at the bottom, Daisy can’t figure it out. She wants so badly to join them, but fear keeps her pacing the landing. Then a bigger dog comes to …

    Blessed Are The Meek

    One problem with the English word meek is that it rhymes with weak, and people have linked the two words together for years. A popular dictionary offers a secondary definition of meek as “too submissive; easily imposed on; spineless; spiritless.” This causes some people to question why Jesus would say, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth” (Matt. 5:5).

    Discover how God can use our pain to help those around us

    It’s hard to remember others when we’re focused on our own pain and discomfort. Let's review a humbling passage in Scripture that reveals how God can use our pain to help those around us. A radical change in perspective.

    Is Jesus God?

    Although many people have heard of Jesus through the pages of the Bible, there are still some who struggle with their belief. In this booklet, Dave Branon examines the evidence that expresses both the claims of the Bible and of Christ Himself—that He is indeed God in the flesh. Gain deeper insight into your relationship with Jesus and the importance of your faith in Him as your only way to God.


    As our plane began its descent, the flight attendant read the long list of arrival information as if she were reading it for the thousandth time that day—no emotion or interest as she droned on about our impending arrival. Then, with the same tired, disinterested voice, she finished by saying, “Have a wonderful day.” The dryness of her tone contrasted with her words. She said “wonderful” but in a manner completely absent of any sense of wonder.

    A Difficult Place

    When a sudden change in technology made his job obsolete, a highly trained scientist found himself working in a fast-food restaurant. One evening after our Bible study he described the situation as difficult and humbling. He said, “One good thing I can say is that the young people there seem very interested in my faith.” A member of the group responded, “I admire you for being humble. I know your faith must have something to do with it.”

    A Supporting Role

    After the American TV personality Ed McMahon died in 2009, one newspaper headline read, “When it came to being the No. 2 man, he was No. 1.” Best known for his 30-year tenure as Johnny Carson’s late-night sidekick, McMahon excelled at helping Carson succeed in the spotlight. While most entertainers strive for top billing, McMahon was content with a supporting role.

    What Shall I Give You?

    I’ve been told that “three-wish stories” occur in almost every culture, all following a similar theme: A benefactor appears and offers to grant three wishes to an unsuspecting beneficiary. The fact that the stories so often occur suggests we all want something we cannot get on our own.

    A Modest Proposal

    As a college student, I heard count- less engagement stories. My starry-eyed friends told about glitzy restaurants, mountaintop sunsets, and rides in horse-drawn carriages. I also recall one story about a young man who simply washed his girlfriend’s feet. His “modest proposal” proved he understood that humility is vital for a lifelong commitment.

    Sticks And Stones

    The psalmist was fed up with “the contempt of the proud” (Ps. 123:4). Perhaps you are too. People in your neighborhood, office, or classroom may be scornful of your faith and determination to follow Jesus. Sticks and stones do break our bones, but words can wound more deeply. In his commentary on this psalm, Derek Kidner refers to contempt as “cold steel.”

    A Bouquet Of Praise

    Corrie ten Boom (1892–1983) was a World War II concentration camp survivor and Christian who became a popular speaker around the world. Thousands attended her meetings as she talked about how she had learned to forgive her captors just as Christ had forgiven her sins.

    Discover how humility paves the way to a deep relationship with God

    Friday, January 21, 2011, Part 2
    “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:3).
    IDEA: “Poor in spirit” commends those who realize their destitute condition before God.
    PURPOSE: To help listeners appreciate why Jesus commends the “poor in spirit.”
    When we say that someone is “counter-cultural,” what do we mean?
    Is being “counter-cultural” positive or negative?
    Do you believe that Jesus was counter-cultural?
    I. What do you make of the first beatitude that states that “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”?