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An inspiring look at Mary’s life
Think of all the moments in Mary’s life when she must have topped to consider what God’s plans were for her son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Mary went from a tender mother of a young boy to a sometimes-perplexed follower of her own son as Lord. Join us today on “Discover the Word” for another edifying discussion.
How Mary said “no” to shame
It took great faith for Mary to accept God’s will for her life—to be pregnant with the Savior, Jesus, and yet unmarried. What would Joseph say and feel? Not to mention everyone else? Mary would have to trust God despite the shadow of shame.
Saying “yes” to God
When we say “yes” to God’s call, that often means we have to say “no” to something that could hinder our commitment. Listen in today to learn from the faith of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Her life of faith was a daily pattern of saying “yes” to God, and “no” to unbelief.
The Importance of Healing from Within
If an athlete is injured during training or competition, he will need time to recuperate in order to regain his form. Depending on the severity of the injury, the recovery process may involve applying an ice pack to the affected area, treating it—which may include cleaning the wound and stitching it up—or simply, resting.
A God who does the impossible
Sometimes in life our doubts and feelings of inadequacy can roll in like waves, and we can feel that our circumstances are just impossible. But the encouragement that God gave to Mary the mother of Jesus, a long time ago, is a message for us too!
A faithful disciple of Jesus
This week we’re talking about Mary, mother of Jesus, because, you know, she’s not just for Christmastime. Today we are reminded that even Jesus’ mom became a faithful disciple of her Son.
Mary: A story of great faith
Being the mother of Jesus must have been an incredible honor for Mary. Watching her Savior grow up must have filled her with joy. Join us as we listen to how Mary learned obedience as we dive into Luke chapter two.
A dramatic encounter between Gabriel and Mary
Imagine that day, when out of the blue, a young girl in a small town in Israel is visited by none other than the angel Gabriel, and he proclaims to her: “You will conceive in your womb and bear a son . . . and He will be called Son of the Most High.” What can we learn from Mary’s response?
A balanced perspective of Mary, the mother of Jesus
When it comes to Mary, mother of Jesus, people often react to her in extremes. One group downplays her significance, and another group exalts her in a way that Scripture does not necessarily support. Let’s honor this woman of God and learn some lessons Mary has to teach us in this new series.
Learning to Die 1,000 times every day
My left eye hurts and keeps on tearing probably because I’ve been given the wrong prescription for my spectacles. I’m thirsty from walking around all day running errands for my dad.
Pencil Battle
As I learned to write my letters, my first-grade teacher insisted that I hold my pencil in a specific way. As she watched me, I held it the way she wanted me to. But when she turned away, I obstinately reverted the pencil to the way I found more comfortable.
I thought I was the secret winner in that battle of the wills, and I still hold my pencil in my own peculiar way. Decades later, however, I realize that my wise teacher knew that my stubborn habit would grow into a bad writing practice that would result in my hand…
My Way
Two small boys were playing a complicated game with sticks and string. After a few minutes the older boy turned to his friend and said crossly, “You’re not doing it properly. This is my game, and we play it my way. You can’t play anymore!” The desire to have things our own way starts young!
Naaman was a person who was accustomed to having things his way. He was commander of the army of the king of Syria. But Naaman also had an incurable disease. One day his wife’s servant girl, who had been captured from the land of Israel, suggested…
Ordinary People
Gideon was an ordinary person. His story, recorded in Judges 6, inspires me. He was a farmer, and a timid one at that. When God called him to deliver Israel from the Midianites, Gideon’s initial response was “How can I save Israel? Indeed my clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father’s house” (Judg. 6:15). God promised that He would be with Gideon and that he would be able to accomplish what he had been asked to do (v. 16). Gideon’s obedience brought victory to Israel, and he is listed as one of the…