• Topic > Relationships

    5 Facts that Helped Me Choose Forgiveness

    We all react differently when people hurt us. Some of us lash back, some of us brood quietly, and some turn to other sources of comfort for solace. Sometimes, we can become bitter after being hurt, and it eventually destroys our relationships.

    God’s Will Isn’t Found in Books

    As Christians, we are known for believing that we are to follow what the Bible tells us to do. Sometimes, this gives others the impression that we serve a God who has an unending list of commands that we need to follow.

    Keep Up the Good Work

    My son loves to read. If he reads more books than what is required at school, he receives an award certificate. That bit of encouragement motivates him to keep up the good work.

    When Paul wrote to the Thessalonians he motivated them not with an award but with words of encouragement. He said, “Brothers and sisters, we instructed you how to live in order to please God, as in fact you are living. Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more” (1 Thess. 4:1). These Christians were pleasing God through their lives,…

    “Carrying Our Friends to Christ”

    Today on Discover the Word, we welcome one of our 4th chair contest winners to the table. Michelle is our guest and the topic is “Carrying Our Friends to Christ.” Michelle talks about the people in her life who carried her to Christ, and continued speaking into her life as her mentors, including the team here […]

    Overcoming the barriers to knowing Jesus

    We all know someone who we would really like to see come to Christ. Today on Discover the Word, we address the three most common barriers that people erect against accepting Jesus. Whether it’s emotional, intellectual, or volitional, people have their reasons. Overcoming barriers that keep us from “Carrying Our Friends to Christ.” Join the group […]

    Changing Hearts

    On the last day of the US Civil War, officer Joshua Chamberlain was in command of the Union army. His soldiers lined up on both sides of the road that the Confederate army had to march down in surrender. One wrong word or one belligerent act and the longed-for peace could be turned to slaughter. In an act as brilliant as it was moving, Chamberlain ordered his troops to salute their foe! No taunting here, no vicious words—only guns in salute and swords raised to honor.

    When Jesus offered His words about forgiveness in Luke 6, He was helping us understand…

    How a Message on a T-Shirt Convinced Me to Break Up

    Like many other girls, I have wished for a boyfriend since primary school. However, because I was a shy bookworm, I only ever played the part of secret admirer. Then one day in high school, another student asked me out.

    Within a Stone’s Throw

    As a group of religious leaders herded an adulterous woman toward Jesus, they couldn’t know they were carrying her within a stone’s throw of grace. Their hope was to discredit Him. If He told them to let the woman go, they could claim He was breaking Mosaic law. But if He condemned her to death, the crowds following Him would have dismissed His words of mercy and grace.

    But Jesus turned the tables on the accusers. Scripture says that rather than answering them directly, He started writing on the ground. When the leaders continued to question Him, He invited any of…

    Words for the Weary

    A few days after his father died, 30-year-old C. S. Lewis received a letter from a woman who had cared for his mother during her illness and death more than two decades earlier. The woman offered her sympathy for his loss and wondered if he remembered her. “My dear Nurse Davison,” Lewis replied. “Remember you? I should think I do.”

    Lewis recalled how much her presence in their home had meant to him as well as to his brother and father during a difficult time. He thanked her for her words of sympathy and said, “It is really comforting to be taken…

    When I Learned about My Husband’s Affair

    On my birthday in 2005, I found out that my husband was having an affair. I can still remember the details vividly.

    What Singleness Taught Me About Love

    While having lunch with a girl friend one day, we touched on our favorite topic as single girls: relationships. Contrary to what many romantic drama serials and movies portray, the life of a single professional woman (especially if she is a Christian) is far from one of romance and constant social activity.

    Is it Possible to Forgive Our Enemies?

    One evening in 2015, an unassuming young man walked into a church. The regular attendees of the church’s weekly Bible study warmly welcomed him and proceeded with the meeting for an hour. Suddenly, that young man stood up, took out a gun, and shot everyone in the room.

    A Letter To All First-Year Students

    Hey there, You made it! You’ve survived the plane, bus, or train ride and have arrived at a new season of life. Welcome to university—your home for the next three to four years!

    The Secret I Wish I Never Found Out

    Every night, I would come home to see my parents hunched over their dinners, eyes glued to the television screening the latest Korean drama serial. It’s always the same storyline: two love birds entangled in a web of secrets waiting to be discovered.

    The Time I Hurt My Husband Deeply

    My husband and I had a huge argument some nights ago. It was about my pride and unwillingness to see my own faults. He was so hurt that he went straight to bed after his shower.