• Topic > Relationships

    When Christmas Isn’t the Happiest Time of the Year

    With the joyful endings of cheesy, Hallmark movies, comes the subconscious expectation that somehow during Christmas, everyone will get along, then snowflakes will fall at precisely the right time and in a perfect quantity.

    Wounds from a Friend

    Charles Lowery complained to his friend about lower back pain. He was seeking a sympathetic ear, but what he got was an honest assessment. His friend told him, “I don’t think your back pain is your problem; it’s your stomach. Your stomach is so big it’s pulling on your back.”

    In his column for REV! Magazine, Charles shared that he resisted the temptation to be offended. He lost the weight and his back problem went away. Charles recognized that “Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Wounds from a friend can be trusted” (Prov. 27:5–6).

    The trouble is that so often we would…

    The Gift of Encouragement

    An old Merle Haggard song, “If We Make It Through December,” tells the story of a man laid off from his factory job with no money to buy Christmas gifts for his little girl. Although December is supposed to be a happy time of year, his life seems dark and cold.

    Discouragement is not unique to December, but it can be amplified then. Our expectations may be higher, our sadness deeper. A little encouragement can go a long way.

    Joseph, a man from Cyprus, was among the early followers of Jesus. The apostles called him Barnabas, which means “son of encouragement.” We meet him in Acts 4:36–37…

    Are you brave enough to forgive?

    We can’t give what we don’t have, right? Well, today on Discover the Word, we along with our guest Nicole Unice discuss John chapter 20 and how those who’ve received forgiveness should logically be best able to give forgiveness. But that’s not always how we work. How being forgiven can make us “Brave Enough” to […]

    Are you brave enough to move into God’s grace?

    How do you respond when you “blow it”? Do you have a tough time not punishing yourself and shaming yourself into a bad place? Today on Discover the Word, the group along with our guest, author Nicole Unice encourage us to be “Brave Enough” to love grace, and move from shame and condemnation to that […]

    Singles, Stop Waiting!

    Being single is great. Singleness isn’t a consolation prize, a minor league or a pre-season game. I could go on and on about the benefits of being a single pringle . . . but I won’t. Because let’s be real here, sometimes, it also sucks.

    What About You?

    Emily listened as a group of friends talked about their family Thanksgiving traditions. “We go around the room and each one tells what he or she is thankful to God for,” Gary said. Another mentioned the last Thanksgiving meal with his dad before he died and went to heaven: “Even though Dad had dementia, his prayer of thanks to the Lord was clear.” Randy shared, “My family has a special time of singing together on the holiday. My grandma goes on and on and on!” Emily’s sadness and jealousy grew as she thought of her own family, and she complained:…

    God has a purpose in every disagreement

    In most cases, we try to avoid conflict at all costs. But it’s important to remember that God has a purpose in every disagreement. Today on Discover the Word, author Patricia Raybon shares how God used her conflict with her Muslim daughter as a springboard for ministry. Learn how God can “enlarge your territory” too […]

    God can use conflict to develop peace in our hearts

    Sometimes, the circumstances we face in life are simply out of our control. So how can we maintain a sense of peace when things don’t go the way we planned? Today on Discover the Word, the group and author Patricia Raybon discuss the peace Patricia found when she stopped trying so hard to change her […]

    Does respect mean embracing the other person’s view?

    It’s a challenge to maintain a relationship with a loved one who chooses the wrong path. But today on Discover the Word, the group, and author Patricia Raybon discuss how to mend broken relationships in a family that’s been split in two by conflicting beliefs. It starts with respect. But does respect mean embracing the other […]

    A Letter to My 18-Year-Old Self

    Dear Ana, You’re an 18-year-old walking on air. You’re in a place where you’d probably never be again. Don’t waste it. It’s probably the most beautiful time, with great moments to treasure.

    The Twelfth Man

    A large sign at the Texas A&M University football stadium says “HOME OF THE 12TH MAN.” While each team is allowed eleven players on the field, the 12th Man is the presence of thousands of A&M students who remain standing during the entire game to cheer their team on. The tradition traces its roots to 1922 when the coach called a student from the stands to suit up and be ready to replace an injured player. Although he never entered the game, his willing presence on the sideline greatly encouraged the team.

                Hebrews 11 describes heroes of the faith who…

    Having a heart that first asks, and then listens

    What do you do when someone holds a radically different viewpoint than yours—and that “someone” is one of your children? Do you forcefully try to argue them out of it? Is that ever going to be effective? Well, today on Discover the Word, the group along with guest, author Patricia Raybon discuss the healing power […]

    The Day My Boyfriend and I Fought

    I was so mad at my boyfriend―let’s call him “T”.

    When a child goes completely against your beliefs

    How would you cope if your children made a choice in their faith, lifestyle, or politics that totally went against your beliefs? Today on Discover the Word, author Patricia Raybon shares the challenges she faced when her daughter converted to Islam, leaving her shocked and perplexed, questioning her worthiness as a parent and as a […]