• Topic > Relationships

    The Secret I Hid From My Sister That Could Tear Us Apart

    On January 4, 2016, I genuinely thought my life was falling apart. I remember sitting on my couch, alone in my apartment.

    Love keeps a record . . . just not a record of resentments

    The Bible tells us that love keeps no record of wrong. But that doesn’t mean there’s never any value in keeping good records and writing things down! Today on Discover the Word, we’ll discuss how love keeps a record, just not a record of resentments. Join us today for Discover the Word!

    Loving God and loving others

    Jesus told us the greatest commandment had two parts: to love God and to love one another. So today on Discover the Word, we will bring to the table the topic, How do we overcome impatience and irritability to love others the way God loves us? It’s a challenging and lively discussion today on Discover […]

    Find how God’s love changes the way we boast!

    Did you know the Bible tells us to brag? As a general rule, it’s safe to say that the Scriptures are against boasting, but there is one exception. Today on Discover the Word, we’ll sit down for another discussion on “Falling into Love.” Find how God’s love changes the way we boast. Join us today […]

    How To Build Authentic Relationships

    In the world of instant messaging, “emojis” and “likes”, it’s easy to have a lot of “friends” but never have honest or encouraging conversations with them.

    Apart but Not Abandoned

    I had a lump in my throat as I said good-bye to my niece on the eve of her move to Massachusetts to attend graduate school at Boston University. Though she had been away four years as an undergraduate, she hadn’t left our state. A two and a one-half-hour drive easily reunited us. Now she would be more than 800 miles away. No longer would we meet regularly to talk. I had to trust that God would take care of her.

    Paul likely felt the same way as he said good-bye to the elders of the church in Ephesus. Having established…

    Am I More ‘Christian’ Than Her?

    It happens pretty often. Sometimes, it’s a passing judgment; other times, it’s a passing thought that I am more “Christian” than my peers. I don’t deny that I struggle with my own sins, but I would always think that, at the very least, I am better off than someone whose sins seem more apparent, more horrendous—more sinful.

    The Day I Stopped Comparing

    Who remembers dial-up Internet, a limit on the amount of texts you could send per month, and the handy-dandy flip phone? What about the Gameboy, LeapPad, and board games?

    Let’s Finish the Race

    In the 2016 Rio Olympics, two athletes in the 5,000 meters race caught the world’s attention. About 3,200 meters into the race, New Zealander Nikki Hamblin and American Abbey D’Agostino collided and fell. Abbey was quickly up on her feet, but stopped to help Nikki. Moments after the two athletes had started running again, Abbey began faltering, her right leg injured as a result of the fall. It was now Nikki’s turn to stop and encourage her fellow athlete to finish the race. When Abbey eventually stumbled across the finish line, Nikki was waiting to embrace her. What a beautiful…

    Singleness: The Line I Can’t Seem to Cross

    What is the purpose of a line? It is used to separate things into two categories. From where I’m standing, the people on the other side of the line are either attached or married. And here I am, on my side of the line, waiting to cross it.

    Removing the Barriers

    I saw Mary every Tuesday when I visited “the House”—a home that helps former prisoners reintegrate into society. My life looked different from hers: fresh out of jail, fighting addictions, separated from her son. You might say she lived on the edge of society.

    Like Mary, Onesimus knew what it meant to live on the edge of society. As a slave, Onesimus had apparently wronged his Christian master, Philemon, and was now in prison. While there, he met Paul and came to faith in Christ (v. 10). Though now a changed man, Onesimus was still a slave. Paul sent him back…

    Anger Management

    As I had dinner with a friend, she expressed how fed up she was with a particular family member. But she was reluctant to say anything to him about his annoying habit of ignoring or mocking her. When she did try to confront him about the problem, he responded with sarcastic remarks. She exploded in anger at him. Both parties wound up digging in their heels, and the family rift widened.

    I can relate, because I handle anger the same way. I also have a hard time confronting people. If a friend or family member says something mean, I usually suppress…

    3 Ways to Deal With Bullying

    I didn’t realise I was different until kids at primary school kept pointing it out. You see, I have ginger hair. No one else had ginger hair in my school apart from my brother, but they always picked on me, never on him.

    Discover the remarkable way God attends to our pain

    God sees every tear that falls. Not one of them escapes His attention! So why do we try to hold back from crying? Today the Discover the Word team gathers around the table to talk about the remarkable ways God attends to our pain even when we don’t see it! Grab a seat in that […]

    Stay Awhile

    During a discussion of The Lord of the Rings movie trilogy, a teenager said he prefers his stories in books rather than movies. When asked why, the young man replied, “With a book, I can stay there as long as I want.” There is something to be said for the power of lingering in a book, especially the Bible, and “inhabiting” the stories there.

    Hebrews 11, often called “the faith chapter” of the Bible, mentions nineteen people by name. Each one traveled a road of difficulty and doubt, yet chose to obey God. “All these people were still living by faith…