Topic > Relationships > Forgiving Others/Reconciliation >
The Lesson
One summer I was at a gathering of old high school acquaintances when someone behind me tapped me on my shoulder. As my eyes drifted over the woman’s name tag, my mind drifted back in time. I remembered a tightly folded note that had been shoved through the slot on my locker.
The Life We’d Like To See
The annual Texas Book Festival in Austin draws thousands of people who enjoy browsing for books, attending discussions led by acclaimed authors, and gleaning advice from professional writers. At one such festival, an author of young adult fiction told aspiring writers, “Write the book that you want to find on the shelf.”
A Prize For Peace
Alfred Nobel made a fortune from the invention of dynamite, which changed the course of warfare. Perhaps because of the horrors that wars inflicted with the use of dynamite, he made a provision in his will for a prize to be given annually to those who work to promote peace. Today it’s called the Nobel Peace Prize.
The Next Chapter
Steve was almost 5 when his father, missionary pilot Nate Saint, was killed in 1956, along with four other men, by the Waodani tribe in Ecuador. But as a result of the love and forgiveness demonstrated by the families of the martyred men, there is now a growing community of believers among the Waodani.
I’m Sorry, Man
When my son-in-law Ewing and I attended a sporting event, we enjoyed watching both the game and the people around us.
When Forgiveness Seems Impossible
What is true forgiveness? How can you know that you have let bygones be bygones? Take the journey to forgiveness with counselor Tim Jackson as he offers you Jesus’ plan for forgiveness. Discover how you can experience healing from feelings of hurt, betrayal, and anger and how you can develop a heart of mercy.
How an understanding of our debt to God teaches us biblical forgiveness
Extending grace and forgiveness when you’ve been wounded deeply isn’t easy! Discover how to have a compassionate view of those who are indebted to us.
Jesus’ guidelines for restoring relationships with grace
There are situations when forgiveness needs to go beyond a hug and a handshake, moments when confrontation is necessary.
Discover how with God’s help, it’s possible to extend forgiveness over and over again
When someone has wounded you deeply it’s difficult to offer forgiveness even once. But according to Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 18, followers of God are called to extend unlimited grace to those we encounter. Find help for your relationships.
Discover the power of grace
Some of us explode in anger when we’re hurt. Others quietly seethe and turn a cold shoulder to those who’ve wounded them. Let's explain how embracing a spirit of forgiveness helps us deal with, and overcome, those destructive feelings.
Discover the meaning of forgiveness and the impact it has on our relationships
Many think forgiveness is all about saying “I’m sorry” or avoiding consequences. But according to Jesus’ teaching in Scripture, true forgiveness is centered around restoring relationships.
The role our emotions play as we strive to be people of grace
Forgiveness isn’t easy. In fact, there’s often a lot of emotional baggage that comes when forgiving someone or asking them to forgive you. An honest appraisal of forgiveness.
How the original ending of the Lord’s Prayer reinforces an important biblical principle
Most of us learned to end the Lord’s Prayer with the phrase, “Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever, Amen.” Yet if you look at Jesus’ teaching of the prayer in Scripture you’ll find a very different ending!
A meaningful conversation on what to do when you’ve forgiven but can’t forget
We can honestly try to forgive an offense. But some pain, some memories continue to haunt us for years to come. Join the group for another study on the Lord’s Prayer.
Bumper Cars
Life is a lot like “bumper cars” at an amusement park. You get in your car, knowing that you will get hit . . . you just don’t know how hard. And when you get hit, you step on the gas pedal, chase the one who has hit you, and hope to bump that person harder than they have bumped you.