• Topic > Relationships > Encouragement >

    Discover how anyone can be an encourager

    This week on “Discover the Word,” we have looked at how the New Testament follower of Christ Barnabas embodied a spirit of encouragement. But does everyone have that type of personality or gifts? Don’t miss our final discussion in this study on Barnabas!

    Discover how to respond when someone falls down

    When we witness the failures of others, our typical response is to shake our head or wag our finger. But today on “Discover the Word,” we’ll take a look at the life of Barnabas and see how an encourager responds with a helping hand.

    Another lesson from the life of Barnabas

    When the disciples heard about a church in need of help, they didn’t send a teacher, a judge, or a bodyguard. They sent “The Encourager” instead! Take a look with us at the impact an encouraging person can make in the family of faith.

    Discover the courage needed to be an encourager

    Choosing to build people up requires an investment on our part, and like any investment, it’s not without risk! Join us today on “Discover the Word” as we continue our study on Barnabas the Encourager.

    Discover a New Testament character’s perfect nickname

    Do you have a nickname? Is that title a good description of who you really are? Join our hosts on “Discover the Word” for a look at someone who has a nickname so perfect that most of us have forgotten his real name!

    My Unconventional Heroes in the Faith

    When we reflect on faith heroes who inspire us in our walk, names like Father Abraham, Mother Theresa, Martin Luther, John Calvin, specific pastors or leaders may spring to mind. Their faithfulness in service and their contributions toward Christianity and humanity are undeniable. In fact, if you think about it, Jesus Christ, our Lord and […]

    A personal solution to stress

    You could go to any store and pick up a book on “ten steps to de-stressing your life.” But when it comes to finding relief from our burdens, Jesus offers a much more personal solution. Discover Jesus’ honest and special invitation to find rest in Him as we conclude our series on “Finding Rest.”

    What is a “light burden”?

    Jumbo shrimp. Original copy. Small crowd. An oxymoron combines two words with seemingly opposite meanings. Join us as we study this puzzling oxymoron from Jesus: “light burden.”

    Discover tools for facing trials and challenges

    When challenging trials come at us, we can feel completely unequipped to handle the problems we’re facing. But in those moments, Jesus offers all the tools we need to respond to life’s difficulties. Discover the invitation to find rest in Jesus today!

    Discover the freedom to be honest

    What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? Not many people would answer with “honesty.” But join us today as we discover how the freedom to be transparent is a precious gift from God, and how we should take full advantage of it.

    Finding Rest in Jesus

    There are moments when we simply want to escape from our problems. But as far as we may try to run, our problems always seem to find us! Join us today as we start a brand-new series and discover a better alternative to fleeing our troubles.

    Comforting others with joy

    What do you say to a person in the midst of deep, personal pain? How do you comfort someone going through a difficult trial? Today, our special guest Margaret Feinberg challenges us to be a “joy bomber” and offer the hurting the gift of joy!

    Helping fight another’s battle

    Joy is a powerful weapon in times of trouble. Join our stirring conversation today as we discover how the gift of our presence can help others “Fight Back with Joy.”

    Whether we’re in pain or feeling good, we can always respond with joy!

    How are you? Often our circumstances dictate how we answer that question. But join us today as we discover what it sounds like to always respond with joy!

    Unexpected Encounter

    Drew, young and enthusiastic, was leading the singing for the first time in a large church. Lois, a long-time attender, wanted to encourage him, but she thought it would be too difficult to get to the front of the church before he left. But then she saw a way to snake through the crowd. Lois told Drew, “I appreciate your enthusiasm in worship. Keep serving Him!”