Work Relationships | Our Daily Bread Ministries

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    Witness in the Workplace

    Today’s Our Daily Bread Devotional

    Grace Outside the Box

    Tom worked for a law firm that advised Bob’s company. They became friends—until Tom embezzled thousands of dollars from the company. Bob was hurt and angry when he found out, but he received wise counsel from his vice president, a believer in Christ. The VP noticed Tom was deeply ashamed and repentant, and he advised Bob to drop the charges and hire Tom. “Pay him a modest salary so he can make restitution. You’ll never have a more grateful, loyal employee.” Bob did, and Tom was.

    Mephibosheth, grandson of King Saul, hadn’t done anything wrong, but he was in a tough…

    United in Separation

    Thrown into a project with his colleague Tim, Alvin faced a major challenge: he and Tim had very different ideas of how to go about it. While they respected each other’s opinions, their approaches were so different that conflict seemed imminent. Before conflict broke out, however, the two men agreed to discuss their differences with their boss, who put them on separate teams. It turned out to be a wise move. That day, Alvin learned this lesson: Being united doesn’t always mean doing things together. 

    Abraham must have realized this truth when he suggested that he and Lot go their separate…

    Isn’t My Job Supposed To Mean Something?

    Over a year ago, I found myself worn out and exhausted: greatly taxed from a job that didn’t seem to give much in return for my effort.

    How Can Good Come Out of Job Loss?

    Have you ever lost your job? I have. It feels horrible. My story isn’t one of rejection. I didn’t get fired, so much as the job I had no longer existed. The company chose to cancel a conference it was running, and I was its director.

    Landing in the Pig Pen Instead of My Dream Job

    As I walked into the farm yard in my pink-striped wellies and oversized farm gear, I was hopeful that this job would only be for a couple of weeks.

    5 Ways to Deal With A Difficult Boss

    If you’ve clicked on this article because you have an impossible-to-please boss, my heart goes out to you. Truly. I know from personal experience the grief and emotional stress he or she can cause is no laughing matter, and may well plague you beyond your office hours and even waking moments.

    God’s Unexpected Plan in My Failed Job-Hunt

    I have dreamed of becoming a journalist since entering college. My love for writing and travelling were my primary reasons for choosing the journalism course. But as graduation drew near, I was torn between two choices: passion or salary?

    Starting Work? Here’s 3 Must-have Attitudes

    I’ve been down this road many times before. I did my postgraduate studies full-time and worked part-time as a lecturer in my university. Then the roles reversed and I worked full-time in banking and studied theology part-time.

    My Job Hunt Led Me to Something Else

    Nobody ever told me that life after graduation would feel like this. I thought graduation was about getting myself a job. But as my job hunt dragged on longer than I expected, I started to feel increasingly anxious and lost. Not finding a job after graduation felt like a form of failure.

    Burned Out And Guilty At Work

    In March 2017, I had a burnout. It came five months after I moved from my hometown in Central Java to the capital city of Jakarta to work as an area manager in a food and beverage company.

    Doing the right thing

    Have you ever wondered, “What do I do next?” Well, today on Discover the Word, we end the weeklong discussion with John Townsend by talking about doing the next right thing. It’s part of the series called “The Entitlement Cure.” Join the team today on Discover the Word!

    When My Hard Work Amounted to Nothing

    I know people who are avid fans of Japanese author Haruki Murakami—his most notable books include Norwegian Wood and 1Q84. But while I don’t understand the extent of their fanaticism, I do see why Murakami’s works are so well-received

    Why I Stopped Full-Time Work

    Two years ago, God called my husband and I to take a year off work to spend time seeking Him. We had just completed our sixth year of work. So I quit my job while my husband took no pay leave.

    Taking the Next Step

    When you have no vision from God, no enthusiasm left in your life, and no one watching and encouraging you, it requires the grace of Almighty God to take the next step in your devotion to Him, in the reading and studying of His Word, in your family life, or in your duty to Him. It takes much more of the grace of God, and a much greater awareness of drawing upon Him, to take that next step, than it does to preach the gospel.