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    When it comes to sharing the gospel, we never work alone

    How many Christians does it take to lead someone else to Christ? The answer is more than one! Be here for an encouraging conversation about sharing the gospel.

    How to build a bridge into someone else’s world, and bring the hope of Jesus to them

    It’s not uncommon to find walls erected around someone’s heart. These barriers make reaching people with the love of God a bit more difficult. A timely message of hope from the group.

    A powerful way for parents to share their faith with their children

    Mom and Dad, do you realize God’s given you a personal mission field? It’s those people living under your roof! Our series on evangelism continues.

    Find out how our personal vulnerability makes the gospel attractive

    Do you feel unqualified to share your faith? Feel like your weaknesses and flaws prohibit you from evangelism? If that’s the way you feel, you’re exactly the person God can use!

    Discover the power of friendship

    God calls all of us to share the gospel. Thankfully, we don’t have to go to seminary, stand on the street corner, or fill stadiums in order to answer that call! Let’s discuss a simple way of reaching others for Christ.

    Love To Tell His Story

    When noted author Studs Terkel was looking for a topic for his next book, one of his friends suggested “death.” While he was resistant at first, the idea gradually began to take shape, but its voice became all too real when Mr. Terkel’s wife of 60 years passed away. Now the book was also a personal search: a yearning to know what lies beyond, where his loved one had just gone. Its pages are a poignant reminder of our own search for Jesus and the questions and concerns we have about eternity while we walk our faith journey.

    Seeing a needy world in a new way

    The actions and attitudes of an unbelieving world can be shocking at times. The behavior of unbelievers shouldn’t surprise us. God doesn’t ask people to behave in order to belong.

    How understanding the progression of faith helps us lead others down that same path!

    When is the exact moment a person becomes a Christian? Is it after they say a prayer? After baptism? Or is being a follower of Jesus a lifelong journey? Let’s discuss the process of becoming a Christian.

    Calming our fears about evangelism

    When it comes to sharing our faith, sometimes we’re hesitant to even start the conversation. What if we’re asked a question we can’t answer? We may not be able to offer every solution, but we can point others to the ultimate Answer!

    Using our testimonies to share the love and grace of God with others

    You can argue over facts, figures, and viewpoints. But it’s tough to debate a personal story! Learn how to “shine” for Christ.

    Discover why the least likely people are the ones who need to hear from you the most!

    Ever ran across a neighbor, a co-worker, or an acquaintance and thought, “No way they’d be interested in hearing about Jesus!” Let’s share some personal stories that will encourage us to take a second look at the people around us.

    Taking some of the fear out of evangelism

    One of the biggest worries about sharing our faith is the other person’s reaction—what if they completely reject what we’re saying? We’ll learn that salvation is ultimately not up to us.

    How we all can shine the light of Christ!

    A spotlight can illuminate a stadium. A flashlight may only brighten a small patch of ground. But regardless of the scope or magnitude, both still light up the darkness! Let’s discuss how there may be varying degrees of giftedness, but we all can shine the light of Christ!

    Discover your God-given potential

    Typically, we consider evangelists to be super-Christians. They’re the ones leading thousands to faith in stadiums or traveling across the world to share the gospel. How every believer is gifted to be a successful evangelist.

    Walking Billboards

    Pete Peterson’s first contact with Vietnam was in the Vietnam War. During a bombing raid in 1966, his plane was shot down and he was taken prisoner. Over 30 years later he returned as US Ambassador to Vietnam. One press article called him “a walking billboard for reconciliation.” He realized years ago that God had not saved his life for him to live in anger. Because he believed this, he used the rest of his life and his position to make a difference by pushing for better safety standards for children in Vietnam.