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    The Drinking Gourd

    Prior to the American Civil War (1861–1865), fugitive slaves found freedom by following the Underground Railroad, a term for the secret routes from the South to the North and the abolitionists who helped them along the way. Slaves would travel at night for many miles, keeping on track by following the light of the “Drinking Gourd.” This was a code name for the collection of stars known as the Big Dipper, which points to the North Star. Some believe the fugitives also used encoded directions in the lyrics of the song “Follow the Drinking Gourd” to keep them from getting…

    I Met Jesus through A Flyer

    It all started with a ring on my doorbell some ten years back by a tall, nice looking girl. Having been instructed never to open the door to strangers when I am alone at home, I was apprehensive at first. Usually, I would ignore anybody at the door but […]

    Taking A Leap of Faith in Ecuador

    Many say, “Life is a journey with God.” But my friend described it as “an adventure” because it is full of ups and downs and it surprises you with many unexpected turns. Indeed, over the past year, the Lord has guided me onto an unexpected route as […]

    3 Things God Taught Me on My Recent Mission Trip

    I went, expecting to give to others, but ended up receiving so much more. These are the three things (out of many others) that God taught me through my recent mission trip: 1. Humility. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to speak the language as proficiently as the […]

    I Found Jesus through Computer Games

    I once worked in the IT industry and my life revolved around working, eating, sleeping, occasional outings with mum and close friends and lastly, gaming. This box up lifestyle, coupled with a job that I could not see myself doing for long led me to question where my life […]

    She was the Fragrance of Christ

    It was a hand-made wedding gift presented to his wife and him that caught his attention. He had never seen such detail and meticulousness put into a gift before. His new colleague had never mentioned this talent she had; then again, she was a relatively quiet person and not […]

    3 Statements during Outreach that Stumped Me

    Two years ago, my church opened a class for non-believers to explore the beliefs of the Christian faith. In all honesty, we were not sure who would come. But class after class, we were surprised by the diversity and number of persons interested. People of varied ages and […]

    Would you go the extra mile?

    I recently spent $70 because of Kenneth, a young sales attendant. (Well, also partly because of my need for new pants.) Considering the amount of reflection and thinking which has resulted from my purchase, the parting of cash may have been worthwhile after all. There are some lessons one […]

    Living the gospel, so that others can see Christ

    Sweaty palms and a knot in the stomach. That’s the reaction many of us have when it comes to sharing our faith. Let’s take the fear and worry out of evangelism. We don’t need to shout the gospel from the street corner to be a powerful witness.

    Faithfully delivering the good news, and leaving the results up to God

    Sharing our faith doesn’t always go as planned. We’d like to see someone accept Jesus the moment we present the gospel. But that’s not always the case.

    What seems impossible to us is not impossible with God!

    Have you ever prayed that a loved one would come to know Jesus, only to see that person move farther and farther away from God? Be encouraged to keep praying, and sharing the Savior.

    One of the most important ways God reveals Himself to us, and to others

    Our days are often crammed with tasks, errands, and the routine responsibilities that have to get done. Let’s leave a little room in our lives to experience wonder!

    How embracing doubt can actually lead people to embrace the Savior!

    When telling others about Christ, we often try to remove all uncertainty from their minds. We believe that doubt prevents people from coming to faith. Our series on evangelism continues.

    A powerful way to share the gospel, without even saying a word

    It’s been said, “Preach the gospel always. If necessary, use words.” We’re talking about shining the light of Jesus.

    A guilt-free look at evangelism

    This world can be a very dark place. But it’s in the shadows that Christians can shine the brightest! “Shine” for Christ, regardless of how strong or weak our light may be.