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    Discover the hope we have in Christ

    If you’re a Christian, you have something our world is in desperate need of. Be sure to listen in today as our hosts explain how the hope that we have can attract people living in a hopeless world.

    Tell Your Story

    Michael Dinsmore, a former prisoner and relatively new Christian, was asked to give his testimony in a prison. After he spoke, some inmates came to him and said, “This is the most exciting meeting we’ve ever been to!” Michael was amazed that God could use his simple story.

    Truth with Love

    Find out how you can tell others about Jesus, be knowledgeable and respectful of differences, and stand firm in your own beliefs.

    Building A Bridge

    James Michener’s Centennial is a fictional account of the history and settlement of the American West. Through the eyes of a French-Canadian trader named Pasquinel, Michener converges the stories of the Arapaho of the Great Plains and the European-based community of St. Louis. As this rugged adventurer moves between the growing clutter of the city and the wide-open spaces of the plains, he becomes a bridge between two drastically different worlds.

    Chinese Proverbs

    Chinese proverbs are common and often have stories behind them. The proverb “pulling up a crop to help it grow” is about an impatient man in the Song Dynasty. He was eager to see his rice seedlings grow quickly. So he thought of a solution. He would pull up each plant a few inches. After a day of tedious work, the man surveyed his paddy field. He was happy that his crop seemed to have “grown” taller. But his joy was short-lived. The next day, the plants had begun to wither because their roots were no longer deep.

    A Storyteller

    In the years following the American Civil War (1861–1865), Union Major General Lew Wallace served as a governor of the New Mexico territories; New Mexico not yet having been admitted as a state. His work there put him in contact with many of the characters that make up the Wild West’s near-mythic history, including Billy the Kid and Sheriff Pat Garrett. It was here that Wallace wrote what has been called by some “the most influential Christian book” of the 19th century, Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ.

    I Am Redeemed!

    One day when Ann was visiting her husband in the hospital, she began talking with a caregiver who was assisting him. Ann enjoys engaging people in conversation wherever she is, and she also looks for ways to talk to people about Jesus. Ann asked the caregiver if he knew what he wanted to do in the future. When he said he wasn’t sure, she suggested that it’s important to know God first so He can help with such decisions. He then pulled up the sleeve of his shirt to reveal “I am redeemed!” tattooed across his arm.

    How our very brokenness is what makes us candidates for serving the Lord!

    Ever feel like all the flaws in your family history make you ineligible for God’s work? Maybe you’ve heard God’s call for your life, but don’t feel qualified to accept. A “best of” conversation coming up.

    Discover how we can present the gospel as good news!

    If you read about a hostage who had been miraculously rescued after years of imprisonment, you’d likely say that’s good news! Tragically, not everyone feels the same way. Let’s discuss various reactions to God’s story of redemption.

    Discover how God’s love AND power relate to our redemption

    It’s not enough to want to free someone who is being held captive, you need the ability to pull off such a daring rescue! Watch God’s plan unfold.

    An insightful summary of the greatest book ever written

    Remember writing book reports for school? The first question you always had to answer was, “What is this book about?” Find out what the Bible is all about.

    Hope for dark times is found in knowing our place in God’s redemption story!

    The Bible tells us Jesus came to rescue us from the oppressive powers of sin and death. So why do we often feel like we’re still held captive?

    Gain a BIG picture of God’s Word

    The romance in Ruth, the mystery in Revelation, the wonder in the Gospels; the Bible certainly contains many fascinating stories. Let’s take a step back and discover that the whole of Scripture is an epic, remarkable, and redemptive story!

    God Whispers “Fish”

    A number of years ago our sons and I enjoyed some days together drifting and fishing the Madison River in Montana with two fishing guides who also served as our boatmen.