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    A thought-provoking conversation on evangelism

    This week we’ve been talking about how to share the gospel in a pluralistic culture. It’s the same challenge that the apostle Paul faced in his day.

    An Unfinished Story: Telling My Friend About Jesus

    Everyone has their story of what it’s like to share Jesus with their friends or family members. Some stories have a happy ending, where the person eventually comes to know and love Jesus. Some don’t have such a happy ending, where the person passes away before accepting Jesus into his or her life.

    Blessing our enemies by finding common ground

    When the nation of Israel was exiled to Babylon, Jeremiah gave the Jewish leaders unexpected direction. He said, “Seek the peace of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf; for in its peace you will have peace.” Listen in as we continue our series on Acts 17.

    What we can learn from Paul about evangelism

    Are you a chameleon? That is to say, do you change your behavior depending on who you’re with? Is that always bad? Join us as we continue learning from Paul this week.

    Expressing God’s love to a lost world

    “For God so loved the world” is a phrase we’re used to hearing. Throughout the pages of the Bible, God speaks of His love and compassion for everyone. Don’t miss this important discussion.

    How Paul related to a pluralistic culture

    Our world is changing, and change is difficult. So what should our attitude be as we face all the changes in the culture around us? Join us as we start a new series in Acts 17, calling Christians to engage the world.

    Don’t Just Have Godly Friends

    At every stage of my student life, friends were an important part of my life. The majority of friends I was close to were not Christians. When I entered university, heard the gospel and believed in Jesus, I came to know fellow sisters and brothers in the church and became friends with them.

    Tears of a Teen

    As I sat with four teenagers and a 20-something homeless man at a soup kitchen in Alaska, I was touched by the teens’ compassion for him. They listened as he talked about what he believed and then they gently presented the gospel to him—lovingly offering him hope in Jesus. Sadly, the man refused to seriously consider the gospel.

    As we were leaving, one of the girls, Grace, expressed through her tears how much she didn’t want the man to die without knowing Jesus. From the heart, she grieved for this young man who, at least at this point, was rejecting the…

    When It is Frowned Upon to Share Your Faith

    One of my most vivid memories of college was my Sunday morning routine. I would wake up at 7:00 a.m. to attend a rehearsal before the early service at my local church, where I played the cello in the ensemble.

    Fired Up For the Lord

    To start a fire for an outdoor barbecue, I was instructed to arrange the charcoal pieces close together, so that when the briquette—a compressed block of combustible material like sawdust and woodchip—was lit, the flames would spread from one piece to another quickly.

    A Letter To My Future Self

    Dear Future Self, Hey! Hello there! Howdy doo! Yes, I need to remind you that you are still weird—that’s my obligation as your past. You are welcome.

    From Whining to Winning

    Growing up in a traditional family in the Philippines, I, being the youngest, bore the duty of running errands for the family. These usually involved purchasing spices, sauces, cigarettes or worse, sanitary napkins for my sisters from convenience stores.

    The Whole Story

    Recently my 5-year-old grandson, Dallas, asked, “Why did Jesus die on the cross?” So we had a little talk. I explained to him about sin and Jesus’ willingness to be our sacrifice. Then he ran off to play.

                A few minutes later, I overheard him talking to his 5-year-old cousin, Katie, explaining to her why Jesus died. Katie said to him, “But Jesus isn’t dead.” Dallas replied, “Yes. He’s dead. Grampy told me. He died on the cross.”

                I realized I hadn’t completed the story. So we had another talk as I explained to Dallas that Jesus rose from the…

    Why I’m Mourning for the Sabah Quake Victims

    Written By Amy Ji, Singapore The reports on the victims of the recent Sabah earthquake have been for me, most horrifying to read. As the names of the bodies identified were listed, I realized that I had trained some of these students and had even worked with the teacher who had lost his life, just […]

    Guard Your Focus

    That’s my disciple,” I once heard a woman say about someone she was helping. As followers of Christ we are all tasked with making disciples—sharing the good news of Christ with people and helping them grow spiritually. But it can be easy to focus on ourselves instead of Jesus.