Topic > Christian Living > Trust in God >
Have Faith, Not Fear!
When I was going through a difficult situation in my life—my family was facing challenging financial circumstances, my parents were separating, and my secondary school final exams were drawing near—I found myself in a state of despair, not knowing where to turn to.
Who our real boss is
Imagine you’re at work, and just a few steps from you, or in that office upstairs, was the Lord Jesus Himself! How would you work differently? Today our special guest Scott Rae reminds us that the Lord Jesus is on the job with us!
Discover how to imitate Mary
The Christian life is more than a one-time decision to follow Jesus. It’s a daily affirmation. It also requires us saying a daily “no” to anything that hinders our faith in God. Join us today on “Discover the Word” as we conclude our study on Mary, the mother of Jesus, and how she consistently said “yes” to God.
An inspiring look at Mary’s life
Think of all the moments in Mary’s life when she must have topped to consider what God’s plans were for her son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Mary went from a tender mother of a young boy to a sometimes-perplexed follower of her own son as Lord. Join us today on “Discover the Word” for another edifying discussion.
How worry strangles our faith
I think it’s safe to say that there are plenty of things you could worry about. However, we are reminded that worry can strangle our faith. Don’t miss this important conversation on saying “no” to worry as we continue our series.
How Mary said “no” to shame
It took great faith for Mary to accept God’s will for her life—to be pregnant with the Savior, Jesus, and yet unmarried. What would Joseph say and feel? Not to mention everyone else? Mary would have to trust God despite the shadow of shame.
Saying “yes” to God
When we say “yes” to God’s call, that often means we have to say “no” to something that could hinder our commitment. Listen in today to learn from the faith of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Her life of faith was a daily pattern of saying “yes” to God, and “no” to unbelief.
In the 2003 US Women’s Open, the relatively unknown Hilary Lunke secured the greatest prize in women’s golf—and a place in history. Not only did she win the US Open in an 18-hole playoff, but it was also her only professional victory. Her surprising and inspiring win underscores the fact that one of the most exciting things about sports is its unpredictability.
The unpredictability of life is not always so thrilling, however. We devise and strategize. We make plans, projections, and proposals about what we would like to see happen in life, but often they are little more than our…
A God who does the impossible
Sometimes in life our doubts and feelings of inadequacy can roll in like waves, and we can feel that our circumstances are just impossible. But the encouragement that God gave to Mary the mother of Jesus, a long time ago, is a message for us too!
A faithful disciple of Jesus
This week we’re talking about Mary, mother of Jesus, because, you know, she’s not just for Christmastime. Today we are reminded that even Jesus’ mom became a faithful disciple of her Son.
Mary: A story of great faith
Being the mother of Jesus must have been an incredible honor for Mary. Watching her Savior grow up must have filled her with joy. Join us as we listen to how Mary learned obedience as we dive into Luke chapter two.
Chess Master
In high school I took pride in my ability to play chess. I joined the chess club, and during lunch hour I could be found sitting at a table with other nerds, poring over books with titles like Classic King Pawn Openings. I studied techniques, won most of my matches, and put the game aside for 20 years. Then I met a truly fine chess player who had been perfecting his skills long since high school, and I learned what it is like to play against a master. Although I had complete freedom to make any move I wished, none of…
A dramatic encounter between Gabriel and Mary
Imagine that day, when out of the blue, a young girl in a small town in Israel is visited by none other than the angel Gabriel, and he proclaims to her: “You will conceive in your womb and bear a son . . . and He will be called Son of the Most High.” What can we learn from Mary’s response?
A balanced perspective of Mary, the mother of Jesus
When it comes to Mary, mother of Jesus, people often react to her in extremes. One group downplays her significance, and another group exalts her in a way that Scripture does not necessarily support. Let’s honor this woman of God and learn some lessons Mary has to teach us in this new series.