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    Leave the legacy of contentment

    You’ll never see a hearse pulling a U-haul! That’s because when we die, we leave all that we have behind! Today on Discover the Word, special guest, Jeff Manion, leads the talk about finding contentment in the legacy we leave behind. What will you leave your loved ones when you pass on? Listen today to […]

    Fishing for people

    Ask anyone who’s caught a lot of fish, and they’ll tell you that the key to their success is patience. And today on Discover the Word, the team delves deeper into this secret to becoming better at “fishing for people.” It’s part of the series titled “Fishing Tips.” Join us for the exciting conclusion and […]

    Sharing our faith in Christ

    Today on Discover the Word, we continue the series titled “Fishing Tips” about sharing our faith in Christ. We’re observing how Jesus draws people to Himself using His favorite “bait.” What is His favorite bait? Find out, and learn why every believer can “go fish” like Jesus, by joining us right here on Discover the […]

    Making “fishers of men”

    Some people just have the gift of gab. They can talk readily and easily about almost anything with almost anybody! But for many of us, sharing our faith seems daunting. Today on Discover the Word, we’ll share insights on how to get comfortable showing and telling others about our faith. Be inspired by listening today to Discover the Word!

    The alien among us

    When you think of “aliens,” you probably picture little green men from far off galaxies or scary creatures in outer space. But today on Discover the Word, the team considers how Jesus calls those who are far off spiritually—aliens—into his family. A different way of thinking about “aliens” when you listen to Discover the Word!

    “Fishing Tips”

    When Jesus first called His disciples that were in the fishing business, He promised they’d become “fishers of men,” but what does that really mean? Today on Discover the Word, the group kicks off a brand-new series titled, “Fishing Tips.” It’s all about sharing your faith with others and trusting God to do the rest. […]

    Being a True Friend

    Poet Samuel Foss wrote, “Let me live by the side of the road and be a friend to man” (“The House by the Side of the Road”). That’s what I want to be—a friend of people. I want to stand by the way, waiting for weary travelers. To look for those who have been battered and wronged by others, who carry the burden of a wounded and disillusioned heart. To nourish and refresh them with an encouraging word and send them on their way. I may not be able to “fix” them or their problems, but I can leave them with…

    Battling Futility in Motherhood

    My baby cries. I look at the clock and sigh. Quickly, I finish drying the plate and get him from his cot. Here we go again.

    Just a Touch

    Kiley leaped at the chance to go to a remote area of East Africa to assist a medical mission, yet she felt uneasy. She didn’t have any medical experience. Still, she could provide basic care.

    While there, she met a woman with a horrible but treatable disease. The woman’s distorted leg repulsed her, but Kiley knew she had to do something. As she cleaned and bandaged the leg, her patient began crying. Concerned, Kiley asked if she was hurting her. “No,” she replied. “It’s the first time anyone has touched me in nine years.”

                Leprosy is another disease that can render…

    Blindsided by Jesus’s love – the story of Malchus

    Do you like surprises? Even for those of us who don’t, we might come around when it’s a good surprise. Today on Discover the Word, the team gathers to discuss one of the most surprising things about Jesus, by looking at one of the most surprised people in the Bible. Blindsided by Jesus’s love—the story […]

    Love is the glue that holds us all together

    The Bible tells us that the church is the body of Christ. And when a foot goes one way, and a hand goes another, tensions are bound to arise. So today the Discover the Word team gathers to talk about how the way we love each other is the glue that holds us together. Listen to […]

    Discover how Christ changes our hearts to be like His

    The Bible tells us that faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains. But even that is worthless without this one thing. Today on Discover the Word,  the team continues their study of 1 Corinthians 13 titled,  “Falling into Love.” We’ll see how Christ changes our hearts to be like His. Join us […]

    There is no substitute for love

    Everyone with a smartphone has an entire library in their pocket. A few taps or clicks, and we can get the information we have questions about in mere seconds. But we’ll see today on Discover the Word that knowledge is no substitute for love. Join us around the table as we talk about “Falling into […]

    “Falling into Love”

    We all know someone with the gift of gab. When they talk, everyone listens. But today, the Discover the Word team sits down to discuss how even the most eloquent speakers are just empty noise if they lack this one thing. It’s from the group’s study of 1 Corinthians 13 titled “Falling into Love.” And […]

    Hurtful Words I Needed To Hear

    Every Wednesday, I meet with a team leader and my colleague Abigail* for lunch fellowship. Though it’s just the three of us, we thought to heed the call in Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”