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How to repair and reinforce sibling relationships with biblical love
They were the people we grew up with. And whether we enjoyed a close relationship with our siblings, or never really knew them, sometimes our brothers and sisters are the hardest people to love! Ready to reconnect with your family?
No More Prejudice
A 2010 survey by Newsweek contained some startling statistics: 57 percent of hiring managers believe an unattractive (but qualified) job candidate would have a harder time getting hired; 84 percent of managers said their bosses would hesitate before hiring a qualified older candidate; 64 percent of hiring managers said they believe companies should be allowed to hire people based on appearance. All are clear examples of unacceptable prejudice.
The Power Of Love
Books on leadership often appear on best-seller lists. Most of them tell how to become a powerful and effective leader. But Henri Nouwen’s book In the Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership is written from a different perspective. The former university professor who spent many years serving in a community…
Why we should continue to express our love for God, even when it’s not popular
Have you ever been criticized, maligned, or rejected because of your love for the Lord? The same thing happened to Mary of Bethany! A motivating discussion about Mark 14.
How embracing God’s love can radically change how we live
We may have heard the extent of God’s love for us. But to truly accept the awesome fact that we are loved by the God of the universe can be a stretch!
A loving perspective on God’s expectations for you
She did what she could. Five simple words from the mouth of Jesus that contain a wealth of encouragement and insight for us today! Let's reveal the freedom contained in this brief verse in Mark 14.
Why simply loving the Lord with who we are and what we have, is all God asks
Ever feel like even the best you could do is never enough? That you’ll never meet the expectations placed on you? More from our study in Mark, chapter 14.
An Important Command
When asked by a lawyer to identify the most important rule in life, Jesus replied, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength” (Mark 12:30). In those words, Jesus summed up what God most desires from us.
Why we all need the grace and healing of the Savior
If your nose doesn’t run and your throat doesn’t itch, there’s no reason to see a doctor. It’s only when you know that you’re sick that you look for a remedy!
Love And Support
I received this note from a friend serving in an orphanage in a developing country: “Yesterday, as I was sitting at my office desk, I noticed a trail of ants on the floor. As I followed it, I was shocked to see that thousands of ants had blanketed the walls of our office building—inside and out. They swarmed everything. Fortunately, one of the workers . . . set to work. Less than an hour later, the ants were gone.”
Three questions that can turn any conversation from one of judgment to one of love
When left unchecked, our words can recklessly cut other people down. Our study of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount continues.
Christmas Lights
In December each year, a neighborhood of 13 families near where we live sets up a dazzling display of 300,000 Christmas lights. People drive for miles and wait in line for hours to see the flashing, colorful lights and hear the music that is programmed to go with it. The sound-and-light display is so elaborate that it requires a network of 64 computers to keep everything synchronized.
Good-Behavior Rewards
In a children’s ministry in my church, we hand out cards to the kids when we notice their good behavior. They collect the cards and receive prizes for the good choices they’ve made. We are trying to reinforce good behavior rather than focusing on bad behavior.
Loved To Love
A heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others.” I saw this quotation, attributed to the Wizard of Oz, on a wall plaque in a gift shop.
Country Doctor
Sinclair Lewis’ novel Main Street tells the story of Carol, a sophisticated city woman who marries a country doctor. She feels superior to others in her new small-town environment. But her husband’s response to a medical crisis challenges her snobbery.