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Praying with joy
In today’s busy world, does the thought of having to pray consistently for someone seem burdensome? Today on “Discover the Word,” we’ll discuss how Paul is our example when it comes to praying with joy. It’s all about relationship. Don’t miss the discussion, today on “Discover the Word”!
Bearing each other’s burdens
One sign of a healthy church is bearing each other’s burdens in prayer. Today on “Discover the Word,” we will discuss what it means to be “Praying for Others” with the apostle Paul’s words to the Philippians, “I thank God every time I remember you.” Paul had forged a strong bond with the people there. But since Paul was only in Philippi for a few weeks, how was that possible? Join the group today on “Discover the Word”!
A Hint of Heaven
The world-class botanical garden across the street from our church was the setting for an all-church community gathering. As I walked around the gardens greeting people I have known for years, catching up with those I hadn’t seen recently, and enjoying the beautiful surroundings cared for by people who know and love plants, I realized that the evening was rich with symbols of how the church is supposed to function—a little hint of heaven on earth.
A garden is a place where each plant is placed in an environment in which it will thrive. Gardeners prepare the soil, protect the plants…
Seeing Ourselves
Long ago, before the invention of mirrors or polished surfaces, people rarely saw themselves. Puddles of water, streams, and rivers were one of the few ways they could see their own reflection. But mirrors changed that. And the invention of cameras took fascination with our looks to a whole new level. We now have lasting images of ourselves from any given time throughout our entire life. This is good for making scrapbooks and keeping family histories, but it can be detrimental to our spiritual well-being. The fun of seeing ourselves on camera can keep us focused on outward appearance and…
Shared Struggles
Struggles are a part of life. But that doesn’t mean we have to face them alone. God tells us to “share each other’s burdens” because He knows that helps. So find your strength in God and the people He brings into your life to ease the load.
Sex: What are you waiting for?
I grew up in a dysfunctional non-Christian family, but my mother raised me to be responsible, conservative, and cautious, to the best of her ability. Though I was not explicitly taught to wait for marriage before having sex, I knew that this was the right thing to do. So I waited.
Shared Struggles
April 25, 2015, marked the 100th commemoration of Anzac Day. It is celebrated each year by both Australia and New Zealand to honor the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who fought together during World War I. It marks a time when neither country had to face the dangers of war alone; soldiers from both countries engaged in the struggle together.
Sharing life’s struggles is fundamental to the way followers of Christ are called to live. As Paul challenged us, “Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2 nlt). By…
Living out our faith with other believers
In our individualistic culture, it’s sometimes hard to ask for help even when we need it the most. Let’s talk about why Christianity is not a faith to be lived out all by our lonesome. The “fellowship of believers” is not a social club—it’s an “us” versus “I” living organism, designed by God, to bring healing and grace even in hopeless situations.
How God goes before a crisis
When cancer strikes, most people feel overwhelmed, incapable of coping. Yet for those who turn to God they often find He’s already gone ahead and prepared the way, easing their burden. Let’s discuss how sometimes it takes a crisis for us to look back and see how God has orchestrated certain events for His purposes and our spiritual growth.
People Power
A man was boarding a train in Perth, Australia, when he slipped and his leg got caught in the gap between the train carriage and the station platform. Dozens of passengers quickly came to his rescue. They used their sheer might to tilt the train away from the platform, and the trapped man was freed! The train service’s spokesman, David Hynes, said in an interview, “Everyone sort of pitched in. It was people power that saved someone from possibly quite serious injury.”
In Ephesians 4, we read that people power is God’s plan for building up His family. He has given…
Friends I Never Asked For
Growing up in church has its cons—everyone knows you, and everyone is watching your every action and ready to report you to your parents who serve as deacons, elders, or Sunday school teachers.
The Waving Girl
In the late 1800s and early 1900s, a familiar sight greeted ships as they pulled into the port of Savannah, Georgia. That sight was Florence Martus, “The Waving Girl.” For 44 years, Florence greeted the great ships from around the world, waving a handkerchief by day or a lantern by night. Today, a statue of Florence and her faithful dog stands in Savannah’s Morrell Park, permanently welcoming incoming vessels.
There is something in a warm welcome that speaks of acceptance. In Romans 15:7, Paul urged his readers: “Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you” (niv). Paul had in view…
How I Managed Doubt In My Life
When I was in primary school, I used to stammer. This speech impediment hampered my conversations with friends, teachers, and parents, leaving me with feelings of inadequacy.
How I Discovered My Spiritual Gift
“Do you have a spiritual goal in your life?” the guest speaker asked us during a youth ministry meeting one Saturday evening. He then explained that if we were born just to grow up, study, get married, have children, become old, and finally die, this meant that we would be living only to meet death.
When We Take our Families for Granted
Recently, I started watching an exciting Korean drama, “School 2015: Who Are You”. It tells the story of a pair of orphaned twin girls, Eun-Byeol and Eun-Bi, who were separated at birth.