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    Being Ready For Christ's Return And Using The Opportunities He Gives

    Our true commitment is seen in how we respond to the opportunities that are given to us. “For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them. And to one he gave five talents, to another, two, and to another, one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey. Then he who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and made another five talents. And likewise he who had received two gained two more also. But he who had received one went and dug in the ground, and hid his lord’s money. After a long time the lord of those servants came and settled accounts with them” (Matthew 25:14-30).

    Christmas Lights

    In December each year, a neighborhood of 13 families near where we live sets up a dazzling display of 300,000 Christmas lights. People drive for miles and wait in line for hours to see the flashing, colorful lights and hear the music that is programmed to go with it. The sound-and-light display is so elaborate that it requires a network of 64 computers to keep everything synchronized.


    “Movers and shakers” are people climbing the ladder of influence and success. Luke 3 mentions seven prominent leaders who exercised control in the society of their time.

    What does it mean to seek God’s will for our lives?

    As followers of Christ, we’re called to pursue God’s righteousness. But what does that really mean? See how reflecting God’s righteousness makes a lasting impact on the world around you.

    God Had Other Plans

    My friend Linda grew up planning to become a medical missionary. She loves the Lord and wanted to serve Him as a doctor by taking the gospel to sick people in parts of the world where medical care is hard to find. But God had other plans. Linda has indeed become a medical missionary, but not the way she expected.

    A timely lesson on priorities from the Sermon on the Mount

    Every day we juggle the responsibilities of work, church, family, and friends. And at times, it’s difficult to know how best to prioritize! Let's explore Jesus’ charge to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.”

    Find out how to respond to those who act Christian, and yet don’t know Christ

    Your neighbors down the street may not be followers of God, but they are really good people! So how do we share the need for Jesus with folks leading moral lives? Let's look to Romans 14 to find the answer.

    Discover how to make sense of the metaphors in the Sermon on the Mount

    A strong illustration can take a good sermon, and turn it into a truly powerful message! Explore the word pictures Jesus used to enhance His teachings.

    Ever think about your underlying motives in seeking to please God?

    The Bible guarantees eternal rewards for those who faithfully follow Jesus. But should the promise of favor and reward be our primary motivation to serve God? A thought-provoking study of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.

    Is Ambition Wrong?

    Is ambition wrong? Is it wrong to be driven, to push to be the best? It can be. The difference between right and wrong ambition is in our goal and motivation—whether it’s for God’s glory or our own.

    The Gift

    We refer to Christmas as the season of giving. Most of us try hard to find gifts that friends and family will like, but not all gifts are equal. Some gifts come with a subtle hint, like an exercise machine or a book about weight loss. Other gifts are those that the giver really wants for himself. But the best gifts are those that come from someone who loves us and knows what we want.

    Twenty-Seven Percent

    People’s attitudes toward Bible prophecy vary widely. Some believers are so preoccupied with it that they are constantly talking about the latest world events, thinking they are biblical signs that Christ could return at any moment. Others are so casual in their view of prophecy that it seems as if they don’t believe it’s relevant to the Christian life at all.

    Harvest Day

    One autumn afternoon I drove past a field where a farmer had parked some massive machinery by the side of the road. A yellow caution sign read: “Harvest in Progress.” As I glanced over at the field, I knew instantly what the farmer had planted several months ago—tiny kernels of corn. I knew this because he was preparing to drive his harvesting equipment through acres of mature cornstalks.

    Still Bearing Fruit

    Sometimes the harvest comes late. Sometimes you sow seeds of hope without really knowing it. Sometimes the fruit of your life comes in a way and time you would never expect.

    My daughter Melissa had accepted God’s gift of salvation at a young age. But she never saw herself as some great Christian who could change lives. She was just a high school junior trying to cope with a job, school, and sports while balancing friendships—just a kid trying to live as God would want her to.

    Day Unknown

    To many Londoners, 1666 looked like the year when Jesus would return. Prophecy enthusiasts had added 1,000 years since Christ’s birth to 666, the number of Antichrist, to arrive at the date 1666.