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    Comforting others with joy

    What do you say to a person in the midst of deep, personal pain? How do you comfort someone going through a difficult trial? Today, our special guest Margaret Feinberg challenges us to be a “joy bomber” and offer the hurting the gift of joy!

    Helping fight another’s battle

    Joy is a powerful weapon in times of trouble. Join our stirring conversation today as we discover how the gift of our presence can help others “Fight Back with Joy.”

    Whether we’re in pain or feeling good, we can always respond with joy!

    How are you? Often our circumstances dictate how we answer that question. But join us today as we discover what it sounds like to always respond with joy!

    Healing for wounded hearts and broken churches

    God, the Great Physician, has a prescription for wounded hearts and broken churches: laughter! Discover today why a cheerful smile and joyous laughter are God’s good medicine.

    Discover how to fight worry, fear, and doubt

    When troubles start to close in around us, and worry, fear, and doubt invade our hearts, God has given us a powerful tool to fight back! Join us as our special guest, Margaret Feinberg, discusses an unlikely weapon in our daily battles: joy!

    Habits Of A Healthy Mind

    There is much said today about improving our health by developing habits of optimism, whether facing a difficult medical diagnosis or a pile of dirty laundry. Barbara Fredrickson, PhD, a psychology professor at the University of North Carolina, says we should try activities that build joy, gratitude, love, and other positive feelings. We know, however, that more is required than a general wish for good feelings. We need a strong conviction that there is a source of joy, peace, and love upon which we can depend.

    Discover the power of joy regardless of what you face

    Our feelings are often dictated by our circumstances. When things are good, we’re happy. But when things fall apart, we often feel miserable. Let’s say there’s a fruit of the Spirit that can offers gladness, regardless of what we face.

    Is Jesus Still Here?

    Ted Robertson’s home in Colorado was one of more than 500 destroyed by the Black Forest Fire in June 2013. When he was allowed to return and sift through the ash and rubble, he was hoping to find a precious family heirloom made by his wife—a tiny ceramic figurine of baby Jesus about the size of a postage stamp. As he searched the charred remains of their home, he kept wondering, “Is the baby Jesus still here?”

    Hope for dark times is found in knowing our place in God’s redemption story!

    The Bible tells us Jesus came to rescue us from the oppressive powers of sin and death. So why do we often feel like we’re still held captive?

    Remembering Advent, Overcoming Frustration

    It is December and the season of Advent is upon us! A time to remember and consider how God in all His glory humbled Himself and came into our world. A time of expectation and hope. A time of looking forward to the promise of redemption and […]

    Christmas, My Favorite Time of the Year

    Christmas has always been my favorite time of the year. The celebratory atmosphere, the songs sung, and the joy that emanates from people during this period was to me—a boy of seven then—a magical and wonderful time. One of my fondest memories of those times were of my […]

    Hope In Suffering

    When I opened my Bible to read Jeremiah 1 through 4, the subhead ascribed to the book startled me: “Hope in Time of Weeping.” I almost cried. The timing was perfect, as I was walking through a season of weeping over the death of my mom.