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    The wisdom of mercy

    Greek thought viewed mercy as pity for those who were suffering unjustly. But Jesus introduced a new concept, mercy for those who are in trouble, even if that trouble is their own fault. We’ll see how the combined “good fruits” of wisdom ultimately reach their maturity in a harvest of mercy.

    Let’s contrast the wisdom of joy and earthly wisdom

    In the midst of conflict, it’s hard to get the right perspective. Let’s contrast the “pure and peaceable” wisdom from above with the “earthly and unspiritual” wisdom from below. One is “easily entreated” and furthers our relationships. The other is harsh, driving people apart.

    Discover the importance of gentleness

    To some, Jesus is a gentle lamb. To others, He’s a roaring lion. To the sinner in need of grace, Jesus’ strength was shown in His gentleness towards them. But to the religious leaders who were proud of their own righteousness, He was someone to be feared.

    A Fly’s Reminder

    When I first began working in the small office I now rent, the only inhabitants were a few mopey flies. Several of them had gone the way of all flesh, and their bodies littered the floor and windowsills. I disposed of all but one, which I left in plain sight.

    That fly carcass reminds me to live each day well. Death is an excellent reminder of life, and life is a gift. Solomon said, “Anyone who is among the living has hope” (Eccl. 9:4). Life on earth gives us the chance to influence and enjoy the world around us. We can…

    The harvest of joy in our relationships

    Many of us struggle with trusting people in our world today. Relationships are often shallow and people take care of themselves at the expense of others.

    Joy: the first step in wisdom

    We’re in a great series this week and we’re discovering that there is great wisdom in living joyfully.

    Navigating between what we can and can’t control

    This week our topic is wisdom, wisdom from the book of James. And one of the distinguishing signs of wisdom is how we handle what we can’t control.

    God’s answer to asking Him for wisdom

    Have you ever regretted asking a question because the answer was hard to take? That was the case with the rich young ruler who asked Jesus, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?”

    How can we have joy despite our trials?

    As Christians, we face constant challenges from all sides. It’s tempting to give in and give up, but God encourages us to press on! Join us as we begin a new series called “The Wisdom of James—the Wisdom of Joy.”

    Ripples of Hope

    In 1966, U.S. Senator Robert Kennedy made an influential visit to South Africa. There he offered words of hope to opponents of apartheid in his famous “Ripple of Hope” speech at the University of Cape Town. In his speech, he declared, “Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”


    What If It’s True?

    It’s the great debate: Is there a God or not? Let’s take it one step further and ask, “Is Jesus really God?” There’s a lot riding on the answer. It only makes sense to keep an open mind while figuring out the dilemma. Looking at the facts in Scripture as well as stories from contemporary […]

    Our Anchor

    After Estella Pyfrom retired from teaching, she bought a bus, decked it out with computers and desks, and now drives the “Brilliant Bus” through Palm Beach County, Florida, providing a place for at-risk children to do their homework and learn technology. Estella is providing stability and hope to children who might be tempted to throw away their dream for a better tomorrow.

                In the first century, an avalanche of suffering and discouragement threatened the Christian community. The author of Hebrews wrote to convince these followers of Christ not to throw away their confidence in their future hope (2:1). Their hope—a…

    One Man’s Quest to Bring Hope

    Written By Edna Ho, Malaysia Browse through the newspapers in Malaysia, you’re likely to read news about Kelvin Wan and his team distributing food, medicine and other forms of aid to poor villagers or victims of a flood or fire. The founder of Hope Place, a welfare group in Kuching, is well known in this […]


    Discover how you can strengthen your faith and trust in God, even in the midst of challenging times.