Topic > Christian Beliefs > Sin >
Let’s go back to the first century and see what it was like to hear the gospel for the first time
Unable to escape from the bondage of sin on our own, God sent His only Son to free us. It’s a transforming message that never gets old.
Supernatural Surveillance
Not far from my house, authorities have rigged a camera to snap pictures of drivers who race through red lights. The offenders later receive in the mail a ticket along with a “red-light photo,” which is visual proof of their traffic violation.
Let’s explore the tools we need to win the battle against our spiritual foes
The apostle Paul wrote that our fight is not against people or governments, but against unseen spiritual forces that wish to see us fall! An inspiring discussion on the power we have in God.
Discover who’s really behind the sin that so easily entangles us
When we’re surrounded by temptation and there seems to be no way out, it’s easy to think God is setting us up for failure. A look at the Garden of Eden.
Discover our enemy’s age-old schemes, so we won’t fall for them anymore!
Since the beginning of time, the Evil One has been using the same proven strategies to get us to fall into temptation!
The importance of praying “Lead us not into temptation”
What’s your weakness? Whether it’s chocolate cake, a corner office, or a pretty face, we all have things that tempt us at our most vulnerable points. A lesson on avoiding the pitfalls in life.
Broken Bones
Years ago, I played collegiate soccer as a goalkeeper. It was more fun than I can describe here, but all that fun came at a hefty price—one I continue to pay today. Being a goalie means that you are constantly throwing your body into harm’s way to prevent the other team from scoring, often resulting in injuries.
An insightful study on Jesus’ words, “Lead us not into temptation”
Temptation is all around us. And if we’re not careful, we’re liable to fall right into its trap! Let's suggest ways to avoid getting caught in the snare!
Black Boxes
Commercial aircraft carry two flight-data recorders called “black boxes.” One logs the performance and condition of the aircraft in flight, and the other records the conversation of the crew with air-traffic controllers on the ground. These boxes are insulated to protect against extreme temperatures and are fitted with underwater locator beacons that emit sounds to the surface.
Take a practical look at dealing with temptation
As believers in Christ, we have an ancient foe doing all he can to trip us up. But thankfully, God has provided spiritual tools to combat our enemy and gain the victory!
Bumper Cars
Life is a lot like “bumper cars” at an amusement park. You get in your car, knowing that you will get hit . . . you just don’t know how hard. And when you get hit, you step on the gas pedal, chase the one who has hit you, and hope to bump that person harder than they have bumped you.
A Good Man
Jerry was a good man,” the pastor said at Jerald Stevens’ memorial service. “He loved his family. He was faithful to his wife. He served his country in the armed services. He was an excellent dad and grandfather. He was a great friend.”
The Primeval History
This course provides an analysis of Genesis 1-11, looking at the background, the literary structure, the original meaning, the theological purpose, and modern applications. Why did Moses choose to tell the history of the Creation, the Fall, the Great Flood, and the Tower of Babel in the way that he did? It is based on the Third Millennium DVD series by Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.
Consider why Jesus chose the words “debt,” “trespasses,” and “sin” when giving us the Lord’s Prayer
Every word used in Scripture is perfectly used, in a particular place, and for a particular reason.