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    Psalm 71, the prayer of an old man

    When you come to the end of your life, what final message would you like to leave your children, grandchildren, or the people you leave behind? Join us as we study an old man’s prayer and the legacy he wanted to leave behind.

    How to stay encouraged when going through dark valleys

    Following God means we’re never standing still for long. The walk of faith is a constant journey. When walking through dark valleys, remember, hope is just ahead!

    Be encouraged by how Jesus handles our sin with truth and grace

    She had been caught red-handed. Exposed publicly for her sin of adultery, the woman in John 8 certainly didn’t expect any mercy from Jesus or the crowd.


    When Max Lucado participated in a half-Ironman triathlon, he experienced the negative power of complaint. He said, “After the 1.2-mile swim and the 56-mile bike ride, I didn’t have much energy left for the 13.1-mile run. Neither did the fellow jogging next to me. He said, ‘This stinks. This race is the dumbest decision I’ve ever made.’ I said, ‘Goodbye.’” Max knew that if he listened too long, he would start agreeing with him. So he said goodbye and kept running.

    Why Did You Do That?

    Why did you do that? I’m not referring to the things we do on reflex such as cracking our neck (which I do when I’m tired), but moments in life where we need to make a deliberate decision on a course of action. In the past when I applied […]

    Find out how God uses flawed families

    Does your family fight and bicker? Perhaps there are a few skeletons in your family’s closet. Don’t worry; you’re not alone! Let’s reveal the decades-old feud that took place in Jacob’s family, and how God’s mercy showed up in the midst of domestic conflict.

    Discover how God can transform our identities

    Names can stick with us for years. Perhaps you’ve had labels, nicknames, or reputations haunt you since childhood. Let’s study why Jacob’s name made him an unlikely participant in God’s sovereign plan. Our study of Jacob continues.

    More Than We Deserve

    Sometimes when people ask how I’m doing, I reply, “Better than I deserve.” I remember a well-meaning person responding, “Oh no, Joe, you deserve a lot,” to which I replied, “Not really.” I was thinking about what I truly deserve—God’s judgment.

    Prone To Wander

    One of my favorite classic hymns is “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” which was written in 1757 by 22-year-old Robert Robinson. In the hymn’s lyrics is a line that always captures my attention and forces me to do some self-evaluation. The line says, “Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love.” I feel that way sometimes. Too often I find myself distracted and drifting, instead of having my heart and mind focused on the Savior who loves me and gave Himself for me. Robert Robinson and I are not alone in this.

    Dressed To Deceive

    Hiking in the mountains of Utah, Coty Creighton spotted a goat that didn’t look like the rest of the herd. A closer look revealed that the unusual animal was actually a man dressed as a goat. When authorities contacted the man, he described his costume as a painter’s suit covered in fleece, and he said he was testing his disguise for a hunting trip.

    The Telltale Heart

    Recently I read about a private investigator in the US who would knock on a door, show his badge to whoever answered, and say, “I guess we don’t have to tell you why we’re here.” Many times, the person would look stunned and say, “How did you find out?” then go on to describe an undiscovered criminal act committed long ago. Writing in Smithsonian magazine, Ron Rosenbaum described the reaction as “an opening for the primal force of conscience, the telltale heart’s internal monologue.”

    Buyer’s Remorse

    Have you ever experienced buyer’s remorse? I have. Just prior to making a purchase, I feel the surge of excitement that comes with getting something new. After buying the item, however, a wave of remorse sometimes crashes over me. Did I really need this? Should I have spent the money?

    The biblical law of sowing and reaping when it comes to judging others

    If you plant an apple tree, you expect to harvest apples in the future. In the same turn, if you sow seeds of judgment, chances are you’ll eventually receive criticism yourself!

    Embarrassing Moments

    The flashing lights of the police car drew my attention to a motorist who had been pulled over for a traffic violation. As the officer, ticket book in hand, walked back to his car, I could clearly see the embarrassed driver sitting helplessly behind the wheel of her car. With her hands, she attempted to block her face from the view of passersby—

    The issue of sin in the life of the faithful follower of Christ

    No matter how hard we try, we can’t be all good all the time. But just a little faith in a powerful God makes all the difference!