Humanity | Our Daily Bread Ministries

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    Recently I read through a stack of World War II-era letters my dad sent to my mother. He was in North Africa and she was in West Virginia. Dad, a second lieutenant in the US Army, was tasked with censoring soldiers’ letters—keeping sensitive information from enemy eyes. So it was rather humorous to see—on the outside of his letters to his wife—a stamp that said, “Censored by 2nd Lt. John Branon.” Indeed, he had cut out lines from his own letters!

    Self-censoring is really a good idea for all of us. Several times in Scripture, the writers mention the importance of…

    Words that Wound

    “Skinny bones, skinny bones,” the boy taunted. “Stick,” another chimed. In return, I could have chanted “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” But even as a little girl, I knew the popular rhyme wasn’t true. Unkind, thoughtless words did hurt—sometimes badly, leaving wounds that went deeper and lasted much longer than a welt from a stone or stick.

    Hannah certainly knew the sting of thoughtless words. Her husband Elkanah loved her, but she had no children, while his second wife, Peninnah, had many. In a culture where a woman’s worth was often assessed based…

    Wisdom Is The Fruit Of Repentance

    Hiding your sin will tear you up inside, but wisdom is the fruit of repentance. Today on Discover the Word, we talk about the profound wisdom David gained when he finally came clean about his hidden sins. Find out why we can have joy when we’re corrected and disciplined by God today on Discover the Word!

    Hiding Sin And The Dangerous Place It Can Take Us

    Have you ever tried to hide your failures as a way of controlling how people perceive you? Most of us probably have. Today on Discover the Word, we discuss how King David’s attempt to hide his sins put him in a precarious place with God. That is, until he confessed! Join the conversation today on Discover the Word!

    What We Lose When We Don’t “Fess Up” To Sin

    People often worry about what they’ll lose if they “come clean” about their sins. But we lose a whole lot more when we’re too stubborn to “fess up,” and instead try to hide what we’ve done. Today on Discover the Word, the group discusses David’s “year of hiding and denial.” Join the group today for Discover the […]

    Correction And Forgiveness Go Hand In Hand

    Most of us wince a little when someone corrects us. It’s awkward and often painful. But we love it when someone extends forgiveness! Today on Discover the Word, the group takes a look at Psalm 32. It’s a poem that shows how forgiveness and correction often go hand in hand, and both are a blessing from […]

    The Joy Of God’s Correction

    Nobody likes being corrected. And most people would choose just about anything over being disciplined! Today on Discover the Word, the group begins a study in Psalm 32, in which King David talks about the joy of God’s correction. Really? The joy of correction? Is this an oxymoron? Find out today on Discover the Word!

    Difficult Choices And Following God

    When you’re faced with a difficult choice it can be tough to be confident in choosing the way to go. Factor in wanting to be sure you’re following God and that can add another level of complexity. Today on Discover the Word we will conclude the series titled, “Standing at the Crossroads.” Join the group for a thought-provoking discussion […]

    Actions Always Speak Louder Than Words

    A picture may be worth a thousand words but actions will speak even louder! Today on Discover the Word, we will turn again to the book of Jeremiah to see how it’s not enough to simply choose a path when we’re “Standing at the Crossroads,” we actually have to start walking. Get challenged, today on Discover the Word!

    Humbly Asking For Help And Trusting God

    Have you ever been reluctant to ask for help? Maybe you thought you’d be a burden, so you held back. But can a refusal to seek assistance sometimes actually be rooted in a self-centered pride? Today on Discover the Word, the team looks to the prophet Jeremiah to see how humbly asking for help can be a way […]

    Stepping Back To Look At The Big Picture

    When you’re trying to make a tough decision, stepping back and looking at the big picture can often offer a fresh perspective! Today on Discover the Word, we continue our study based on the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah and discover an instance when Jeremiah was able to move forward by looking back. Join us today on Discover the […]

    Making Godly Decisions While Standing At The Crossroads

    We all have to make decisions. But when you find yourself “Standing at the Crossroads,” how do you determine which way to go? Today on Discover the Word, the group will kick off a new series about the prophet Jeremiah. They’re dissecting the ancient wisdom that helped him make godly decisions. Listen today on Discover the Word!


    Godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation . . . —2 Corinthians 7:10

    Conviction of sin is best described in the words:

    My sins, my sins, my Savior,
    How sad on Thee they fall.

    Conviction of sin is one of…

    “The Temple of the Holy Spirit”

    . . . only in regard to the throne will I be greater than you —Genesis 41:40

    I am accountable to God for the way I control my body under His authority. Paul said he did not “set aside the grace of …

    “When He Has Come”

    When He has come, He will convict the world of sin . . . —John 16:8

    Very few of us know anything about conviction of sin. We know the experience of being disturbed because we have done wrong things. But conviction …