Wisdom of God | Our Daily Bread Ministries

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    A Wise Builder

    Sojourner Truth, whose birth name was Isabella Baumfree, was born a slave in 1797 in Esopus, New York. Though nearly all of her children were sold as slaves, she escaped to freedom in 1826 with one daughter and lived with a family who paid the money for her freedom. Instead of allowing an unjust system to keep her family apart, she took legal action to regain her small son Peter—an amazing feat for an African-American woman in that day. Knowing she couldn’t raise her children without God’s help, she became a believer in Christ and later changed her name to…

    Missing: Wisdom

    Two-year-old Kenneth went missing. Yet within three minutes of his mom’s 9-1-1 call, an emergency worker found him just two blocks from home at the county fair. His mom had promised he could go later that day with his grandpa. But he’d driven his toy tractor there, and parked it at his favorite ride. When the boy was safely home, his dad wisely removed the toy’s battery. 

    Kenneth was actually rather smart to get where he wanted to go, but two-year-olds are missing another key quality: wisdom. And as adults we sometimes lack it too. Solomon, who’d been appointed king by…

    Difficult Choices And Following God

    When you’re faced with a difficult choice it can be tough to be confident in choosing the way to go. Factor in wanting to be sure you’re following God and that can add another level of complexity. Today on Discover the Word we will conclude the series titled, “Standing at the Crossroads.” Join the group for a thought-provoking discussion […]

    Actions Always Speak Louder Than Words

    A picture may be worth a thousand words but actions will speak even louder! Today on Discover the Word, we will turn again to the book of Jeremiah to see how it’s not enough to simply choose a path when we’re “Standing at the Crossroads,” we actually have to start walking. Get challenged, today on Discover the Word!

    Humbly Asking For Help And Trusting God

    Have you ever been reluctant to ask for help? Maybe you thought you’d be a burden, so you held back. But can a refusal to seek assistance sometimes actually be rooted in a self-centered pride? Today on Discover the Word, the team looks to the prophet Jeremiah to see how humbly asking for help can be a way […]

    Stepping Back To Look At The Big Picture

    When you’re trying to make a tough decision, stepping back and looking at the big picture can often offer a fresh perspective! Today on Discover the Word, we continue our study based on the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah and discover an instance when Jeremiah was able to move forward by looking back. Join us today on Discover the […]

    Making Godly Decisions While Standing At The Crossroads

    We all have to make decisions. But when you find yourself “Standing at the Crossroads,” how do you determine which way to go? Today on Discover the Word, the group will kick off a new series about the prophet Jeremiah. They’re dissecting the ancient wisdom that helped him make godly decisions. Listen today on Discover the Word!

    Failure Is Not The End Of The Story

    Today on Discover the Word, we conclude our study of the life of Solomon on a hopeful note. Although Solomon lost sight of God, his failure is not the end of the story. Consider the “true and better Solomon” the Bible and all history points to when you join the group today on Discover the Word!

    True Wisdom That Goes Beyond Mere Knowledge

    We have more access to knowledge than any other generation in history. Most any question we have, we can Google an answer to in seconds. But even with all that knowledge, wisdom still seems to be in short supply. Today on Discover the Word, the team will help us connect to the source of true […]

    Scandal Involving The Wisest Man Who Ever Lived

    It seems like every week there’s a new scandal involving a public figure. But today on Discover the Word, we’ll explore an ancient scandal involving, strangely enough, the wisest man who ever lived. Be part of the group on Discover the Word today for a discussion on “The Wisdom of Solomon”!

    Living Wisely To The End

    Do you remember who was voted “Most Likely to Succeed” in your high school class? If you’d gone to school in ancient Israel, King Solomon would certainly have been elected that in his senior year. But today on Discover the Word, the team discusses how someone with limitless potential fell flat on his face. Listen […]

    Who Do You Seek Out For Wisdom?

    When looking for wise advice, you might call a friend, parent, or mentor, or even write to Dear Abby. But none of those sources hold a candle to King Solomon! Today on Discover the Word, we continue the study of the wisest man in history! Be part of the group for “The Wisdom of Solomon” […]

    What Comes First… Wisdom Or Knowledge?

    Wisdom and knowledge are often related, but also seem to be two distinct things. Today on Discover the Word, the team continues to study the life of Solomon to help unravel the question, what comes first: wisdom or knowledge?  Don’t miss this interesting discussion, today on Discover the Word!

    The Wisdom Of Solomon

    Today on Discover the Word, we learn from Solomon’s radical display of God-given wisdom—in one of the most dramatic custody hearings in history! Be sure to listen in as the group continues their series titled, The Wisdom of Solomon. That’s today on Discover the Word!

    How Can We Be Sure We’re Living Wisely?

    We know that having “wisdom” is more than simply knowing the right answers. It involves action, and how and when to apply those answers too! So how can we be sure we’re living wisely? Today on Discover the Word, the team explores the practical side of understanding, by looking at the wisest man who ever […]