Topic > Christian Beliefs > God >
Under His Wings
When I think of protection, I don’t automatically think of a bird’s feathers. Though a bird’s feathers might seem like a flimsy form of protection, there is more to them than meets the eye.
Bird feathers are an amazing example of God’s design. Feathers have a smooth part and a fluffy part. The smooth part of the feather has stiff barbs with tiny hooks that lock together like the prongs of a zipper. The fluffy part keeps a bird warm. Together both parts of the feather protect the bird from wind and rain. But many baby birds are covered in a…
A grateful heart bringing you to the call to worship
Today on Discover the Word, join us for another encouraging conversation about Psalm 100! You’ll be challenged to think about what you have to be grateful for and how those blessings can call you to worship. Learn to worship with gratitude, today on Discover the Word!
Bringing our passions to the call to worship
As a culture, we sure do get excited about our sports! The Super Bowl, March Madness, the World Series, the World Cup, these are anticipated events that we’d never miss! But often, we don’t bring that same enthusiasm to worshiping God on Sunday! Today on Discover the Word, we’re talking about our passions, and our […]
What 5 Bible Couples Teach Us About Romance
Written By M. Tiong, Malaysia, originally in Simplified Chinese I once thought that it was fine to start a romantic relationship as long as it felt right; I did not realize that I ought to take time to pray to God about it first. I once thought that it was time to break up when […]
Our Father’s Face
I remember my father’s face. It was hard to read. He was a kind man, but stoic and self-contained. As a child, I often searched his face, looking for a smile or other show of affection. Faces are us. A frown, a sullen look, a smile, and crinkly eyes reveal what we feel about others. Our faces are our “tell.”
Asaph, the author of Psalm 80, was distraught and wanted to see the Lord’s face. He looked north from his vantage point in Jerusalem and saw Judah’s sister state, Israel, collapse under the weight of the Assyrian Empire. With her buffer…
Singing to the call to worship
It seems like for as long as there have been people, there have been songs! But why do we sing songs of worship? Today on Discover the Word, the group will get together around the table to discuss what motivates our worship and what its true purpose is. It’s part of the series titled “A Call […]
The Heart of Christ
An Australian journalist who spent 400 days in an Egyptian jail expressed mixed emotions when he was released. While admitting his relief, he said he accepted his freedom with “incredible angst” for the friends he was leaving behind. He said he found it extremely hard to say goodbye to fellow reporters who had been arrested and jailed with him—not knowing how much longer they were going to be held.
Moses also expressed great anxiety at the thought of leaving friends behind. When faced with the thought of losing the brother, sister, and nation that had worshiped a golden calf while he…
Listening to the call to worship
When you hear someone shout, you’ve got to listen carefully to discover what they’re shouting about and what emotion is attached to their outburst. Today on Discover the Word, we find that there are several different kinds of shouts in the Bible, too! It’s another enlightening discussion from Psalm 100. Hear more from the series […]
A call to worship
Today on Discover the Word, the group kicks off a new series for the week! It’s titled “A Call to Worship.” Tune in to hear a discussion that explores the depths of praise found in Psalm 100 and learn how praising God can change your life. Listen to Discover the Word today!
Using strategic weapons to be victorious
When are we most susceptible to temptation? Today on Discover the Word, we’ll hear the encouraging conclusion of the series titled “The Temptation of Jesus.” Although temptations are inevitable and come in a variety of forms, we are discussing the one thing you’ll find at the heart of each one. Don’t let temptation rule your life! […]
How Jesus conquered temptation
Does the devil really cause us to sin? Well today on Discover the Word, the team will examine the Bible for ways that temptation can invade our lives, and discover that often there is a spiritual entry point. You’re invited to discover how Jesus conquered temptation. It’s part of this week’s series titled “The Temptation of […]
Effective strategy for victory
Have you ever “let your emotions get the better of you”? Well, temptation can often find an emotional entry point in our life that makes it difficult to resist. Today on Discover the Word, we find that Jesus felt the lure of temptation too, but employed an effective strategy for victory. It’s another encouraging discussion about […]
The Professor’s Confession
Horrified by his students’ poor writing habits, renowned author and college professor David Foster Wallace considered how he might improve their skills. That’s when a startling question confronted him. The professor had to ask himself why a student would listen to someone “as smug, narrow, self-righteous, [and] condescending” as he was. He knew he had a problem with pride.
That professor could and did change, but he could never become one of his students. Yet when Jesus came to Earth, He showed us what humility looks like by becoming one of us. Stepping across all kinds of boundaries, Jesus made Himself at home…
Exposing the devil’s playbook
Temptation can sneak up on us. But we don’t have to give in! Today on Discover the Word, we explore “The Temptation of Jesus” in Luke chapter 4 to expose the devil’s playbook. We’ll unmask the trying physical entry points for temptation. Listen today for tactics to fight temptation Jesus’s way on Discover the Word!