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    What will your legacy be?

    Each day we write another chapter in our own personal legacy. So when you finally leave this earth, what kind of story will you leave behind? Let’s discuss how we want to be remembered, and that’s as people who were loved!

    Loved To Love

    Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s life was at risk every day he stayed in Hitler’s Germany, but he stayed nonetheless. I imagine he shared the apostle Paul’s view that being in heaven was his heart’s desire, but staying where he was needed was God’s present purpose (Phil. 1:21). So stay he did; as a pastor he offered clandestine worship services and resisted the evil regime under Hitler.

    Why God’s mercy is meant to flow from our lives into the lives of others

    A fresh water spring cannot quench our thirst if it accumulates in one spot. Instead it stagnates. And the same goes for God’s mercy.

    Don’t miss this compelling discussion on God’s mercy

    If we ever doubt God’s love, if we’re ever uncertain about His grace, if we’re ever unclear about His mercy, we need only look toward the cross! Jesus answered the most common prayer in the Bible, “Lord, have mercy.”

    Prone To Wander

    One of my favorite classic hymns is “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” which was written in 1757 by 22-year-old Robert Robinson. In the hymn’s lyrics is a line that always captures my attention and forces me to do some self-evaluation. The line says, “Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love.” I feel that way sometimes. Too often I find myself distracted and drifting, instead of having my heart and mind focused on the Savior who loves me and gave Himself for me. Robert Robinson and I are not alone in this.

    Jesus’ Love For All

    It was a bit unusual, but three times in one day I heard the same song. In the early afternoon, I attended a hymnsing at a home for the elderly. As part of her prayer at the end of our time together, Willie, one of the residents, said, “Sing with me, ‘Jesus Loves Me.’” In the evening, I attended a gathering with young people who sang it while pounding out the beat with their hands and feet. Later that evening, I received a text message on my phone with an audio recording of my 2 1/2-year-old grandniece with a sweet little voice, singing, “I am weak, but He is strong.” People in their nineties, teenagers, and a toddler all sang that song that day.

    Limitless Love

    Recently, a friend sent me the history of a hymn that I often heard in church when I was a boy:

    Tell It On The Mountain

    I was surprised to see a nationally distributed news article commending a group of teenage snowboarders who hold weekly church services on a Colorado ski slope. In the Summit Daily News, Kimberly Nicoletti’s story captured a wide audience with her account of teens who love to snowboard and to tell how Jesus changed their lives. Undergirding the teenagers is a Christian youth organization equipping them to demonstrate God’s love.

    Why we should continue to express our love for God, even when it’s not popular

    Have you ever been criticized, maligned, or rejected because of your love for the Lord? The same thing happened to Mary of Bethany! A motivating discussion about Mark 14.

    How small acts of love can have a big impact

    We may never eradicate homelessness, feed the world’s hungry, or care for all the orphans of the world. But through simple actions, we can effect eternal change! Let’s explore Mary’s encounter with Jesus in Mark 14.

    Discover how God’s love frees us from the guilt of our past and allows us to make the most of the present

    Have you ever looked back with regret on missed opportunities—those the things you should have done, or words you should have said? We’re talking about Mark 14.

    Why doing what we can is all that we’re asked to do

    We read about the heroic actions of faithful men and women in Scripture and think, “There’s no way I could do what they did!” Another insightful discussion with the group

    How embracing God’s love can radically change how we live

    We may have heard the extent of God’s love for us. But to truly accept the awesome fact that we are loved by the God of the universe can be a stretch!

    A loving perspective on God’s expectations for you

    She did what she could. Five simple words from the mouth of Jesus that contain a wealth of encouragement and insight for us today! Let's reveal the freedom contained in this brief verse in Mark 14.

    Finding freedom in doing what we can to love God

    She wasn’t a leader, a politician, or even a person of power. Yet, by acting on the love of Jesus, Mary of Bethany influenced the world. How we can follow her example?