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    Discover how the actions of loving God cause a reaction of loving others!

    What do Isaac Newton’s third law of motion and the greatest biblical commandment have in common? Discover a biblical principle at work.

    Power Of Simplicity

    Few people take time to study the US Internal Revenue Service income tax regulations—and for good reason. According to Forbes magazine, in 2013 tax codes surpassed the four million-word mark. In fact, the tax laws have become so complex that even the experts have a hard time processing all the regulations. It’s burdensome in its complexity.

    Let’s turn to John chapter 11 and find that God has compassion for us in every situation!

    When troubles pile up and we reach the end of our rope, we may start to wonder if God really cares about us. Let’s talk honestly about those times when we doubt God’s love.

    Discover why we grow closer to God in our difficulties

    It’s easy to be thankful during the good seasons in life. But when life takes a drastic turn, gratitude doesn’t come so naturally. Let’s look at the story of Lazarus, and discover why we grow closer to God in our difficulties.

    Discover God’s visible love for you, even in the midst of trials

    The Bible defines faith as “trusting in what you cannot see.” But it’s hard to trust in God’s goodness when life is falling apart around us. Let’s explore a passage in Scripture that offers us a fresh perspective on faith.

    All We Need To Know

    In a Fernando Ortega rendition of “Just As I Am,” Billy Graham’s voice can be heard faintly in the background. Dr. Graham is reminiscing about an illness during which he believed he was dying. As he mused on his past, he realized what a great sinner he was and how much he continues to need God’s daily forgiveness.

    City Of Refuge

    As we entered a town in Australia, we were greeted by a sign that declared: “We welcome all who are seeking refuge and asylum.” This kind of welcome seems to resonate with the Old Testament concept of the cities of refuge. In the Old Testament era, cities of refuge (Num. 35:6) were established to be a safe haven for people who had accidentally killed someone and were needing protection. God had the people establish such cities to provide that refuge.

    He Calls The Stars By Name

    On a plateau high above the Atacama Desert in Chile, the world’s largest radio telescope is giving astronomers a view of the universe never seen before. In an Associated Press article, Luis Andres Henao spoke of scientists from many countries “looking for clues about the dawn of the cosmos—from the coldest gases and dust where galaxies are formed and stars are born to the energy produced by the Big Bang.”

    Waving The White Flag

    Recently, while watching a video of a church service held in South America, I noticed something I had never seen before in church. As the pastor passionately called his flock to yield their lives to Jesus, one of the parishioners took a white hankie out of his pocket and started waving it in the air. Then another, and another. With tears running down their cheeks, they were expressing full surrender to Christ.

    God is unfair

    Written By Jordy Marteja God is unfair. He is biased. Partiality is in Him. We have compelling evidences to proof this is true. First, consider Case 01: Jeremy. Jeremy wakes up in the morning with bizarre perplexity and hits the hay in pondering thought. Confusion is his constant companion. He wanders, Why am I here? […]

    Water For The World

    Although 70 percent of the world is covered by water, less than 1 percent of it is drinkable by humans. Water conservation and sanitation are crucial matters in many parts of the world, as all life depends on having sanitary water.

    (Another) Piece of Relationship Advice

    Written By P.Cheong With the (somewhat) recent proliferation of online magazines and the tsunami of relationship advice that comes with it, young people are bombarded with ideas of love, relationships, and marriage. And I suspect that this is what you are thinking about too. We’re all at that distressing stage in life where relatives (you […]

    The Power Of A Name

    Nicknames are often descriptive of some noticeable aspect of a person’s character or physical attributes. Growing up, my elementary school friends brutally called me “liver lips” since at that stage of development my lips seemed disproportionately large. Needless to say, I have always been glad that the name didn’t stick.

    Continuing our series on Jacob, and discovering how God is for us!

    Ever felt like you and the Lord were going toe-to-toe over an issue in your life? Let’s study Genesis chapter 32 and Jacob’s wrestling match with God. We’ll discover that God is not against us, but rather, He’s for us!

    Discover who God chooses to be part of His family

    The more we discover who the Old Testament character of Jacob was, the more we may wonder why God would ever want to be associated with such a person, let alone have a relationship with him! We’re getting to know “The God of Jacob.”