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    Let’s tackle the question “Where is God when I hurt?”

    With so much pain and brokenness in the world, have you ever felt like God is indifferent to suffering? Like He knows where we’re hurting, but still remains distant? More from our study in Job.

    Discover how to live like sons and daughters of the King!

    We may believe we’re cherished children of God. But do we live like it? Do you need to be reminded of your identity in Christ?

    Would You Give a Tip for Bad Service?

    Would you give a tip—that is more than the total cost of the meal itself—for bad service? If you’re thinking “No way”, that’s probably the logical reply. No one would fault you for not tipping. So what led an Iowa couple, Makenzie and Steven Schultz, to tip a waiter […]

    My Wedding Infatuation

    I’ve always been a fan of weddings. It’s probably because I’m a romantic at heart. In fact, I’ve always seen it as sacred—the union of two souls, the starting of a new life together, and many other beginnings. It is beautiful, isn’t it? Well, today I realized that marriage is all […]

    What seems impossible to us is not impossible with God!

    Have you ever prayed that a loved one would come to know Jesus, only to see that person move farther and farther away from God? Be encouraged to keep praying, and sharing the Savior.

    A Fresh Start

    In many countries, health laws prohibit reselling or reusing old mattresses. Only landfills will take them. Tim Keenan tackled the problem and today his business employs a dozen people to extract the individual components of metal, fabric, and foam in old mattresses for recycling. But that’s only part of the story. Journalist Bill Vogrin wrote, “Of all the items Keenan recycles . . . it’s the people that may be his biggest success” (The Gazette, Colorado Springs). Keenan hires men from halfway houses and homeless shelters, giving them a job and a second chance. He says, “We take guys nobody else wants.”

    Amazing Grace

    Pressed into service in the Royal Navy, John Newton was dismissed for insubordination and turned to a career trafficking in slaves. Notorious for cursing and blasphemy, Newton served on a slave ship during the cruelest days of trans-Atlantic slavery, finally working his way up to captain.

    The Blame Game

    When Jenny’s husband left her for another woman, she vowed that she would never meet his new wife. But when she realized that her bitterness was damaging her children’s relationship with their father, she asked for God’s help to take the first steps toward overcoming bitterness in a situation she couldn’t change.

    A Saint is a Recycled Sinner

    For our charity appeal, we recycle aluminium drink cans to raise money. Sometimes I would go out with a bag to collect the cans that were thrown in the streets so we could sell them later. The proceeds went to school fees in India: 150 kilogram of cans = £60 = […]

    One Amazing Letter

    Once in a while my wife and I open the mail to find a letter with no words on it. When we take the “letter” out of the envelope, we see a piece of paper with nothing more on it than a colorful mark made with a felt pen. Those “letters” warm our hearts because they’re from our preschool granddaughter Katie, who lives in another state. Even without words, these letters tell us that she loves us and is thinking about us.

    Let’s continue our study on the Roman centurion in Matthew 8

    It’s been said that the best test of a person’s character is how he treats people who have nothing to offer. How this soldier cared for those close to him is a good example for all of us!

    Discover a Roman soldier’s love for God’s people, and the faith that selfless compassion reveals

    It’s easy to love those who love you back. But it’s much harder to love those who despise you!

    The Ultimate Sacrifice

    When Deng Jinjie saw people struggling in the water of the Sunshui River in the Hunan province of China, he didn’t just walk by. In an act of heroism, he jumped into the water and helped save four members of a family. Unfortunately, the family left the area while he was still in the water. Sadly, Jinjie, exhausted from his rescue efforts, was overwhelmed and swept away by the river current and drowned.

    Terms Of Service

    If you’re like me, you seldom read the full text of contracts for online services before you agree to them. They go on for pages, and most of the legal jargon makes no sense to ordinary people like me.

    Discover how at the heart of God’s laws is His desire for a loving relationship

    Some people think God is all about rules and regulations. Be a part of the discussion from Mark chapter 12