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    The Promises of God

    Time and time again in the Bible we see where God is faithful to His promises. They are the heart of the Bible and actually reveal His good, merciful, and trustworthy character. Explore both His conditional and unconditional promises, and know that His promises are perfect even when we don’t completely understand them. In The […]

    Jesus works through the most unlikely people

    Most people think of a “shepherd” as being a male figure. Yet in reality, tending and herding sheep is often a job done by women and children. Today on “Discover the Word,” our special guest Margaret Feinberg discuss how shepherds were—and are—often marginalized. And so while living on the fringe of society, isn’t it amazing that shepherds were included as main players at our Savior’s birth?

    Our Jealous God

    In 2014 a University of California researcher used a stuffed dog to show that animals are capable of jealousy. Professor Christine Harris asked dog owners to show affection for a stuffed animal in the presence of their pet. She found that three-fourths of the dogs responded with apparent envy. Some tried to get attention with touch or a gentle nudge. Others tried to push between their owner and the toy. A few went so far as to snap at their stuffed rival.

    In a dog, jealousy seems heartwarming. In people, it can lead to less admirable results. Yet, as Moses and…

    Poem: After You Have Sinned

    What did you do?
    You know you cannot undo.
    What can you do?
    You know you cannot run.

    Becoming Invisible

    Where I live, this is the time of year when plants defy death by remaining underground until it is safe to come out again. Before the snow comes and the ground freezes, they let go of their beautiful blooms and retreat to a place where they can rest and save energy for the next growing season. Contrary to the way it looks, they are not dead; they are dormant. When the snow melts and the ground thaws, they will again lift their heads toward heaven, greeting their Creator with brilliant colors and sweet fragrances.

    The seasons of life require that we…

    God as both Redeemer and Restorer

    God is both a Redeemer and a Restorer. While we can sometimes find it difficult to believe that anything good can come from the horrific, it’s God’s desire to take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it around for good. And in the midst of a crisis, it’s critical to surround yourself with those who share that same hope.

    Discover the hope that doesn’t disappoint

    Let’s talk about how pain can have purpose. No one likes to suffer, but suffering can actually be productive if we allow it to be. Difficult times can produce perseverance, that refines our character, that then results in hope. And when that hope is fixed on God, it’s a hope that doesn’t disappoint.

    The power of heartfelt prayer

    The Bible tells us in First Corinthians that we’re to comfort others with the same comfort we’ve received from God. But sometimes we need a push to do that. Let’s discuss the power of heartfelt prayer and how Vivian’s desperate, middle-of-the-night cry to God delivered a miraculous result.

    Living out our faith with other believers

    In our individualistic culture, it’s sometimes hard to ask for help even when we need it the most. Let’s talk about why Christianity is not a faith to be lived out all by our lonesome. The “fellowship of believers” is not a social club—it’s an “us” versus “I” living organism, designed by God, to bring healing and grace even in hopeless situations.

    3 Lessons on Loving Difficult People

    Loving some people can be hard, especially when they’re unlovable. But that doesn’t mean we can just shrug our shoulders and shrug off our responsibility. It’s been said that we are the only Jesus people see.

    How God goes before a crisis

    When cancer strikes, most people feel overwhelmed, incapable of coping. Yet for those who turn to God they often find He’s already gone ahead and prepared the way, easing their burden. Let’s discuss how sometimes it takes a crisis for us to look back and see how God has orchestrated certain events for His purposes and our spiritual growth.

    Love Comes First

    One evening my friend showed me one of the three decorative plaques that would be part of a wall arrangement in her living room. “See, I’ve already got Love,” she said, holding up the plaque with the word written on it. “Faith and Hope are on order.”

    So Love comes first, I thought. Faith and Hope soon follow! 

    Love did come first. In fact, it originated with God. First John 4:19 reminds us that “We love [God] because he first loved us.” God’s love, described in 1 Corinthians 13 (known as the “love chapter”), explains a characteristic of real love when it says, “Love never…

    Why Jesus sees us as Beautiful

    Hello Beautiful! If someone said that to you, would you look behind you to see who they were really talking to? Since 96 percent of women surveyed don’t see themselves as beautiful, this would be a common reaction. We’ll make the case that “beautiful” is the way God made us to be. We may feel ugly, but Jesus sees us as beautiful. Do you believe that?

    How Does Jesus Redeem Our Scars?

    Most of us have scars. Some are physical, easily seen. Others are emotional, often hidden deep within. Let’s discuss how many people believe that their painful past disqualifies them from having a part in the kingdom. Be part of today’s conversation as we talk about how Jesus can redeem our scars through His scars.