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    Elisha and the two bears

    Here’s a bedtime story you probably wouldn’t read to your kids, the story of Elisha and the two bears. After a gang of young men mocked the prophet Elisha, two bears suddenly showed up and mauled forty-two of them. Well, today on “Discover the Word,” we’ll talk about this strange and disturbing event. Is it possible there’s more to this story than meets the eye? Join us today for “Discover the Word”!

    Poem : When Life Hurts

    Written By Desiree U. Angeles, Philippines Oh Lord, is this our punishment For turning against you? Chaos and natural disasters everywhere Misunderstandings abound, scuffles in the air. Love seems to slowly fade It’s no longer the paradise you’ve made. Living in a complete mess, where lost souls dwell. We have ourselves to blame, into sin […]

    For God So Loved

    Christmas is a time of wonder. It’s a time when people from all nations can join together and ponder the humble birth of a baby who came to earth as part of God’s plan. And it was simply because He loved us.

    What Christmas Is All About

    Fifty years ago A Charlie Brown Christmas was first broadcast on American television. Some network executives thought it would be ignored, while others worried that quoting the Bible would offend viewers. Some wanted its creator, Charles Schulz, to omit the Christmas story, but Schulz insisted it stay in. The program was an immediate success and has been rebroadcast every year since 1965.

    When Charlie Brown, the frustrated director of the children’s Christmas play, is discouraged by the commercial spirit of the holiday season, he asks if anyone can tell him the real meaning of Christmas. Linus recites Luke 2:8-14 including the words, “For…

    Responding to the One who gave us everything

    Today on “Discover the Word,” we conclude the two-week discussion about doing what we can for Jesus with what we’ve been given. Through Mary of Bethany’s courageous act of passionate devotion to Jesus, we’re invited to become part of the ongoing story. Mary is our example of how the world could change if each of us gave what we had in response to the One who gave us everything.

    Ever feel like you’re on the outside looking in?

    Today on “Discover the Word,” we continue to peel back the layers of the story of Mary of Bethany and the alabaster jar. What we discover is that Mary wasn’t the only outsider in that room full of religious men. Simon the Leper had been an outcast before Jesus healed him. Ever feel like you’re on the outside looking in? Then be part of the group today right here on “Discover the Word”!

    Reaching out to others

    We all have our reasons for not doing what we can to help others. And yet we’re still plagued with guilt when we don’t do anything. Today on “Discover the Word,” we’ll discuss excuses we give for not reaching out to others. Excuses like “What if I’m rejected?” or “What difference could I make?”

    Why Doesn’t My Friend Believe in God?

    For the longest time, a good friend of mine has been seeking the truth and trying to make sense of life. And for many years, I have been trying to introduce Christ to him. I believe that all his questions about life can be answered.

    Unpacking our doubts about God’s love

    The “Discover the Word” group continues their series “She Did What She Could” today. After Mary of Bethany anointed Jesus with expensive ointment, Judas and others criticized her . . . until Jesus told the men to “leave her alone.” Join us as we unpack the concept of “leaving ourselves alone”. . . by not being hard on ourselves, or allowing others to make us doubt God’s love for us.

    Doing what we can with what we’ve been given

    Today on “Discover the Word,” we conclude week one of the discussion on doing what we can for Jesus with what we’ve been given. Today’s discussion contrasts the two women whose act of passionate devotion for Jesus led them both to anoint Him with perfume. One woman, Mary of Bethany, did this out of love with the purpose of preparing Jesus’ body for burial. The other woman anointed her Savior in grateful response to having been forgiven.

    Living loved

    How often do we talk about doing good for others, but then never act on it? Today on “Discover the Word,” we will talk about how Mary of Bethany was a woman who “lived loved.” As a result she found the courage to step up at a pivotal moment in Christ’s life, giving Him comfort when He needed it the most. She did. “She Did What She Could” continues today on “Discover the Word”!

    A passionate worshiper

    Mary of Bethany was an ordinary woman. But there was nothing ordinary about any woman in the male-dominated culture of that day sitting at the feet of a Jewish rabbi! Today on “Discover the Word,” we discuss the extraordinary decision by God to “pick a girl” as a person that history would hold up as an example of a passionate worshiper of Jesus. Join us today on “Discover the Word”!

    Pruning the vine

    Today on “Discover the Word,” special guest Margaret Feinberg helps center our discussion on what Jesus actually meant when He talked about “pruning the vine.” Instead of whacking the vines with a machete, the vinedresser trims the vine gently, branch by branch. We continue our fascinating conversations about the agrarian images used in the Bible as Margaret tells us about time she spent with a vintner learning about “the fruit of the vine.”