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    When Personality Tests are Damaging

    Introverts are quiet, shy, and don’t like meeting people. Extraverts (or “extrovert” as this psychology term is often spelled) are loud, seek attention, and love meeting people. You’ve probably heard such descriptions of personality types.

    Entering the kingdom like a child

    Jesus’s disciples argued about who was going to be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, until Jesus told them that to enter that kingdom they had to become like a child. So what exactly did He mean by that? Today we, along with our guest, “Our Daily Bread for Kids” author Crystal Bowman examine Matthew 18 to find the answer.

    Hope for raising godly children

    Scripture gives parents plenty of hope in raising their children to know and love the Lord. We find that hope in both the Old and New Testament. And so, even though there are no guarantees, how can parents do their part in helping their children “discover the Word”? Don’t miss the conversation with our guest, “Our Daily Bread for Kids” author Crystal Bowman. Today on “Discover the Word”!

    How to raise godly children

    What does God want us to teach our children? Today on “Discover the Word,” “Our Daily Bread for Kids” author Crystal Bowman joins us at the table to address a common concern for parents, how to raise godly children. Many feel ill equipped to do so, yet we want so much for them to have a relationship with our heavenly Father through His Son Jesus. How to help kids “discover the Word”—don’t miss the discussion, today on “Discover the Word”!

    How children “Discover the Word”

    Parents are eager to learn how to best influence their children to know God. But where do they turn? There’s no set formula, but there is wisdom to be found in the Bible. Today on “Discover the Word,” the three of us and special guest, “Our Daily Bread for Kids” author Crystal Bowman launch a discussion about how children “discover the Word.” Join the study right here on “Discover the Word”!

    His only Son

    Today on “Discover the Word,” we celebrate Christmas and wind up the series “For God So Loved.” The chapter with the Bible’s most familiar verse has provided the context for our conversations for Christmas this year. John 3:16 of course gives us the reason why Jesus came, but you’ll discover the surprising way John chapter 3 concludes when you join us today on “Discover the Word”!

    Celebrate the light of the world

    Have you ever noticed how lights are such a major part of celebrating Christmas? Well, today on “Discover the Word,” we will discuss a verse in John chapter 3 that talks about light and darkness and will make a memorable connection to all the lights you’ll be exposed to on this Christmas Eve. Celebrate the coming of the Light of the world with the group, today on “Discover the Word”!

    Into This Darkness

    Darkness. The world was in darkness. But we knew the Light was coming because God promised His arrival. Suddenly, one night so long ago, He came bursting into our world as a baby. And just like the morning sun, He overcame the dark of night and gave us hope.

    His atoning work on the cross

    In John chapter 3 we read that Jesus said He didn’t come into the world to condemn the world, but to save it. Today on “Discover the Word,” we talk about how Christians often condemn the very people that Jesus included through His atoning work on the cross. Continue to study the context of one of the Bible’s most familiar statements: “For God so loved the world.”

    For God So Loved

    In ancient Jewish culture, the first-born son held a very special place in family dynamics. So it got Nicodemus’ attention when Jesus told him that God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son. Join the group today on “Discover the Word” as they begin Week 2 of their series on the chapter of the Bible that contains its most familiar verse, “For God So Loved.”

    Amazing Love

    Approaching the first Christmas after her husband died, our friend Davidene wrote a remarkable letter in which she pictured what it might have been like in heaven when Jesus was born on earth. “It was what God always knew would happen,” she wrote. “The three were one, and He had agreed to allow the fracturing of His precious unity for our sake. Heaven was left empty of God the Son.”

    As Jesus taught and healed people on earth, He said, “I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.…

    Embracing the Messiah

    Today on “Discover the Word,” we end the first week of the special series for Christmas titled, “For God So Loved,” by revealing how Jesus challenged a prominent leader of the Sanhedrin, Nicodemus, to embrace the Messiah he wasn’t expecting. It poses a question for all of us. And the answer is wrapped up in a simple two-letter word that reveals the intensity of Jesus’ love for all humanity. Find out what that word is, on “Discover the Word”!

    How Jesus surprised Nicodemus

    Sometimes for a really smart person to learn something, they have to be humble enough to want to learn. Nicodemus, a leading member of the Sanhedrin, came to Jesus with some sincere questions. His frame of reference was the Mosaic law, but Jesus surprised him with a whole new paradigm. Join the group today on “Discover the Word” as they begin the series, “For God So Loved.”

    When It’s More Blessed To Give Than to Receive

    For years, I dreaded Christmas and the social gatherings that came with it. While my friends and colleagues looked forward excitedly to exchanging presents and spending time with friends, I hated the idea of attending awkward barbecues with strangers.

    Elisha’s miracle of displaying God’s mercy

    It’s Christmas—a time when we sing about the three kings who came to worship Jesus. But today on “Discover the Word,” we’re going to discuss three kings of Israel who are not worth singing about—kings who worshiped pagan idols, yet still believed God would give them victory over their enemy, Moab. So why would Elisha perform a miracle displaying God’s mercy to them?