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    Discover how grief can transform and change us

    Today on Discover the Word, when the team concludes the first week of their series titled, “Tearful Expressions,” they’ll be in John chapter 20 to learn from Jesus Himself about the how grief transforms and changes us, but how Jesus is revealing Himself to us in our grief. Listen to Discover the Word today.

    How does Jesus restore us?

    What do we do when someone is crying and it’s our fault? What do we do when we’ve made choices we regret? Today on Discover the Word, the team digs into the life of Peter to see how Jesus restores him even after he denies Christ. Let the discussion encourage your heart as they look […]

    Earnestly Searching

    Every Saturday our family lines the edges of the racecourse to cheer on my daughter as she runs with her high school cross-country team. After crossing the finish line, the athletes stream out to rejoin their teammates, coaches, and parents. Crowds engulf the finishers—often more than 300 of them—making it difficult to find one person among so many. We scan the crowd excitedly until we find her, eager to put our arms around the one athlete we came to watch: our much-loved daughter.

    After 70 years of captivity in Babylon, God returned the Jews to Jerusalem and Judah. Isaiah describes the delight…

    Redefining “blessedness”

    When someone says, “I’m so blessed,” what do they usually mean? Today on Discover the Word, the group sits down once more with their friend, author and speaker and broadcaster Sheridan Voysey to redefine “blessedness” as it’s described in the Sermon on the Mount. Would you say that you are “blessed”? Listen today to Discover the Word!

    I am Loved, Really?

    “Useless.” “Stupid.” “Good-for-nothing.” These are words and phrases some of us may identify with. Even though I know that I am a child of God, there are times I still label myself with these words.

    Be Still

    “We’ve created more information in the last five years than in all of human history before it, and it’s coming at us all the time” (Daniel Levitin, author of The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload).  “In a sense,” Levitin says, “we become addicted to the hyperstimulation.” The constant barrage of […]

    How can a song of lament also be a song of hope?

    Have you ever heard a song that perfectly describes how you feel? Songs can powerfully communicate emotions that resonate with our souls! And today on Discover the Word, we find that the Psalms contain all kinds of songs including songs of lament. But as we’ll see, “Songs of Lament” are also “Songs of Hope.” Finish […]

    Trusting in God’s perfect love for us

    When things get tough, who ya gonna call? Well, it’s true that trials and troubles truly reveal where we put our trust! Today on Discover the Word, we discuss the one thing we can always trust: God’s perfect love. This conversation is for anyone struggling to trust God more, which would be all of us! […]

    Under His Wings

    When I think of protection, I don’t automatically think of a bird’s feathers. Though a bird’s feathers might seem like a flimsy form of protection, there is more to them than meets the eye.

    Bird feathers are an amazing example of God’s design. Feathers have a smooth part and a fluffy part. The smooth part of the feather has stiff barbs with tiny hooks that lock together like the prongs of a zipper. The fluffy part keeps a bird warm. Together both parts of the feather protect the bird from wind and rain. But many baby birds are covered in a…

    Our Father’s Face

    I remember my father’s face. It was hard to read. He was a kind man, but stoic and self-contained. As a child, I often searched his face, looking for a smile or other show of affection. Faces are us. A frown, a sullen look, a smile, and crinkly eyes reveal what we feel about others. Our faces are our “tell.”

    Asaph, the author of Psalm 80, was distraught and wanted to see the Lord’s face. He looked north from his vantage point in Jerusalem and saw Judah’s sister state, Israel, collapse under the weight of the Assyrian Empire. With her buffer…

    The Heart of Christ

    An Australian journalist who spent 400 days in an Egyptian jail expressed mixed emotions when he was released. While admitting his relief, he said he accepted his freedom with “incredible angst” for the friends he was leaving behind. He said he found it extremely hard to say goodbye to fellow reporters who had been arrested and jailed with him—not knowing how much longer they were going to be held.

    Moses also expressed great anxiety at the thought of leaving  friends behind. When faced with the thought of losing the brother, sister, and nation that had worshiped a golden calf while he…

    The Professor’s Confession

    Horrified by his students’ poor writing habits, renowned author and college professor David Foster Wallace considered how he might improve their skills. That’s when a startling question confronted him. The professor had to ask himself why a student would listen to someone “as smug, narrow, self-righteous, [and] condescending” as he was. He knew he had a problem with pride.

    That professor could and did change, but he could never become one of his students. Yet when Jesus came to Earth, He showed us what humility looks like by becoming one of us. Stepping across all kinds of boundaries, Jesus made Himself at home…

    The Pentateuch: Genesis-Deuteronomy

    The first five books of the Old Testament are commonly called the Pentateuch. They tell the story of the nation of Israel from creation to preparation for the conquest of the Promised Land. But is the Pentateuch simply the historical account of God’s chosen people, or is it something more? This course explores the books of Genesis through Deuteronomy, examining why they were written, what they meant to their original audience, and how we should respond to them today. This course is based on the lecture series, The Pentateuch, produced by Third Millennium Ministries and hosted by Dr. Scott Redd…

    Leah’s happy ending

    Everyone loves a happy ending. And today on Discover the Word, the team will conclude the series titled, “Leah—Unloved but Deeply Loved” by finally getting to the “greatly loved” part. Tune in to hear how a woman who was unloved by her family and husband wound up finding true love. It’s a great end to a […]

    Leah – deeply loved by God!

    Today on Discover the Word, the team kicks off a new series about a woman in the Bible who was, for the most part, rejected and unloved by her family, but deeply loved by God. Be encouraged and inspired by the story of Leah when you listen to Discover the Word!