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    Loving God and loving others

    Jesus told us the greatest commandment had two parts: to love God and to love one another. So today on Discover the Word, we will bring to the table the topic, How do we overcome impatience and irritability to love others the way God loves us? It’s a challenging and lively discussion today on Discover […]

    Discover how our manners reveal deeper spiritual truths

    Do manners matter? We certainly tell our kids that they do, so the answer might seem obvious, but how can our manners actually reveal deeper spiritual truths? Today on Discover the Word, we’ll kick off the final week of the series “Falling into Love” on Discover the Word. Love is not rude—listen today!

    Find how God’s love changes the way we boast!

    Did you know the Bible tells us to brag? As a general rule, it’s safe to say that the Scriptures are against boasting, but there is one exception. Today on Discover the Word, we’ll sit down for another discussion on “Falling into Love.” Find how God’s love changes the way we boast. Join us today […]

    Where Do You Place Your Worth?

    I’m a jokester. God has gifted me with the ability to lighten up a tense atmosphere and cheer people up. But like so many others, I have used this God-given talent to glorify myself instead of Him.

    What does a successful life look like?

    What does it mean to live a successful life? And who gets to define what a successful life really is? Today on Discover the Word, author Daniel Ryan Day joins the team for the powerful conclusion to the series they’ve titled, “Intentional Christian.” Be listening today to Discover the Word!

    Don’t miss the big picture

    Sometimes as Christians, we spend so much time looking at the details of life that we miss the big picture! Well, today on Discover the Word, the team welcomes author Daniel Ryan Day back to the table for a practical conversation about God’s will for your life. Feel like you’re missing God’s calling? It’s an […]

    Has God Abandoned Me?

    Have you ever felt God was withholding everything good from you? Have you ever felt abandoned by God? I definitely have.

    My Netflix Had No Chill

    A young woman comes home after a long day. She sets her things down, throws her hair up, and changes into comfy clothes in record time. Breathing a deep sigh of relief, she grabs her laptop and flips it open.

    God is in the business of transformation

    Feeling blue? God’s in the business of transformation! And you’re invited to join us today on Discover the Word, to hear the transformative series finale of our three-week discussion on how God responds to our deepest emotions. See how God turns our mourning into dancing and our tears into laughter. That’s on Discover the Word today!

    God doesn’t just wipe our tears away, He makes all things new

    What are we supposed to do when we’re sad? Does God just expect us to keep a “stiff upper lip”? Today on Discover the Word, we gather again to discuss how God responds to our tears! He doesn’t just wipe them away, but He consoles, justifies, and makes all things new! Find out how that […]

    Discover the remarkable way God attends to our pain

    God sees every tear that falls. Not one of them escapes His attention! So why do we try to hold back from crying? Today the Discover the Word team gathers around the table to talk about the remarkable ways God attends to our pain even when we don’t see it! Grab a seat in that […]

    When God Allows Unhappy Moments To Take Place

    “I can’t tell you about my unhappy moments because I’ve never experienced any before,” my friend said. We were having a small group discussion and were taking turns to share about at least three moments in our lives that made us unhappy.

    How does God relate to our deeply felt tears?

    Emotions are so complex. There’s not always a straightforward answer to the question, “Why are you crying?” But today on Discover the Word, we will open up a helpful discussion about God’s emotions, as revealed in the Bible. How does God relate to our deeply felt “Tearful Expressions”? Listen today on Discover the Word!

    God is near to the broken-hearted

    From ballads to the blues, people love to hear sad songs. Today on Discover the Word, we will kick off a new round of conversation surrounding a song of lament found in Psalm 6. Receive heartfelt consolation from the Bible’s songbook and discover just how near God is, whenever you’re in pain. Join us on […]

    The One Who Understands

    John Babler is the chaplain for the police and fire departments in his Texas community. During a 22-week sabbatical from his job, he attended police academy training so that he could better understand the situations law enforcement officers face. Through spending time with the other cadets and learning about the intense challenges of the profession, Babler gained a new sense of humility and empathy. In the future, he hopes to be more effective as he counsels police officers who struggle with emotional stress, fatigue, and loss.

    We know that God understands the situations we face because He made us and sees…