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    Knowing and Loving

    “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so” is the message of one of Christian music’s most enduring songs, particularly for children. Written by Anna B. Warner in the 1800s, this lyric tenderly affirms our relationship with Him—we are loved.

    Someone gave my wife a plaque for our home that gives these words a fresh twist by flipping that simple idea. It reads, “Jesus knows me, this I love.” This provides a different perspective on our relationship with Him—we are known.

    In ancient Israel, loving and knowing the sheep distinguished a true shepherd from a hired hand. The shepherd…

    An Angry God?

    When I studied Greek and Roman mythology in college, I was struck by how moody and easily angered the mythological gods were in the stories. The people on the receiving end of their anger found their lives destroyed, sometimes on a whim.

    I was quick to scoff, wondering how anyone could believe in gods like that. But then I asked myself, Is my view of the God who actually exists much different? Don’t I view Him as easily angered whenever I doubt Him. Sadly, yes.

    That’s why I appreciate Moses’ request of God to “show me your glory” (Exodus 33:18). Having been chosen…

    How Do We Love Others If We’re Lonely?

    I got into a great conversation with a girl at a party recently. She’s been a friend for a long time, but it went so well I started to wish she was more than a friend. But I could tell she didn’t want the same.

    Faith-Building Memories

    As I stepped into the music-filled sanctuary, I looked around at the crowd that had gathered for a New Year’s Eve party. Joy lifted my heart with hope, as I recalled the prayers of the previous year. Our congregation had collectively grieved over wayward children, deaths of loved ones, job losses, and broken relationships. But we’d also experienced God’s grace as we recalled changed hearts and healed personal connections. We’d celebrated victories, weddings, graduations, and baptisms into God’s family. We’d welcomed children born, adopted, or dedicated to the Lord, and more−so much more.

    Reflecting over the history of trials our church…

    The Reminder Worth Repeating

    For most of us, hardly a day goes by in which we don’t flip through our calendars—mental or physical—trying to call up a work meeting or a dinner appointment. For those of us on Facebook, we receive prompts every so often about our friends’ birthdays and important events.

    Global impact begins with our local community

    I think it’s safe to say we all want to make a difference in the world, in some small or big way. But where do we start? Today the Discover the Word team concludes their weeklong study in the gospel of John, with the revelation that global impact begins in our local community. Making a […]

    Restored Failures

    A guest band was leading praise and worship at our church, and their passion for the Lord was moving. We could see—and feel—their enthusiasm.

    Then the musicians revealed that they were all ex-prisoners. Suddenly, their songs took on special meaning, and I saw why their words of praise meant so much to them. Their worship was a testimony of lives broken and restored.

    The world may embrace success. But stories of failure offer people hope too. They assure us that God loves us no matter how many times we have failed. In his book Hearts of Iron, Feet of Clay, pastor Gary Inrig…

    Jesus Loves Maysel

    When my sister Maysel was little, she would sing a familiar melody in her own way: “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells Maysel.” This irritated me to no end! As one of her older, “wiser” sisters, I knew the words were “me so,” not “Maysel.” Yet she persisted in singing it her way.

    Now I think my sister had it right all along. The Bible does indeed tell Maysel, and all of us, that Jesus loves us. Over and over again we read that truth. Take, for example, the writings of the apostle John, “the disciple whom Jesus…

    Imperfect, Yet Loved

    In Japan, food products are immaculately prepared and packed. Not only must they taste good but they must look good too. Often I wonder if I am purchasing the food or the packaging! Because of the Japanese emphasis on good quality, products with slight defects are often discarded. However, in recent years, wakeari products have gained popularity. Wakeari means “there is a reason” in Japanese. These products are not thrown away but are sold at a cheap price “for a reason”—for example a crack in a rice cracker.

    My friend who lives in Japan tells me that wakeari is also a catchphrase for people…

    God is able to keep us from stumbling

    The older we get, the more concerned we become about stumbling and falling. A fall can be a real game changer for us, and for our loved ones. But falling physically is not the only way we can stumble. And today on Discover the Word, we’ll conclude the week-long series titled “God Is Able,” by […]

    Great Love

    Recently, we took our twenty-two-month-old granddaughter, Moriah, overnight for the first time without her older brothers. We lavished lots of loving, undivided attention on her, and had fun doing the things she likes to do. The next day after dropping her off, we said our goodbyes and headed out the door. As we did, without a word Moriah grabbed her overnight bag (still sitting by the door) and began following us.

    The picture is etched in my memory: Moriah in her diaper and mismatched sandals ready to depart with Grandma and Grandpa again. Every time I think of it, I smile.…

    Choosing the legacy we leave behind

    We all have limited time on this earth, but we’d all like to leave behind a legacy, wouldn’t we? And the good news is that in many ways, we get to choose what that legacy is like. Today on Discover the Word, be part of the group discussion as they conclude their two-week series titled, […]

    The Hand of Comfort

    “Patient is combative,” the nurse’s notes read. 

    What she didn’t realize until later was that I was having an allergic reaction as I awakened after a complicated open-heart surgery. I was a mess, with a tube down my throat. My body began shaking violently, straining against the straps on my arms, which were there to keep me from suddenly pulling out my breathing tube. It was a frightening and painful episode. At one point, a nurse’s assistant to the right side of my bed reached down and simply held my hand. It was an unexpected move, and it struck me as…

    Loving God and others through our scars

    They might not be visible, but we all have scars—both physical and emotional. And our natural instinct is to hide them. But today on Discover the Word, the team will offer biblical encouragement and show how we can actually love God and love others with our scars. It’s part of what makes us “Beauty-Full Beings.” […]

    Loving God with our gifts

    Whether you’re an artist or a mathematician, God has built into each of us a creative spark! And today on Discover the Word, we consider the ways in which our creative talents are used by God to love others. Loving God with our craft—it’s part of the series titled “Beauty-Full Beings.” Tune in today for […]