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    “The Jesus Storybook Bible”

    When we spend time following the picture-perfect lives of people on social media, it’s easy to feel like we’re not good enough. Today on Discover the Word, the team, and special guest Sally Lloyd-Jones remind us that no matter what our inner voice may say, we are beautiful and loved in the eyes of God. A […]

    The Bible Tells One Overarching Story

    The Bible may seem like a complex collection of strict rules and heroic tales. But in reality, the Bible tells one, overarching story, the story of God’s love for you. Today on Discover the Word, the team and special guest Sally Lloyd-Jones discuss how every story in the Bible “whispers Jesus’s name.” Join us today on  Discover […]

    He Knows Our Names

    During a visit to the National September 11 Memorial in New York City, I quickly photographed one of the twin reflecting pools. Around these two pools, the names of the nearly 3,000 people who died in the World Trade Center attacks are etched into bronze panels. Later, while looking more closely at the photo, my eyes were drawn to the hand of a woman resting on a name. Many people come to this place to touch a name and remember someone they loved.

    The prophet Isaiah reminded God’s people of His unfailing love and concern for them, even though they had…

    Sharing The Gospel Message Clear And Simple

    Pastors and theologians have spent thousands of years studying the Scriptures. But in the end, the gospel is a message so clear and so simple, even a child can understand it. Today on Discover the Word, the team along with special guest Sally Lloyd-Jones discuss the art of sharing the gospel with kids. Join us as Sally […]

    Unchanging Love

    When I was in high school I played on the varsity tennis team. I spent many hours of my teenage years trying to improve my skills on four concrete courts located two blocks from the home where I grew up.

    The last time I visited that city one of the first things I did was drive to that location, hoping to watch others play and reminisce for a moment. But the old courts, so familiar to my memory, were nowhere to be seen. In their place was a vacant field, inhabited only by an occasional weed waving silently in the breeze.


    Finding the Way Home

    Sometimes this journey through life can be so difficult that we’re simply overwhelmed, and it seems there is no end to the darkness. During such a time in our own family’s life, my wife emerged one morning from her quiet time with a new lesson learned. “I think God wants us not to forget in the light what we’re learning in this darkness.

    Paul writes this same thought to the Corinthians (2 Corinthians 1), after describing the terrible difficulties he and his team endured in Asia. Paul wants the Corinthians to understand how God can redeem even our darkest moments. We…

    Bees and Snakes

    Some problems have Daddy’s name written all over them. For instance, my kids recently discovered bees had moved into a crack in our concrete front porch. So, armed with bug spray, I went out to do battle.

    I got stung. Five times.

    I don’t like being stung by insects. But better me than my kids or wife. Taking care of my family’s wellbeing is at the top of my job description after all. My children recognized a need, and they asked me to address it. They trusted me to protect them from something they feared.

    In Matthew 7, Jesus teaches that we too…

    You Love Me?

    As a teenager, I went through the typical season of rebellion against my mother’s authority. My father died before I entered adolescence, so she had to navigate these turbulent parenting waters without his help.

    I recall thinking that Mom didn’t want me to ever have any fun—and maybe didn’t even love me—because she frequently said “no.” I see now that she said “no” to activities that weren’t good for me precisely because she loves me.

    The Israelites questioned how much God loved them because of their time in captivity in Babylon. But that captivity was God’s correction for their continued rebellion against Him.…

    Heaven Rejoices When The Lost Is Found

    If you’ve ever lost and then found a wedding ring, a passport, or a family pet, you probably remember the relief and joy you felt when you recovered what was lost! And today on Discover the Word, the team concludes their weeklong study on “The God Who Pursues,” as we discover the joy God has when […]

    God Is Actively Seeking The Lost

    God is actively seeking those who are lost! And today on Discover the Word, the team will give us a new perspective on the radical lengths to which God will go to find those who are far from Him. It’s part of series titled “The God Who Pursues,” and you can hear it today on Discover the Word!

    A Powerful Love Story

    It’s often said, that “seeing is believing.” So today on Discover the Word, see how one of the Bible’s most powerful love stories reveals that the God we follow is “The God Who Pursues”! It’s a story of betrayal and forgiveness, faithlessness and reconciliation. Get a new vision of God’s radical love for the lost when you […]

    God’s Care for Us

    My young grandsons enjoy dressing themselves. Sometimes they pull their shirts on backwards and often the younger one puts his shoes on the wrong feet. I usually don’t have the heart to tell them; besides, I find their innocence endearing.

    I love seeing the world through their eyes. To them, everything is an adventure, whether walking the length of a fallen tree, spying a turtle sunning itself on a log, or excitedly watching a fire truck roar by. But I know that even my little grandsons are not truly innocent. They can make up a dozen excuses about why they can’t…

    We Have Great Value

    Imagine you’re running late for your first day at a new job and you’ve misplaced your keys. You’d turn the house upside down to find them! Because the more important something is, the more intense the search is to find it! And today on Discover the Word, the team will show us that God intensely pursues […]

    “The God Who Pursues”

    What’s the first word that comes to mind when you think about God? Well, today on Discover the Word, the team considers how our God is “The God Who Pursues.” It’s a brand-new series of conversations that focus on Jesus’s parable in Luke 15 about a lost sheep, a lost coin, and two lost sons. Be part of the Discover […]

    The Counterintuitive Ways Of God

    Today on Discover the Word, we conclude our weeklong study on the counterintuitive ways of God. God’s plans and methods often seem like the opposite of what we’d expect, but can we trust God in seasons of pain and when life doesn’t make sense? Get the faith-building answers today on Discover the Word!