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    What Can’t You Give Up?

    “What’s one thing you can’t give up?” the radio host asked. Listeners called in with some interesting answers. Some mentioned their families, including a husband who shared memories of a deceased wife. Others shared they can’t give up on their dreams, such as making a living in music or becoming a mother. All of us have something we treasure dearly—a person, a passion, a possession—something we can’t give up.

    In the book of Hosea, God tells us that He won’t give up on His chosen people Israel, His treasured possession. As Israel’s loving husband, God provided her with everything she needed:…

    Infinite Dimensions

    I lay still on the vinyl-covered mat and held my breath on command as the machine whirred and clicked. I knew lots of folks had endured MRI’s, but for claustrophobic me, the experience required focused concentration on something—Someone—much bigger than myself.

    In my mind, a phrase from Scripture (“how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ,” Ephesians 3:18) moved in rhythm with the machine’s hum. In Paul’s prayer for the Ephesian church, he described four dimensions to God’s love in order to stress the unending parameters of God’s love and presence.

    My position while lying down for…

    God Loves Each And Every One Of Us Dearly

    The universe is really BIG! And when you stop to think about it, you can feel really small in comparison! Today on Discover the Word, the team, and special guest Sally Lloyd-Jones remind us that even though we’re small, God loves each of us dearly. Hear one final excerpt from Sally’s book, Thoughts to Make […]

    Heaven’s Love Song

    In 1936, songwriter Billy Hill released a popular hit song titled “The Glory of Love.” Before long a nation was singing about the joy of doing even little things out of love for one another.  Fifty years later, lyricist Peter Cetera wrote a more romantic song with a similar title. He imagined two people living forever, knowing together, they did it all— for the glory of love.

    Revelation, the last book in the Bible, describes a new love song that will someday lift the voices of everyone in heaven and earth (Revelation 5:9,13). The music begins, however, in a minor key…

    Find Comfort Knowing Only God Is Perfect

    Do you ever feel like you have to be perfect? Do you expect perfection from others? Today on Discover the Word, the team, and special guest Sally Lloyd-Jones find comfort in the fact that no one is perfect except for God. Join us as we read another excerpt from Sally’s children’s book, Thoughts to Make […]

    The One Big Over-Arching Story Of The Bible

    The Bible may consist of different books written by different authors, but in the end, it tells one, big, over-arching story. Today on Discover the Word, the team and special guest Sally Lloyd-Jones read an excerpt from Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing, and discuss how stories have the power to captivate both children and adults […]

    The Boundless, Never-Changing Love Of God

    God’s love has no restrictions, no strings attached. And there’s nothing we can do to earn it. Today on Discover the Word, the team, and special guest Sally Lloyd-Jones discuss how to communicate God’s boundless, unconditional, never-changing love to a child. We’re talking about Sally’s book, Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing today on Discover […]

    Thoughts To Make Your Heart Sing

    We can’t always tell where God is leading us. But we can always trust that He’s taking us somewhere good. Today on Discover the Word, the team and special guest Sally Lloyd-Jones discuss how to share this comforting truth with children. Join the group for a conversation about Sally’s children’s book, Thoughts to Make Your […]

    Steadfast Love

    “I love you!” my dad called out as I slammed the car door and headed into school. I was in sixth grade, and for months we had played out basically the same scenario every morning. We arrived at school, Dad said, “Have a great day! I love you!” and all I said was “Bye.” I wasn’t angry with him or ignoring him. I was simply so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I didn’t notice his words. Nevertheless, my dad’s love remained steadfast.

    God’s love is like that—and more. It endures forever. The Hebrew word that expresses this steadfast kind…

    Dumb Sheep, Good Shepherd

    My friend Chad spent a year as a shepherd in Wyoming. “Sheep are so dumb that they’ll only eat what is right in front of them,” he told me. “Even if they’ve eaten all the grass in front of them, they won’t turn to look for a fresh patch—they’ll just start eating dirt!”

    We laughed, and I couldn’t help but think about how often the Bible compares humans to sheep. No wonder we need a shepherd! But since sheep are so dumb, not just any shepherd will do. Sheep need a shepherd who cares about them. When the prophet Ezekiel wrote…

    Terrible and Beautiful Things

    Fear can leave us frozen in our own lives. We know all the reasons to be afraid—everything that’s hurt us in the past, everything that could easily do so again. So sometimes we’re stuck—unable to go back; too afraid to move forward. I just can’t do it. I’m not smart enough, strong enough, or brave enough to handle being hurt like that again.

     I’m captivated by how author Frederick Buechner describes God’s grace—like a gentle voice that says, “Here is the world. Terrible and beautiful things will happen. Don’t be afraid. I am with you.”

    Terrible things will happen. In our world, hurting people…

    Stories of Jesus

    As a girl I loved to visit my small local library. One day, looking at the bookshelves holding the young adult section, I reasoned I could probably read every book. In my enthusiasm I forgot one important fact—new books were regularly added to the shelves. Although I gave it a valiant effort, there were simply too many books.

    New books continue to fill more and more bookshelves. The apostle John likely would be amazed with the availability of books today since his five New Testament books, the gospel of John; 1, 2, and 3 John; and Revelation, were handwritten on parchment…

    Our Singing Father

    No one told me before my wife and I had children how important singing would be. My children are now six, eight, and ten. But all three had problems sleeping early on. Each night, my wife and I took turns rocking our little ones, praying they’d nod off quickly. I spent hundreds of hours rocking them, desperately crooning lullabies to (hopefully!) speed up the process. But as I sang over our children night after night, something amazing happened: It deepened my bond of love and delight for them in ways I had never dreamed. 

    Did you know Scripture describes our heavenly…

    “A Surprise In The Wilderness”

    From Genesis through Revelation, the Bible tells one overarching story and the main hero is Jesus Christ. Today on Discover the Word, the team explains how the tabernacle in the Old Testament pointed to the peace of God that would come through Jesus. Pull up a chair as the group concludes their study of “A […]

    Live A Life With Peace And Blessings

    Following God with your whole heart may not be an easy task, but it is a rewarding one. Today on Discover the Word, the team will discuss the peace and blessing that become ours when we fully commit our lives to a God who is fully committed to us. Discover the eye-opening connection between the […]