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    Come and Get It!

    I peeked over the grape-stake fence that encloses our backyard. There, I saw folks running, jogging, walking, shuffling around the track that surrounds the park behind our home. I used to do that when I was stronger, I thought. And a wave of dissatisfaction washed over me.

    Later, while reading the Scriptures, I came across Isaiah 55:1, “Come, all you who are thirsty,” and I realized again that dissatisfaction (thirst) is the rule, not the exception in this life. Nothing, not even the good things of life can fully satisfy. If I had strong legs like a Sherpa (mountain-climbing guide), there would…

    In the Moment

    The ambulance door was about to close—with me on the inside. Outside, my son was on the phone to my wife. From my concussed fog, I called his name. As he recalls the moment, I slowly said, “Tell your mom I love her very much.”

    Apparently I thought this might be goodbye, and I wanted those to be my parting words. In the moment, that’s what mattered most to me.

    As Jesus endured His darkest moment, He didn’t merely tell us He loved us; He showed it in specific ways. He showed it to the mocking soldiers who had just nailed Him…

    Flourishing Like a Flower

    My youngest grandson is only two months old, yet every time I see him I notice little changes. A few weeks ago as I cooed to him, he looked up at me and smiled! And suddenly I began crying. Perhaps it was joy mixed with remembering my own children’s first smiles, which I witnessed so long ago, and yet it feels like just yesterday. Some moments are like that—inexplicable.  

    In Psalm 103, David penned a poetic song that praised God while also reflecting on how quickly the joyful moments of our lives pass by: “The life of mortals is like…

    Unexplainable Love

    Our small church decided to surprise my son on his sixth birthday. The people in our church decorated his Sunday school class with balloons and set up a small table with a cake on it. When my son opened the door, everyone shouted, “Happy birthday!”

    Later on, as I was cutting the cake, my son came over and whispered in my ear, “Mom, why does everyone here love me?” I had the same question. These people had known us for only six months but were treating us as long-time friends.

    Their love for my son reflected God’s love for us. We can’t…

    Surrounded by God

    In a busy airport, a young mother struggled alone. Her toddler was in full tantrum mode—screaming, kicking, and refusing to board their plane. Overwhelmed and heavily pregnant, the burdened young mother finally gave up, sinking to the floor in frustration, covering her face, and starting to sob.

    Suddenly six or seven women travelers, all strangers, formed a circle around the young mother and her child—sharing snacks, water, gentle hugs, and even a nursery song. Their loving circle calmed the mother and child, who then boarded their plane. The other women then returned to their seats, not needing to discuss what they…

    Hand Made for You

    My grandmother was a talented seamstress who won contests in her native Texas. Throughout my life, she celebrated hallmark occasions with a hand-sewn gift. A burgundy mohair sweater for my high-school graduation. A turquoise quilt for my marriage. I’d fold over a corner of each custom-crafted item to discover her signature tag reading, “Handmade for you by Munna.” With every embroidered word, I sensed my grandmother’s love for me and received a powerful statement of her faith in my future.

    Paul wrote to the Ephesians of their purpose in this world, describing them as “God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to…

    Life Beyond Compare

    In a TV program, adults posed as high school students to better understand the lives of young people. They discovered that social media plays a central role in how students measured their self-worth. One participant observed, “[The students’] self-value is attached to social media—it’s dependent on how many ‘likes’ they get on a photo.” This need for being accepted by others can drive young people to extreme behavior online.

    Our longing for being accepted by others can be seen throughout the ages. In Genesis 29, Leah understandbly yearns for the love of her husband Jacob. It’s reflected in the name of…

    Worshiping God When Going Through The Storm

    It’s much easier to praise God when life is smooth sailing than when you’re in the throes of a storm. Today on Discover the Word, we look at the time when Jonah found himself in the belly of a fish, but surprisingly still chose to worship God. We’ll save you a seat at the table today for Discover the […]

    How Do You Respond To The Storms Of Life?

    Sometimes the storms of life are enough to bring us to our knees! And today on Discover the Word, the team will discuss the great storm that came upon Jonah’s boat at sea. They were sure they were going down. But this series is called “Surprise!” so discover the crew’s surprising response to a life-threatening storm […]

    Does God Hear Us When We Pray?

    When in trouble, even the staunchest unbelievers resort to prayer. Today on Discover the Word, the team looks at the time when the ship Jonah was on got caught in a terrible storm and the crew begged Jonah to pray on their behalf. Does God hear us when we pray? Be part of the group today […]

    Loving Our Enemies

    The Bible teaches that we’re to love our enemies. Simply avoiding them isn’t enough! Today on Discover the Word, the team looks at the time when God told Jonah to go to an enemy of Israel and Jonah wasn’t exactly on board! Join us for another fascinating discussion, today on Discover the Word!

    The Fantastic Tale Of Jonah

    The story of Jonah is one of the most fantastic tales in the Bible. But could such a bizarre story really be true? Today on Discover the Word, the team will discuss whether Jonah was a historical person and whether his encounter with a great fish really took place. Was Jonah a real dude? Join the group […]

    Seen by God

    My first pair of eyeglasses opened my eyes to a bold world. I’m nearsighted, meaning objects close up are sharp and defined. Without my glasses, however, items across a room or in the distance are a blur. At age twelve, with my first pair of eyeglasses, I was shocked to see clearer words on blackboards, tiny leaves on trees and, perhaps most important, big smiles on faces.

    As friends smiled back when I greeted them, I learned that to be seen was as great a gift as the blessing of seeing.

    The slave Hagar realized that as she fled from her mistress…

    All I Can See

    Krista stood in the freezing cold on a winter day, looking at the beautiful snow-encased lighthouse along the lake. As she pulled out her phone to take pictures, her glasses fogged over. She couldn’t see a thing so she decided to point her camera toward the lighthouse and snapped three pictures at different angles. Looking at them later, she realized the camera had been set to take “selfies.” She laughed as she said, “My focus was me, me, and me. All I saw was me.” Krista’s photos got me thinking of a similar mistake: We can become so self-focused we…

    Worshiping with Questions

    It’s not uncommon during a long (or short!) trip for someone in a group of travelers to ask, “Are we there yet?” or “How much longer?” Who hasn’t heard these universal queries coming from the lips of children and adults eager to arrive at their destination? But people of all ages are also prone to ask similar questions when wearied because of life challenges that never seem to cease.

    Such was the case with David in Psalm 13. Four times in two verses, David—who felt forgotten, forsaken, and defeated—lamented “How long?” “How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long…