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Elisha’s miracle of displaying God’s mercy
It’s Christmas—a time when we sing about the three kings who came to worship Jesus. But today on “Discover the Word,” we’re going to discuss three kings of Israel who are not worth singing about—kings who worshiped pagan idols, yet still believed God would give them victory over their enemy, Moab. So why would Elisha perform a miracle displaying God’s mercy to them?
Important lessons for our own lives
You’re invited to join the group today on “Discover the Word” as we explore a few Bible stories about water. John baptizing Jesus . . . Moses turning bitter waters into sweet . . . Christ at the well with the Samaritan woman . . . and the prophet Elisha purifying the waters of Jericho. It’s a theme that has important lessons for our own lives.
Discover how Elisha fills the shoes of his mentor
Today on “Discover the Word,” we will uncover another “Left Behind” story in the Bible. When the prophet Elijah was taken to heaven, caught up in a whirlwind, he left a very distressed Elisha. Elijah was his mentor, his friend, and his father in the faith. How could Elisha fill those shoes? Be part of the conversation today on “Discover the Word”!
3 Steps to Take When You Face a Problem
“Why is the bus taking so long to arrive?” “Why didn’t I charge my phone last night?” Have you ever noticed how we can get so bothered by the smallest of problems?
Safe in His Arms
I sat next to my daughter’s bed in a recovery room after she had undergone surgery. When her eyes fluttered open, she realized she was uncomfortable and started to cry. I tried to reassure her by stroking her arm, but she only became more upset. With help from a nurse, I moved her from the bed and onto my lap. I brushed tears from her cheeks and reminded her that she would eventually feel better.
Through Isaiah, God told the Israelites, “As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you” (Isa. 66:13). God promised to give His children peace…
Pruning the vine
Today on “Discover the Word,” special guest Margaret Feinberg helps center our discussion on what Jesus actually meant when He talked about “pruning the vine.” Instead of whacking the vines with a machete, the vinedresser trims the vine gently, branch by branch. We continue our fascinating conversations about the agrarian images used in the Bible as Margaret tells us about time she spent with a vintner learning about “the fruit of the vine.”
Charity Island
Charity Island is the largest island in Saginaw Bay in the Michigan waters of Lake Huron. For many years the island has provided a lighthouse for navigational aid and a safe harbor for those sailing these waters. The island received its name because sailors believed it was there “through the charity of God.”
Sometimes in life we have to navigate through seas of troubling circumstances. Like those sailors we need guidance and a place of safety; we might wish for our own Charity Island. The psalmist understood that God is the one who can bring tranquility to troubled waters and guide…
How do we see the coming King?
In verse four of Psalm 24 we’re told that only those with “clean hands” and a pure heart “qualify” to ascend to God’s holy hill. But who can possibly meet that standard? The answer is . . . no one. Today on “Discover the Word,” we will talk about how David could not completely see the coming King as we see Him now. It’s because of Christ’s sacrifice that our hearts have been washed cleaned!
Spending your life in a holding pattern?
Today on “Discover the Word,” we will talk about how we often spend our time thinking about the “not yet” at the expense of the “already here.” In the spiritual sense, many believers view life as what they’ve got to get through to go to heaven. They in many ways spend their lives in a holding pattern. But in Psalm 23 we’re told that His goodness and mercy will follow us each and every day of our lives.
How to draw closer to Jesus
Today on “Discover the Word,” we will discuss how we all spend time in the valley of the shadow of death, be it through the loss of a loved one or our own ticking life clock. Yet in the midst of our mortality we can still “fear no evil.” We won’t always be kept from evil, but as we draw closer to Jesus, the Good Shepherd will help us go through that valley with our souls securely intact. That’s today on “Discover the Word”!
Jesus restores and cares for you and me
Psalm 23 begins by using sheep to illustrate the Good Shepherd’s tender care for us. But then David goes beyond the basics and into the deep recesses of the soul. Today on “Discover the Word,” we will talk about the meaning behind the words, “He restores my soul and guides me in the paths of righteousness.” During those times when we’re tired, anxious, or upset, Jesus gives us a restored sense of peace and rest. That’s today on “Discover the Word.”
Trusting the Good Shepherd
New parents realize their inadequacies to truly provide for and protect their children. They sometimes feel a bit helpless in the face of outside dangers and influences. Today on “Discover the Word,” we will discuss God’s tender, fatherly care for us as depicted in Psalm 23. A good shepherd leads his flock to “green pastures” and “still waters,” where they’ll be safe. Can you trust the Good Shepherd to lead you into peace and safety and provide for your needs?
For This I Have Jesus
There is rarely a problem-free season in our lives, but sometimes the onslaught is terrifying.
Rose saw her entire family, except for her two little daughters, slaughtered in the Rwandan Genocide of 1994. Now she is a widow among many widows with little money. But she refuses to be defeated. She has adopted two orphans and simply trusts God to provide for the food and school fees for her family of five. She translates Christian literature into the local language and organizes an annual conference for other widows. Rose wept as she told me her story. But for every problem in…
God as both Redeemer and Restorer
God is both a Redeemer and a Restorer. While we can sometimes find it difficult to believe that anything good can come from the horrific, it’s God’s desire to take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it around for good. And in the midst of a crisis, it’s critical to surround yourself with those who share that same hope.
When I Thought God Didn’t Care
It was one of the most distressing periods of my life. I was midway through my medical internship in the hospital’s surgery department, in a town I had never set foot in before.