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My Help!
For decades the renowned Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir has blessed multitudes through their soul-refreshing gospel songs. One example is their recording from Psalm 121 titled “My Help.”
Psalm 121 begins with a personal confession of faith in the Lord who brought all things into existence, and He was the source of the psalmist’s help (vv. 1–2). Just what did this mean? Stability (v. 3), around-the-clock care (3-4), constant presence and protection (vv. 5–6), and preservation from all kinds of evil for time and eternity (vv. 7–8).
Taking their cues from Scripture, God’s people through the ages have identified the Lord as their source…
Knowing and Loving
“Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so” is the message of one of Christian music’s most enduring songs, particularly for children. Written by Anna B. Warner in the 1800s, this lyric tenderly affirms our relationship with Him—we are loved.
Someone gave my wife a plaque for our home that gives these words a fresh twist by flipping that simple idea. It reads, “Jesus knows me, this I love.” This provides a different perspective on our relationship with Him—we are known.
In ancient Israel, loving and knowing the sheep distinguished a true shepherd from a hired hand. The shepherd…
Does God Care About the Ordinary?
We all know God can do mighty miracles. But have you ever wondered or doubted if God was interested in everyday affairs? In my case, God answered me in a way that I will never forget.
Stones of Remembrance
Some mornings when I go online, Facebook shows me “memories”—things I’ve posted on that day in previous years. These memories, such as photos from my brother’s wedding or a video of my daughter playing with my grandmother, usually make me smile. But sometimes they have a more profound emotional effect. When I see a note about a visit to my brother-in-law during his chemo or a picture of the staples across my mother’s scalp after her brain surgery three years ago, I am reminded of God’s faithful presence during difficult circumstances. These Facebook memories nudge me towards prayer and gratitude.
Tasting God’s Grace Through Unexpected Challenges
The year 2017 has been a rollercoaster for me. There have been plenty of ups but also plenty of downs and unexpected twists and turns along the way.
2017: The Year My Resolutions Failed Spectacularly
I’ve had years in which I did not meet my new year resolutions, but never a year in which I failed in my resolutions as spectacularly as I did this past year.
What on Earth?
When Andrew Cheatle lost his cellphone at the beach, he thought it was gone forever. About a week later, however, fisherman Glen Kerley called him. He had pulled Cheatle’s phone, still functional after it dried, out of a 25-pound cod.
Life is full of odd stories, and we find more than a few of them in the Bible. One day tax collectors came to Peter demanding to know, “Doesn’t your teacher pay the temple tax?” (Matt. 17:24). Jesus turned the situation into a teaching moment. He wanted Peter to understand His role as king. Taxes weren’t collected from the children of…
With God’s Help
As I’ve grown older, I’ve noticed more joint pain, especially when cold weather hits. Some days, I feel less like a conqueror and more like someone conquered by the challenges of becoming a senior citizen.
That’s why my hero is an older man named Caleb—the former spy sent by Moses to scout out Canaan, the Promised Land (Num. 13–14). After the other spies gave an unfavorable report, Caleb and Joshua were the only spies out of the twelve whom God favored to enter Canaan. Now, in Joshua 14, the time for Caleb to receive his portion of land had come. But…
God is able to keep us from stumbling
The older we get, the more concerned we become about stumbling and falling. A fall can be a real game changer for us, and for our loved ones. But falling physically is not the only way we can stumble. And today on Discover the Word, we’ll conclude the week-long series titled “God Is Able,” by […]
God’s plans for your life exceed far beyond what you can imagine
Have you ever met a child with a particularly vivid imagination? Well, today, the Discover the Word team will help you understand what God is able to do in your life and that His plans exceed anything we could ever come up with! We can’t even imagine. Expand your vision of what God is able […]
How firm is your foundation in Christ?
This week on Discover the Word, the group is exploring with you several things the Bible says God is able to do. And there’s a verse in Paul’s New Testament letter to the Romans that says that “God is able to establish you.” Discover how firm and secure your foundation is in Christ when you pull […]
Living out your faith without knowing the outcome
Saying you trust God is one thing, but living it out is something else entirely. Today on Discover the Word, we’ll explore how three young men expressed their faith in God, even when they didn’t know what the outcome would be. Grow your faith in the fact that “God Is Able” today on Discover the […]
Knowing the God who created the universe
Some people believe that God does exist, but that He’s simply “unknowable.” However, according to Scripture, we can truly know the God who created the universe! Today on Discover the Word, the team begins a week of conversations about how willing and able God is to sustain us in every season of life. “God Is Able” is […]
Solution to Forgetfulness: A Pile of Stones
Because I’m forgetful, I made a pile of stones and put them in my living room. I was inspired by a kind woman named Terri Carter whom I’ve met only once in my life.
Second Chances
“How can you be so kind if you don’t even know me!”
By making the wrong decisions, Linda had ended up in jail in a country not her own. For six years she remained in prison, and when she was set free she didn’t have anywhere to go. She thought her life was over! While her family gathered money to buy her ticket home, a kind couple offered her lodging, food, and a helping hand. Linda was so touched by their kindness that she willingly listened as they told her the good news of a God who loves her and wants…