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    How Jesus came to rescue people

    Do you like snakes? Well, today on “Discover the Word,” we will talk about how Jesus referenced the story of Moses “lifting up the serpent” in the wilderness. Are you familiar with that story? See an amazing connection that points to how Jesus came to rescue people “snake bitten” by sin.

    How to Be Perfect

    Christmas is the time of year when the pressure to be perfect intensifies. We imagine the perfect celebration and then put forth our best effort to make it happen. We shop for the perfect gifts. We plan the perfect Christmas Day meal. We choose the perfect greeting cards or write the perfect family letter. But our striving leads to discouragement and disappointment when our ability to imagine perfection exceeds our ability to implement it. The carefully chosen gift receives only a halfhearted thank you. Part of the meal is overcooked. We find a typo in our Christmas greeting after we’ve…

    Has Christmas Been Tamed?

    Whenever I see advertisements about clothing, cosmetics, or electronic items which use Christmas to promote sales, I feel disturbed. I feel the same whenever I hear “Christmas songs” being played in department stores

    Living loved

    How often do we talk about doing good for others, but then never act on it? Today on “Discover the Word,” we will talk about how Mary of Bethany was a woman who “lived loved.” As a result she found the courage to step up at a pivotal moment in Christ’s life, giving Him comfort when He needed it the most. She did. “She Did What She Could” continues today on “Discover the Word”!

    After Such Horrific Attacks, what Hope is there?

    It’s hard to keep track of everything that has been said about Paris, Beirut, terrorism, and the state of our world in the past few days. So many perspectives have been raised, and so many emotions evoked.

    God With Us

    No matter what you face in life, the decisions you make determine the course of your journey. Where can you find clear direction to help you make wise choices? In God With Us, author Alice Mathews examines the decisions made by Eve and Mary that continue to impact the world from generation to generation. Discover from […]

    King of Glory!

    Today on “Discover the Word,” we will talk about what many popular and passionate modern worship songs communicate so beautifully, God is glorious! Even more, He’s the King of Glory. But who is the King of Glory? Quite simply, He’s Jesus! He’s the Lord Almighty, the Victorious and Conquering King. And one day our King will return to rule and reign in Jerusalem. And the whole earth will be filled with the knowledge of His glory.

    How do we see the coming King?

    In verse four of Psalm 24 we’re told that only those with “clean hands” and a pure heart “qualify” to ascend to God’s holy hill. But who can possibly meet that standard? The answer is . . . no one. Today on “Discover the Word,” we will talk about how David could not completely see the coming King as we see Him now. It’s because of Christ’s sacrifice that our hearts have been washed cleaned!

    Psalm 24: written about a King

    Psalm 24 is a song written by a king . . . David the king of Israel . . . about a king . . . Jesus, the King of Kings. And you’re invited to join us today on “Discover the Word” as we discuss this glorious psalm. In a constitutional republic, it’s hard to relate to the idea of a ruling monarch. But one day the King of Glory will descend to earth where He will reign over all mankind.

    Water and Life

    As Dave Mueller reached down and turned the handle, water rushed from the spigot into a blue bucket. Around him people applauded. They celebrated as they saw fresh, clean water flowing in their community for the first time. Having a clean source of water was about to change the lives of this group of people in Kenya.

    Dave and his wife, Joy, work hard to meet people’s needs by bringing them water. But they don’t stop with H2O. As they help bring people clean water, they also tell them about Jesus Christ.

    Two thousand years ago, a man named Jesus stood at…

    Spending your life in a holding pattern?

    Today on “Discover the Word,” we will talk about how we often spend our time thinking about the “not yet” at the expense of the “already here.” In the spiritual sense, many believers view life as what they’ve got to get through to go to heaven. They in many ways spend their lives in a holding pattern. But in Psalm 23 we’re told that His goodness and mercy will follow us each and every day of our lives.

    How to draw closer to Jesus

    Today on “Discover the Word,” we will discuss how we all spend time in the valley of the shadow of death, be it through the loss of a loved one or our own ticking life clock. Yet in the midst of our mortality we can still “fear no evil.” We won’t always be kept from evil, but as we draw closer to Jesus, the Good Shepherd will help us go through that valley with our souls securely intact. That’s today on “Discover the Word”!

    Jesus restores and cares for you and me

    Psalm 23 begins by using sheep to illustrate the Good Shepherd’s tender care for us. But then David goes beyond the basics and into the deep recesses of the soul. Today on “Discover the Word,” we will talk about the meaning behind the words, “He restores my soul and guides me in the paths of righteousness.” During those times when we’re tired, anxious, or upset, Jesus gives us a restored sense of peace and rest. That’s today on “Discover the Word.”

    Psalm 23 – for every season of life

    The 23rd Psalm—it’s one of the most familiar passages in the Bible, and you’re invited to join us as we look at the Scripture. Psalm 23 is often recited at funerals, but it’s not just for those who are grieving, it can provide the comfort of Jesus, the Good Shepherd, in every season of life. Listen on “Discover the Word”!

    A Message of Victory

    Today on “Discover the Word,” we will discuss the last verse of Psalm 22, where David ends his agonizing song about the suffering Messiah with a message of victory. The psalm concludes on a high note, “Posterity will serve Him; future generations will be told about the Lord. They will proclaim His righteousness to a people yet unborn, for He has done it!” The amazing way Psalm 22 describes a “suffering Savior”—listen today on “Discover the Word”!