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    His Resurrection Destiny

    Our Lord’s Cross is the gateway into His life. His resurrection means that He has the power to convey His life to me. When I was born again, I received the very life of the risen Lord from Jesus Himself.

    Christ’s resurrection destiny— His foreordained purpose— was to bring “many sons to glory” (Hebrews 2:10). The fulfilling of His destiny gives Him the right to make us sons and daughters of God. We never have exactly the same relationship to God that the Son of God has, but we are brought by the Son into the relation of sonship. When our Lord rose from the dead, He rose to an absolutely new life— a life He had never lived before He was God Incarnate.

    The Collision of God and Sin

    The Cross of Christ is the revealed truth of God’s judgment on sin. Never associate the idea of martyrdom with the Cross of Christ. It was the supreme triumph, and it shook the very foundations of hell. There is nothing in time or eternity more absolutely certain and irrefutable than what Jesus Christ accomplished on the Cross— He made it possible for the entire human race to be brought back into a right-standing relationship with God. He made redemption the foundation of human life; that is, He made a way for every person to have fellowship with God.

    The Cross was not something that happened to Jesus— He came to die; the Cross was His purpose in coming.

    It’s all about our motives

    How do you handle it when you don’t get the recognition you feel you deserve? Or when others receive credit for your efforts? Today on “Discover the Word,” we will talk about the difference in doing what we do to get recognition for ourselves or doing it for the glory of God. It’s all about our motives.

    Encountering the resurrected Christ

    Before his name was changed to Paul, Saul was a religious zealot bent on protecting Jewish law from the heretical influence of Christianity by persecuting—and even killing—Christians. Today on “Discover the Word,” we contrast the “before” and “after” of the apostle Paul. How exactly did his life change after encountering the resurrected Christ?

    Only by God’s grace

    What or who are you dependent on? Today on “Discover the Word,” we discuss what Paul meant when he said, “By the grace of God I am what I am.” The grace that rescued him from his former life as the chief persecutor of Christians was the same grace that he depended on each day. And that same grace is available to us! Join the discussion today on “Discover the Word”!

    When Jesus appeared to Saul

    For the apostle Paul, the resurrection of Jesus Christ was personal and humbling. Today on “Discover the Word,” we will discuss when Jesus appeared to Saul on the road to Damascus, and how it was more like Jesus appearing to Osama bin Laden rather than Billy Graham! Exaggeration? Well, be part of an insightful conversation today on “Discover the Word”!

    How has the resurrection changed your story?

    Imagine if God had given us a theological textbook instead of relatable stories on how people interact with God. Today on “Discover the Word,” we begin a study called, “The Impact of the Resurrection.” The resurrection of Jesus changed the stories of so many people we read about in Scripture, including the apostle Paul. Join the study today on “Discover the Word”!

    Poem: Third Day

    A thousand years our eyes may see;
    Still none lived like Him of Galilee.
    Centuries cannot compare
    To the seconds of His single tear.

    Three-Word Obituary

    Before Stig Kernell died, he told the local funeral home that he didn’t want a traditional obituary. Instead, the Swedish man instructed them to publish only three words noting his passing: “I am dead.” When Mr. Kernell died at age 92, that’s exactly what appeared. The audacity and simplicity of his unusual death notice captured the attention of newspapers around the world. In a strange twist, the international curiosity about the man with the three-word obituary caused more attention to his death than he intended.

    When Jesus was crucified, the Lord’s obituary could have read, “He is dead.” But after 3…

    The Cross and the Crown

    Westminster Abbey in London has a rich historical background. In the 10th century, Benedictine monks began a tradition of daily worship there that still continues today. The Abbey is also the burial place of many famous people, and every English monarch since ad 1066 has been crowned at the Abbey. In fact, 17 of those monarchs are also buried there—their rule ending where it began.

    No matter how grandiose their burial, world rulers rise and fall; they live and die. But another king, Jesus, though once dead, is no longer buried. In His first coming, Jesus was crowned with thorns and…

    What if God was “A Bowl of Ice Cream”?

    Of all the presents I received for my eighth birthday—coloring books, fancy stationery, and toys— the children’s Bible was the best gift. I recall racing through Genesis to Jude, but staying away from Revelation because I did not like thinking about the End Times.

    Ripples of Hope

    In 1966, U.S. Senator Robert Kennedy made an influential visit to South Africa. There he offered words of hope to opponents of apartheid in his famous “Ripple of Hope” speech at the University of Cape Town. In his speech, he declared, “Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”



    Discover how you can strengthen your faith and trust in God, even in the midst of challenging times.

    Are There Superhumans In This World?

    A YouTube video titled “Stan Lee’s Superhuman Super Samurai” caught my attention recently. Having been trained in Japanese martial arts myself, I was curious to find out what this super samurai, Isao Machii, could do. True to the video’s claim that he possessed superhuman ability to slice through the smallest objects with incredible speed and […]

    Finding hope in the midst of discouragement

    Life can be disappointing at times. So where do we turn for hope? Today on “Discover the Word,” we consider our only true source of hope during dark times: the encouragement of Jesus’ resurrection!