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A challenging conversation between Jesus and a rich young man
Issues with money can break up a marriage, corrupt good character, and make us miss out on the true blessings God has for us. Discover biblical principles for your finances.
Discover the wise financial advice Jesus gave His followers
Whether it’s a fire, thieves, or a stock market crash, our earthly wealth can be destroyed in an instant. That’s why Jesus encourages us to put our treasure somewhere truly safe! Hear timely teaching from the Sermon on the Mount.
Leading From The Front
Stephen Ambrose’s book Band of Brothers follows the US Army’s Easy Company from training in Georgia through the Normandy Invasion of D-Day (June 6, 1944) and ultimately to the end of World War II in Europe.
More Than Information
How is behavior altered? In his book The Social Animal, David Brooks notes that some experts have said people just need to be taught the long-term risks of bad behavior. For example, he writes: “Smoking can lead to cancer. Adultery destroys families, and lying destroys trust. The assumption was that once you reminded people of the foolishness of their behavior, they would be motivated to stop. Both reason and will are obviously important in making moral decisions and exercising self-control. But neither of these character models has proven very effective.” In other words, information alone is not powerful enough to transform behavior.
Fickle Followers
How quickly public opinion can change! When Jesus entered Jerusalem for the Passover feast, He was welcomed by crowds cheering to have Him made king (John 12:13). But by the end of the week, the crowds were demanding that He be crucified (19:15).
A fresh perspective on the story of the Good Samaritan
In Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan, we tend to point a finger at those who passed by the wounded man. But what if they had good reason to look the other way?
True Sacrifice
Eric was one of the good guys. As a police officer, he saw his work as service to his community and was fully committed to serving at all costs. Evidence of this desire was seen on the door of Eric’s locker at the police station, where he posted John 15:13.
Find out why the spirit of the Law is so critical, and why the letter of the Law isn’t enough by itself
Jesus’ teaching on the law goes beyond practical dos and don’ts of good behavior. Ultimately, the spirit of the law addresses the motivations of our hearts.
Star Shepherd
In the spring, shepherds in Idaho move their flocks from the lowlands into the mountains. Thousands of sheep move up the passes into the high country to summer pasture.
Is God’s Law a standard that can’t be met, or a goal worth striving toward?
When it comes to understanding the role the Ten Commandments play in our lives, there are two distinct perspectives. Fresh perspective for your day.
How the Ten Commandments point us to Christ
Some may think the Ten Commandments are archaic rules that don’t apply to our lives today. Discover how the commandments are an integral part of the bigger picture of God’s work through history, and ultimately point us to Christ.
All That Is Precious
Throughout my life, I’ve accumulated a lot of stuff. I have boxes of things that at one time were important but over time have lost their intrigue. And, as an unrepentant collector, I’ve realized that the thrill is in searching for and acquiring a new piece to add to the collection. Then my attention turns toward the hunt for the next item.
What If It’s True? Examining Four Important Spiritual Questions
To an unbeliever, the claims of Christianity can sometimes sound too good to be true, especially when searching for answers to situations in life. In this booklet, author Bill Crowder examines questions many have concerning the validity of Jesus, the Bible,
Religion Or Christ: What’s The Difference?
Following the rules of religious practices can identify you as a leader among men; however, submitting to Christ will give you favor with God. This study of Jesus’ confrontations with the Pharisees will help you see the significance of a relationship with Christ and the inadequacy of performance-based religion. Und
The Amazing Names of the Messiah
Names have a way of bringing meaning and trust to relationships—most importantly your relationship with God. In this booklet, author Bill Crowder studies the meaning and significance of the names “Wonderful Counselor,” “Mighty God,” “Everlasting Father,” and “Prince of Peace,” as recorded in Isaiah 9:6. Gain a deeper understanding of who God is and why He deserves your trust.