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    Let’s look to James chapter 2 for guidance on responding to pain with compassion

    When a friend or loved one is going through intense grief it can be difficult to find the right words to say, and the best time to say them.

    The Gift Of Light

    Sir Christopher Wren designed and built more than 50 church buildings in London during the late 1600s. His design style had two prominent features—the first of which was sturdy, tall steeples. The second, however, was more profound. Wren was convinced that all of the windows in his churches must use clear glass as opposed to the stained glass so popular in churches of that era. In part, his reason for the clear glass is found in words attributed to him: “God’s greatest gift to man is light.” Allowing light to bathe people as they worshiped was, to Wren, a celebration of that gift.

    Slack Tide

    I find it fascinating to consider the pull of the moon on our great oceans, which creates high and low tides. At the changing of the tide, there is a brief period of time called “slack tide” when the water is neither high nor low. According to scientists, this is when the water is “unstressed.” It is a quiet pause before the surging of tidal flow begins again.

    The Blessed Hope

    So many predictions of the end of the world have come and gone. Those predictions are unsettling and often fill people with fear. Yet the Bible does refer to a time called “the day of the Lord” when He will return. It will happen, but only God knows when.

    The Power Of Compassion

    Francis Schaeffer, author and Christian apologist, struggled to spell words correctly because of dyslexia. At the college he attended, spelling errors lowered the grade on all written assignments. During his first year, a professor told Schaeffer, “This is the best philosophy paper I’ve ever read, but it’s the worst spelling. What am I going to do? I can’t pass you.”

    That’s Jesus!

    As a Jewish kid growing up in New York, Michael Brown had no interest in spiritual things. His life revolved around being a drummer for a band, and he got mixed up with drugs. But then some friends invited him to church, where he found the love and prayers of the people to be irresistible. After a short spiritual struggle, Michael trusted Jesus as Savior.

    Jesus’ teaching about having a right perspective in our hearts

    We say things like, “I’m as hungry as a horse,” or “He’s my knight in shining armor.” These word pictures help get our point across.

    A word picture Jesus used in His Sermon on the Mount that may cause confusion for modern-day readers

    Have you ever run across a metaphor in the Bible and thought, “Now what does that mean?”

    Flight Simulator

    When airplane pilots are training, they spend many hours in flight simulators. These simulators give the students a chance to experience the challenges and dangers of flying an aircraft—but without the risk. The pilots don’t have to leave the ground, and if they crash in the simulation, they can calmly walk away.

    Water Problems

    Our church family was excited to see work begin on our new sanctuary. Each Sunday we eagerly looked at the big hole in the ground. But progress seemed slow.

    It all came down to water. Too much in one place and not enough in another. An underground spring was one problem.

    Let’s take an honest look at what Jesus had to say about money and possessions

    Some people claim that God wants everyone to be rich, healthy, and happy. But a closer look at Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount shows that assumption is off base.

    A challenging conversation about how treasure has the undivided attention of our heart

    A winning lottery ticket. An overflowing bank account. A healthy stock portfolio. We tend to think of “treasure” in monetary values. Treasure can include anything that has the undivided attention of our heart!

    The relationship between our heart and the things we treasure

    We might say we love our car. But if we don’t spend the time and money necessary to maintain it, is it really a priority? An insightful dialogue from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.

    Are earthly treasures worth the cost?

    Savvy business owners rely on a cost-to-benefit ratio to make a profit. If the rewards of a certain investment don’t exceed the costs, it’s just not worth it! Let's put that same principle to work for our spiritual investments.

    Let’s study what Jesus said about money, possessions, and eternity

    We could spend our whole life amassing great wealth and building up our possessions. But is that a good investment for the future? Let's study Jesus' conversation with a rich young man. A profound look at what matters most.